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Minoru didn't know how to react to that. His blush returned in full force at the contact and his spine stiffened as he stood entirely straight. "Y-yes, ma'am, he stated. His legs started to move on their own, heading to the residential area of the campus.

"Sorry if it isn't that clean. Its kinda small," he stated. "I live there by myself."
Minoru didn't know how to react to that. His blush returned in full force at the contact and his spine stiffened as he stood entirely straight. "Y-yes, ma'am, he stated. His legs started to move on their own, heading to the residential area of the campus.

"Sorry if it isn't that clean. Its kinda small," he stated. "I live there by myself."
Minoru looked confused for a moment, but then blushed slightly and turned away from her. "Well...uh...I guess my place. I don't want to impose on you. You've already done a lot for me," he explained. "I don't know, though. I don't want to cause more problems for you. I...uh...should be able to handle myself." He didn't sound very confident in that. Truth was, though, he wasn't sure how appropriate it was. He hadn't really had friends come to his room that often, let alone women...or a strange woman that could break glass with her voice, for that matter. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He knew he might feel a little awkward himself, having an attractive woman over.

If she insisted, though, there was nothing for it. It was her choice whether she thought she should stay close to him or not.
Minoru looked confused for a moment, but then blushed slightly and turned away from her. "Well...uh...I guess my place. I don't want to impose on you. You've already done a lot for me," he explained. "I don't know, though. I don't want to cause more problems for you. I...uh...should be able to handle myself." He didn't sound very confident in that. Truth was, though, he wasn't sure how appropriate it was. He hadn't really had friends come to his room that often, let alone women...or a strange woman that could break glass with her voice, for that matter. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He knew he might feel a little awkward himself, having an attractive woman over.

If she insisted, though, there was nothing for it. It was her choice whether she thought she should stay close to him or not.
Minoru looked confused for a moment, but then his eyes lit up with understanding, nodding. "So...that guy's part of Homura? I heard about them. Though, I thought it was just rumors that they had...powers..." He looked back towards the entrance to the school and shook his head. "Either way, why would they want me? They're usually fighting those police guys." He scratched the back of his head, trying to think it over. It was true, it was rare for Homura to fight outsiders without reason. Usually, it had to do with wronging someone they looked out for or being involved with the special police force.

After a moment, he gave a shrug, not seeming too worried. "Well, whatever. No point worrying about it. I'll just try to avoid it," he said with a smile.
Minoru scratched the back of his head and gave a nod. He darted down the hallway, heading through the door at the end. Once she was through as well, he started down the stairs. "This is a maintenance passage. It gets us out without having to go through the whole security check," he explained with a small grin. "I forget my I.D. a lot. So I need to use this way sometimes." He kept moving quickly, getting to the bottom of the stairs and opening the door through.

As the two came out into the entrance way, he started out across the main campus, heading towards the one bridge that led in and out of the school's campus. The school itself sat on an island, slightly off from the main city. "Uh...well, I could walk you back to your house...I think I'd rather be in town than around that psycho anyway..." He gave a nervous grin, scratching the back of his head again. He didn't really know what was going on. He had no idea what was the right procedure to go through after being attacked by that guy.
Minoru didn't know what to think. First the flames came from the skateboard and then...this girl made a shockwave? What the hell was going on here? As he ran behind the girl, he glanced back towards the skater and realized that he...wasn't there?

Letting out a breath he had been holding, he skid to a stop, pulling after the girl who had saved him to make her go down a side hallway with him. He knew the school floor plan like the back of his hand. He knew where to go to hide away from others and how to get in an out without using that annoying identification system at the gate. He just had to create some distance from the boy who had been chasing him. He'd figure things out from there.

Though, now he had a companion. A terrifyingly powerful companion, at that. He hadn't seen powers like that before. He didn't really know how to process it. Smiling at his savior, though, he tried to fight down his uneasy feeling. "Th-thank you for saving me..." he said softly. Then he realized he was still holding on to her hand, trying to pull her along with him so she wouldn't get left behind. He let go quickly, scratching the back of his head. "I don't really know what's going on here. I know a way out of the school, though. Are...you planning to come with me? That guy seemed kind of strong..."
Minoru didn't know what was going on. He heard the loud shriek, though, and the boy chasing him felt it. His skateboard wavered before he tried to skid to a stop, loosing his footing and falling off, the skateboard clattering away from him.

“God damn it!” he growled. “What the hell are you doing, getting in our way?”

Minoru had stopped, turning back to face the unlikely pair. The woman seemed to be a bit taller than the boy and, if he was honest, was quite pretty. Truthfully, he wasn't sure how he felt about seeing this woman about to fight the younger boy. Instinctively, he wanted to step in. He knew he'd be no use against this one, though. He'd seen people like him in the city before. Not just that, his crimson red jacket and red bandana signaled him as one of Homura, the local gang that terrorized the town.

After a moment, his decision was made. He wasn't moving down the hall anymore, he was moving towards her. Grabbing her wrist, he tugged her in his direction. “Come on, you shouldn't fight him,” he said, trying to get her to come with him.

The boy saw his chance at this. Dashing forward, he grabbed his skateboard as he went, jumping back on and shooting at the two with a surprising amount of speed. As he was closing the distance, though, he skid to a stop, hopping up and letting an odd red energy spew from the end of his skateboard, almost like flames. They lashed out, racing towards the two of them.
“Minoru-san?” a voice thin as ice said threateningly.
The only response he got was a louder snore from the young boy at the back of the classroom. This caused a small commotion in the class, stifled giggles coming from his classmates. The tall man at the head walked down the row of desks, coming to Minoru's in only a few short strides. He stood over the boy for a few moments, the young student snoring away peacefully, completely oblivious.
He was woken with a start as his teacher's hand came down on the table hard. “Minoru-san!” he shouted, the white haired boy sitting up quickly, unaware of the thin line of drool at the edge of his mouth. “I'm glad to see you're back with us. Now, could I continue on with my lecture? Without distractions?”
Minoru smiled sheepishly at the man. “Of course, sorry,” he replied happily. Though, as the teacher walked away, it didn't take long for the boy to slowly drift off back to sleep.
Which was what brought Minoru to the present, walking down the long hallway towards the headmaster's office. Unlike most school's, his was fairly lenient with him so far. This happened at least once a week for him, but he never got more than a light scolding from the headmaster. His grades proved a scolding to be unneeded.
However, today was a little unusual. For once, he wasn't the only one in the hallway. On top of that...well, the only other person in sight was positioned on a skateboard, something not typically allowed in the hallways of the school. “Finally found you...” the boy growled.
“...Er...do I know you?” the boy asked hesitantly. He didn't really get an answer, though. The boy was already skating towards him, jumping his board up just as he got close to try and clip Minoru in the head. Thankfully, his reflexes weren't that bad, diving to the side quickly and turning back to face his attacker. “Woah, what did I do to you!?”
“Don't act like you don't know!” the other boy growled, charging once again. This time, he saw the faint red spark bursting from the wheels of his skateboard. That...couldn't be good...
Minoru quickly turned around and ran, sprinting down the hall as fast as his legs could carry him.
Name: Minoru

Age: 17

Will put more up for character in a little bit.
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