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“Depends on the trainer,” Leon replied. “From the studies I've done on Red, he wanted to fill the Pokedex. All 149 Pokemon put into a tiny, hand held computer. Now, that hand held is handed out to every new trainer by Professor Oak. Of course, we're special. We don't need a computer to tell us what a Pokemon is or can do.” He tapped the side of his head with a wide grin. “I have it all up here.” Shaking his head, he continued his explanation. “Red wanted to see and capture every Pokemon in the world. He succeeded, last I checked. With that kind of goal, I doubt he gave away his Pokemon. For one, he's the Champion. He receives challengers that succeed in the Pokemon League and manage to best the Elite Four.”

He went quiet at that, considering his choice of words. “The legend goes that he awaits atop Mount Silver, north of Cerulean City. The Pokemon Master of this generation and the one who successfully captured all 149,” he explained. “The first ever to do so. I know I don't have the strength to challenge him, but I've always wanted to pit my mind against his. Someone ingenious enough to capture all of them and, what more, beat the Elite Four...I might not be able to win with my strength, but I think the two of us can make it to Mount Silver at least.”
"Paris and Venonat may be found in the next area," Leon commented with a small smile. "I personally want to find every Pokemon, if at all possible. Though, I have always liked Growlithe and Abra in particular. Also, Eevee. And the normal starters that Oak would give beginners." His smile turned sheepish as his list expanded. "Some of them are a little harder to find, though. I have to hope I can actually run into some of them. Eevee, in particular. It's very rare to find a group of Eevee roaming around." He let out a small sigh, scratching the back of his head.

Though, as he thought, he began thinking of the other Pokemon he had heard about. "There's also the more legendary Pokemon. Dratini...Zapdos...Moltres...Articuno..." he murmured. "They've been lost to the world. The last report on any of them were from the current Pokemon League Champion. He managed to catch them. The three birds are supposed to be one of a kind, too. Doubt I'll have a chance to find them anytime soon."
Leon grinned a bit, having already taken that into account. "Normally, what trainers do, is that they send them to their hometown to rest. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone to rely on here. So I took the liberty of emailing Professor Oak," he explained. "Our Pokemon, once we've hit six, will be sent out to Pallet Town automatically and stay with the Professor." He had always talked about the Professor in an almost reverent tone. He couldn't hide his excitement at mentioning that he had actually spoken with the man. "So, we can just catch as many as we want. The excess will be stored and we can access them by using any PC in the Pokecenters."

He scratched the back of his head, thinking it over slowly. "As for being attached to them...I plan on it. You know me. I like Pokemon better than people, for the most part. I just have to be careful not to show favoritism. Shouldn't be that big of an issue. I like all Pokemon," he rambled on. Though, he stopped there, seeming to realize that he was starting to ramble. Smiling sheepishly, he turned to her. "Is there any Pokemon you are particularly anxious to see?"
Leon was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. “Pewter City, home of one of the most extensive museums on fossilized Pokemon as well as the Pewter City Gym. It is situated on a rocky plateau, near to Mount Moon,” he began reciting what he knew of Pewter City quietly, more to himself than to her. “The gym leader is Brock, master of rock type Pokemon. Rock types are weak to grass and water, primarily. So...that should be our focus.” His eyes came back into focus, looking to her with a small smile. “For that gym anyway. Further than that, we'll face more rock types in Mount Moon.”

After a moment, his smile turned to a frown, looking back out to the forest. “We'll mainly find grass and bug types here. There are rare sightings of other types of Pokemon, but it's not as prevalent in this area. Of course, type advantages aren't the only thing that wins battles. I could probably figure a way to take on Brock between our two Nidorans,” he commented. “Personally, I want to capture every species of Pokemon. So it really comes down to what you want to have in your party. If you get a well rounded team, I'll give you a strategy to win.” While his forte was his intelligence, the way he worded it made it sound as if he was doing this solely to help Rasca win. It was almost as if he didn't plan to fight in the gym battles himself.
Leon smiled despite himself. “Incredibly so,” he stated, walking over to her and offering a hand to help her up. Nido had taken to moving towards Superior, seeming to talk amongst themselves for a while, not that the two humans could figure out what they were saying. Well, one of them. Leon was smiling a bit, as if getting a private joke. It did help that he knew their natures. It helped him to make assumptions over how the conversation was going, following the small fight.

Once Rasca was back up, he turned back towards the forest. They were nearing it now, only a few minutes away from the treeline. “Let's try not to get into any more tussles for the moment. Wild Pokemon could be around now. We should be ready for our Nidorans to train,” he stated, digging into his pocket for a moment. He retrieved four more Pokeballs and handed them off to Rasca. “It can also be a chance to expand our collection. Nido and Superior are great starters, but they're not going to be able to get us through the gyms alone.” It seemed Leon had come entirely prepared for their long journey ahead.
Leon kept an eye on the two as they interacted, trying to gauge how best to help Rasca connect with Superior. After a moment, he smiled, watching the small purple Pokemon retreat into its Pokeball, albeit unwillingly. “Try not to take his antics too seriously, Rasca,” he commented. “Male Nidorans are meant to be a bit hot headed. It’s normal for them.” He glanced down at the smaller blue Pokemon that he had managed to befriend. “I have a slight advantage over you. Nido and Superior both saw me defend them from the Mankey that attacked. I’ve earned their respect quickly. As painful as that respect was to earn.” He rubbed the arm that had been hit with a sheepish grin. “The problem is, I can’t tell you how to connect with Superior, exactly. They have general characteristics that stay constant, but they are as different as you and I. You just have to work at it and, eventually, I’m sure he’ll see your intentions and come to your side willingly.”

