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I'll try to answer since tsukune won't be on for a bit yet, I'm pretty sure.

I think the way we figure unique weapons would be relevant to your specific world. We discussed that the world is unique to the specific character or characters trapped within. From discussing the way the worlds are meant to work, I would assume that the world would take what was in that person's specific world and keep it constant. If the worlds crossed over, there'd be multiple forms of the same weapon, depending on the game it comes from.

If tsukune wants to add to that, he can. We never talked about specific unique equipment. What we DID talk about in more depth was the other thing you brought up. The issue of multiple characters (Cid, Biggs, Wedge, etc) and multiple summons that remain constant throughout all the games. I'm pretty sure what we decided on that front was that the characters act by a kind of multiverse theory. They all exist the same with all their unique quirks that make them different from the others. Summons are a little bit less complicated than that. We treat them as ethereal beings on a different plane than the players. So they are still there and, for the purposes of the stories, I think they would appear in the specific worlds in the way those characters would normally have seen them.

I think tsukune can give a more definite answer than I can, but that's what I understood while talking to him. Just thought I'd answer since I'm pretty sure it's the dead of night where he is currently. xD
Hey. Sorry, didn't introduce myself to the thread earlier. I'm one of the co-GMs. It shouldn't be all too much longer. The GM has just been swamped with school the past few days and I was swamped with work, but we have most preparations for the OOC ready. So it should only be a few more days at most, I'd think. Thanks for being patient, guys.

Okay...okay...so the gun is lowered. That's a good sign. It might not be away yet, but at least she isn't pointing it at him. Maybe he wouldn't be killed today. Though, what else could he expect? Of course this would happen to him. He hated socializing and grew ever more nervous around women. So why wouldn't an attractive woman come brandishing a fricking rifle at him?

Wait a minute. What did she just say? Shit, he was too lost in thought. Something about an...Ashikabi? What the hell is that?

Given his internal dilemma, Hikari said the most intelligent thing he could come up with in this scenario. “Uh...uhm...” His eyes took on a different sort of fear. He wasn't so much scared of the gun anymore, but the situation was dawning on him. What the hell was he supposed to say to someone like this? “Wh-What's...an Ashikabi?”

~ ~ ~

#11 - Houkatori

Amidst the bustling airport, there was one woman the crowds seemed to part around. A constant sour frown marred the otherwise beautiful appearance of the pale, raven haired woman. Her aura just reeked of disdain. She hated where she was and she...well, she didn't hate the company she was with. Crimson eyes trailed up to eye the other girl before her. She had felt drawn to her for some time now...but she hated the context in which she had escaped her prison.

Their employers were paying for this escape. It was a false freedom meant to give them a false sense of security. There was sure to be someone lurking around the shadows, keeping an eye on the two. After all, what company discharges their employee for snooping around and then offers them a new residence?

“Yuki,” she spoke in a dry tone, about to speak her worries for at least the fifth time on this trip. “I don't trust this. We should be careful.”
It didn't take long for Hikari's face to heat up. His eyes took a look of confusion at the statement. The closeness made him uncomfortable. He opened his mouth and no words came out. The pounding in his chest was deafening.

Worse yet, though, was the gun pointed directly at him. “Wh-Who the hell are you?” he asked, raising his hands up to show he means no harm. “Y-You're too close.” He took a step back, trying to create some distance. He wasn't quite sure who this girl was. She was attractive, sure...but that just begged the question. Why him? Why was she talking to him?

“I don't know what you want from me...but can you put the gun down?” he asked softly, trying to calm his breathing heart beat down and fight off the burning in his face.
The dull thuds of the punching bag were all that was heard throughout the room, fists jabbing against it repeatedly. One-two. One-two. One-two. The pace was monotonous, but this constant practice was what helped him relax.

Being out and about didn't help him all that much when it came to relaxation. Every time he left the house, he had that constant, nagging fear that he was going to have some awkward situation happen to him. It didn't matter how large or small, it was why he struggled with socializing at all. The anxiety would always seize him. It was almost crippling to him, making him unable to react.

This, though, made things easier. It was a stress reliever. It cleared his mind, letting the anxiety melt away.

However, despite the help it gave him, he knew his time was coming to an end. It was getting late. He didn't want to overwork himself. Giving one final punch to the bag, he let out a light sight, reaching back up to his headphones. He pulled them away from his ears, leaving them to rest around his neck. Faintly, music could be heard blaring from them, but it wasn't anything that people would normally listen to when working out. It was violin music, upbeat in tone.

Reaching to his side, he grabbed his towel, bringing it to his face and wiping the sweat away. With that done, he reached into his pocket, pulling his phone out and shutting off the app for his music. He was hardly winded, the merciless pounding he gave the punching bag a light exercise at this point in his regiment.

Hikari didn't plan to do any more today, though. He made quick work of changing out of his black tank top and sweatpants, replacing it with his normal black slacks and white button up shirt. As he adjusted the tie, he scanned his bag, making sure he had packed everything back in there.

With that done, he left rather quickly from the gym, not wanting to talk to any of the regulars there. He only had one stop to make on his way home. He had to stop by the store to pick up more water for his house. After that, he would be free for the night to continue on with his business. He just wanted to get home with minimal interaction at this point, having finished what he set out to do.
>.> One up. Sorry, going slower than I expected. Got more work than I thought I did so might not get the other two up tonight. Also, no idea what's wrong with the hider thing on here. I can't hide the profile like I had the other ones.

I also don't know why my text appears green now. >.>

Yeah, sure. I think it should be based on personality over images, though. There could be humorous moments if one of them is more playful, for instances. Or it could simply be funny if there's an overly serious one with my character's anxiety issues. Based on the pictures/weapons, I think #49 or #77 would be the best fit. Both seem more tactical and I've established that my character isn't totally useless when it comes to close quarters combat. Along with that, I believe canon has established that power level is registered by number. While I don't usually use that as a holding point for how powerful any character can be, it makes sense to start with one of the higher numbers rather than one of those under #20.

What do you think?

Also, would you like to start with one of the Sekirei from the start? Being part of the government, I thought she might have been offered at least one to start her mission. If so, I was thinking of having that one not be the most compatible to start. Part of that whole thing where the person changes to fit the person she/he loves. I'll have the pictures up shortly. For powers, it's gonna be the same as I had previously mentioned, but I'm replacing shadow manipulation with fire manipulation.
The woman didn't respond initially, studying his face. She let out a sigh. "Bad liar too...agh, that son of a bitch," she grumbled under her breath. Shaking her head in dismay, she looked back at the two. "Yes, I'd advise staying away from him. He likes desperate pawns to do his dirty work. The pay is good, but we'll eventually meet again if you insist on associating with him. I'm letting you go for your ignorance, but...you don't know what that psychic bastard is capable of." She turned away. "Hopefully we won't have to meet again."

With that, she took a few steps before leaping up to an emergency escape, higher than most people would be able to jump. She swung up quickly, making her way to the rooftops in record time.
The woman seemed unimpressed by Jack's story, shaking her head. "That's the story for a lot of people here. Desperation. Backed into a corner. People love to take advantage of that sort of thing," she explained. Though, that really didn't need an explanation with the way things worked in the city. Even the country boy could see it. "Well, you certainly would be useless for the information I want. You're friend there outlived his uses. I already gave him his punishment." She began to turn away from the two, but paused briefly. "Just one more question. Most wouldn't hear from this fight ring normally. You've said you don't have much experience in fights, yet you defeated the champ. Were you in contact with a reporter, by any chance? William Gaines?"
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