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Nathe nodded. "A small part, perhaps, but yes," he agreed with a small smile. "I refer similarly to your people. My lost brethren...or my brethren of the forests. The elder I learned from would often speak in such a way. That's just my way of speaking, though. My people, as a whole, do not particularly care for that sentiment." He scratched the back of his head, unsure how this was going. He seemed to only have bad things to say about how the drow viewed the forest elves. It wasn't a lie, though, and he had stuck to the fact that he would no lie to Mel. If he could not trust them to try, why should they ever trust him?
Nathe looked at her in confusion for a few moments before understanding entered his eyes and he shook his head. "I'm sorry. You must not use the same terminology," he replied. "I call my people brothers and sisters. I have no one that I consider a blood related sibling. That I know of, anyway. Drow relationships aren't always the most faithful of things." He paused as he thought on that before shaking his head. "Besides, most relationships like that are seen as weak." He shrugged, looking over at her. "Sorry for the confusion."
So, I had an idea for a character I wanted to run by you. He's an ordinary human, but my thought was that he's a brawler who's learned to use Haki in an interesting way. He reinforces what he touches with his Haki, whether it's his own body or someone else's or another object entirely. I thought it might be a good idea for the next crew mate so we have a non-Devil's Fruit user. xD
"No, of course not," Nathe agreed with a small smile. "I did not mean to assume you trust me. I'm speaking from my brothers' point of view. They assume you've killed me, as they would you if the positions were reversed." He shrugged slightly before bowing his head. "I don't ask you to trust them or anything. I want you to simply give me a chance to change your mind on this. Let me show you that we aren't all monsters and, maybe, I'll have something to show them as a result. You have no reason to trust me or my people, just as we have no reason to trust you yet either. I'm just the stupid upstart that decided to throw caution to the wind and put all of my faith in at least one of you being as kind-hearted and understanding as the elder who taught me."
Nathe nodded, staying silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. After a few moments, he began. "I...my brethren never gave me permission for this quest I set out on," he admitted quietly, almost too quietly for even her to hear with her heightened hearing. "No one believes in an alliance with the elves, let alone reforming into one society. I don't know of any others that wish for peace with your people. Only the late elder and myself." He paused a moment, seeming to recall something that was still fresh, even painful. "I...voiced my opinions when he passed a week ago. I admitted to my research and revealed to them all I had learned of our shared pasts. They...did not really care for that. I was imprisoned. Our leader was to speak with me and have me executed. I managed to escape by swiping a key from one of my guards, but...well, I couldn't avoid all of the guards in my escape."

His hand instinctively trailed back to his wound, holding it lightly. "This was my reward for seeking peace. Kind of ironic, huh?" He smiled, despite the topic they were currently discussing. "They lost me in the woods. Well...really, I lost my way entirely in the woods. We don't know how to navigate forests. In the caverns, we have methods for tracking, but...above ground is a lot harder for us." He frowned a bit. "The only real consolation here is that they probably assume you've killed me at this point. Why would you trust a drow?"
Nathe tapped his pointed ear lightly as she seemed surprised that he had known. "I may live underground, but we have the same natural advantages that you all have," he replied. At her question, though, his smile faltered, unsure how to answer the question. There was too much riding on this whole thing to talk about the conflicts he faced on his way here...but she also seemed trustworthy in all of this. After all, wouldn't she be in trouble if she were found out to have lied to her leader?

After a moment, he let out a sigh. "If I tell you, it does not leave this room. Please," he said softly. "I am open about a lot of things concerning my people, but this...this, I don't want to get back to your leader. Not when I'm trying to establish a relationship with your people." He paused a moment to wait for her response, steeling himself to believe her regardless of her answer.
The young drow laughed at that. "I'm surprised those rumors reached this far. I don't know about a group of drow...but there was one. He was my teacher," Nathe explained with a fond smile on his face. "Taught me what he could of the way we lived when we were one race. Before the fall of Lord Inioch and Lady Elwyn. His memory is long and he was one of the brash fools who thought Elwyn was weak willed. Always used to tell me how old age had changed his perspective." He let out a small chuckle. "He told me that one of his last wishes were to see his tree dwelling brethren again. I took it upon myself to see that wish carried out through me instead." He offered a shrug as he finished his story. "That's a more detailed explanation of why I'm here, if it interests your superiors. I know they want you to find out about the drow from me."
Nathe nodded at her remark. "Sounds very formal and restrained, to me," he stated. "Nothing wrong with it. I'm just not used to it, really." He smiled a bit. "I guess it's lucky I had practice before coming up here. One of our elders was a big proponent for reaching out to the forest elves." The memory brought a smile to his face, one of the few find memories of his cavern dwelling family.
Nathe shrugged in response, keeping his smile on his lips. "We aren't as proper as you elves, but I don't mind our way of speaking," he explained. "What's the point in not being direct? It causes misdirection and confusion."
Nathe laughed softly. He grew quiet, though, seeming to think over his next words. His smile relaxed as he regarded Mel. "I do hope I'm being a good representative of my people. I was worried my joking or flirting might come off badly. Drow are always taught to not mince words. Say what we want without consequence." He explained in a soft voice, truly worried over offending the elf in their time together.
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