With that said, he turned back to face the road, walking alongside Nido. “Not saying you need to send him back out. You can punish him if you want. Just telling you that you should try to be open minded with him,” he added as an afterthought, glancing back to smile at her. Easy for him to say. Nido was practically best friends with him in a matter of minutes.

While it almost looked like Leon had taken an easy way out, taking the more reserved and stable Pokemon as his own, the boy knew what he was doing. His personality was a direct clash with that of a male Nidoran, or more effectively, a Nidoking. Rasca was fiery, hot-headed, and could hold her own in a fight. She had already done so for him a number of times. He was positive that Superior would see her strength and come to respect her. Just the same, he knew Nido would get the most use from being with him, being one who needed to be nurtured and helped into her stage as a Nidoqueen. His efforts would pay off, but the way Leon had arranged things was the only way he saw this group working out. It was the best match of personalities and skills, despite how it looked at first glance.
“I wouldn’t say the fee is that outrageous,” Leon commented, waving it off. “The fossils are supposed to be cool, though. From what I heard, there are three ancient Pokemon that the researchers have discovered. Kabuto, Omanyte, and Aerodactyl. I’ve wanted to study them for a while, but all I’ve had are books so far.” Of course, what Pokemon didn’t he want to study? He was always on about wanting to study the different species; this was no different.

As the two started to near the edge of the city, the other two companions behind them, he turned to face her, walking backwards for the moment. “I haven’t been this excited for our adventures in a long time,” he said offhandedly with a wide grin. He was always excited to spend time with Rasca and he made that known. The issue was that he got bored exploring the same areas day in and day out. He knew Rasca did too. This was a nice change of pace and it was allowing him to do what he had always dreamed of doing.
Leon chuckled at that, grinning at her. “Leave it to me,” he stated, pointing his thumb to his chest. “I'll get us there. You just have to protect your weak, downtrodden friend.” The smaller Nidoran let out a cry at that, puffing its chest out a bit. It seemed to be signaling that it would protect the boy too. That got a smile out of him, looking down at her. “Of course, I'm counting on you too, Nido.” It was said without missing a beat, as if he could understand her. He had a way with talking to them. He seemed to understand them and he was able to get through to them.

Turning back towards the way they came, he pointed out towards the way they came. “Onward to Pewter City then,” he stated. Sheepishly, he added, “I've always wanted to see the museum out there anyway. Heard it had some interesting fossils.” He grinned, scratching the back of his head.
The Nidoran perked up at the mention of the treats, as much as it seemed to regret it immediately afterward. Like most Pokemon of his nature, he didn't want to show interest. However, like most Pokemon, he also couldn't resist the allure of the treats Leon kept handy.

Seeing the two get along a little bit better, the boy smiled a bit. “Well, I think we could do to set out if you think you're ready to,” he stated. “I packed enough supplies to last both of us to Pewter City. We'd just need to manage through the forest. Shouldn't be that difficult. We just have to be careful to avoid any nests of Beedrill. I've always wanted to go out and study the Pokemon out there.” He grinned a bit at the thought. One of his favorites had always been Butterfree, giving him extra motivation for heading out that way.

Of course, the other choice was Pallet Town. The only thing to accomplish there was to grab a Pokedex if the Professor was feeling generous. With Leon's knowledge, though, that became less pivotal to their adventures.
Leon smiled a bit. “We'd need other Pokemon or better moves first,” he responded. “Ghosts are immune to normal type and fighting type moves. That's all we really have in the two Nidorans other than Poison Sting. Their evolved forms would be able to learn more powerful moves like Thunderbolt, even though they aren't electric types. These forms, though? We'd stand no chance against them.” He offered a small shrug, moving to catch up. The male Nidoran let out a grunt of annoyance, turning its head away at being told it wouldn't win against them. The female one just looked up curiously at her new trainer.

After a moment, she wiggled loose, jumping down to walk beside them. It seemed happy to stay near the boy, though, keeping pace with him. “Not only that, we won't be able to keep training them at that rate. A strong Pokemon won't listen to a weak trainer, in most cases. Certain characteristics change this, but your Nidoran won't listen to you without proof of your strength. Respect. The easiest way to do that is the gym battles. Being able to gain the badges and continue on is a way to prove your strength and competence as a trainer.”

The smaller Nidoran shrugged at the explanation, turning back to look at the town around them. For them, it had to have been the first time they had properly come into Viridian City, having lived in the wilds for so long. It was fascinating to the female at least.
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