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Mitsuki swayed to the side, letting the bullet sail harmlessly past him. His sword flashed up again, batting Will's to the side with a surprising show of strength. He twisted quickly in the same moment, grabbing for Will's wrist. If successful, he would twist it back, bringing it behind his back as he finished his sidestep. It would take Hibiki a moment to reload. Now, though, Mitsuki was between the sharpshooter and the swordsman, a tight grip on the latter's wrist. There was enough time to continue his taunt. "Case and point," he said softly, pulling in closer to the swordsman. "You aren't skilled enough to handle me. So you need to rely on that coward hindering me. You lack honor as a swordsman. I'm ashamed to share the same craft with you."

By now, the rifle should be reloaded, using a standard Marine's rifle as a point of reference. Regardless, the moment he would hear the next crack from the gun, he would fall back, hitting the ground and rolling away into a crouch. If timed correctly and pulled off, the bullet should be cutting through the space he had been occupying a moment before, right behind Will.

~ ~ ~

A loud crash boomed as the tail struck Baku's face. He collapsed to one knee, but his free arm took advantage of this moment. Reaching up, his arm wrapped around the scaled appendage. He tightened his grip, using his superior strength to hold the boy still and drag him back into the ground by force. The Captain ignored the bent form his nose had taken or the blood spewing from it, focusing entirely on wrestling the dragon boy down.
They stopped that after X, I think. Or maybe it was IX. Know for sure you could name your summons and mc in X, not sure about your party. XD
Mitsuki didn't respond to Hibiki. Not immediately. This was where he wanted him. The sharpshooter might be good, but Mitsuki's senses were superior. He would deal with the immediate threat first. Then Hibiki would be defenseless at close range.

However, he already recognized these two. Will was hot headed. Especially when it came to Hibiki. He could use that.

Stepping to the side, his own sword lashed out, deflecting it away from his body. He made no move to get around him, though. Instead, he adjusted his wrist and brought the hilt forward, aiming for the man's nose.

If that succeeded or failed, the swordsman still began talking. "Nice of you to let your weaker companion flee to higher ground. I didn't know you required a sniper to win a sword duel, though. I guess Commander is the right spot for you."

~ ~ ~

Baku grit his teeth at the sight of this boy withstanding his first assault. However, while that was impressive on its own, the boy's words suggested differently. Ryu didn't know how to use his powers properly yet. He was still green.

An idea formed in his head at that moment. He brought the cannon up, but in the same motion, brought it around to slam into Ryu's side. He wasn't fighting back with strength. Without the ground bracing him, that blow should throw him into the nearby building if it should hit.
IV is fun. My personal favorite is IX. It's character depth is amazing. That game alone made JRPGs my favorite genre. :D
Mitsuki flipped his sword lazily in his hand, taking a step away from Ryu. "I'll see what I can do," he stated. With the Captain already making his advance on the dragon boy, the swordsman was left with the two Commanders. "So. Which one of you wants to go down first? I don't have time to deal with the small fry."

While Mitsuki was preparing to face off against his two Commanders, Baku continued his path towards Ryu. If the swordsman wanted to keep himself busy with those two, he'd take care of the big prey himself. "You've had your chance to surrender, boy," he said. "You'll be my ticket to a promotion myself." Lifting his massive cannon, he lunged forward, swinging down at him with enough strength to crack the stone road beneath him.
Digimon might be my next choice. I've been looking forward to playing that game. I also have the Final Fantasy X remake, though... XD
Yep. Thank goodness for that. I'm up to similar. Just shut off Witcher to head to sleep soon. Haha
Yeah. same on my end. Had to stay in the state, up towards Saint Augustine, for work. I wanted to evacuate with my roommate. Was worried about my stuff more than myself, though. Thought I was going to be homeless for a little while there. XD
Mitsuki's sword flashed up before anyone could react, the flat end of the blade meeting the bullet cleanly before it could reach him. "Why not kill them? They're trash. This island would be better off," he stated, almost as if he was ignoring the two Commanders. He wasn't, though. He knew better. His eyes were trained on the two. He would protect himself and Ryu from any possible threats.

This only continued to anger Baku, though. "Enough!" he roared. His heavy footsteps came crashing down as he marched towards them. His cannon was still held firmly in his hand, holding the custom grip tightly, but it seemed he intended to use it as a melee weapon rather than the long ranged attack he opened with. "We need the dragon alive. Kill this other bastard. Whichever one of you brings me his head will earn their promotion. Fail and you'll be unlikely to ever see this rank again. Understand?" The orders came out as a growl, his anger reaching its peak at the lack of care these two showed. They weren't just being challenged. They were being belittled. He would show them the fury of the Marines.
Mitsuki glanced back at him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. He couldn't let this one get hurt. He recognized the Zoan instantly. He'd be torn apart by the Marines if they ever captured him. His eyes trailed back to the trio facing off against them, their entourage behind them. "That's assuming they'd be a risk to me," he replied. "But if it makes you feel better, pick one. The other two are mine."

Baku twitched as he watched the two of them converse, seemingly uncaring towards the Captain and his two Commanders. "Hibiki. Shoot them. Now. I've had enough of their foolishness," he growled, his anger barely contained.
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