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Yellow was quiet for a moment, busying herself with setting up the table with the food she had prepared. After a moment, she shook her head. "You do realize that no one's beaten the Elite Four since Red, right? There have been other champions, besting the Pokemon League...but no one has lived up to the invitation the Elite Four sends out," she explained, looking up at Leon. "Not since the four of us challenged them."

Leon gave a nod. "There's a first for everything. That includes Red losing," he stated confidently.

The hermit gave a sigh, smiling softly. "If there's anyone who can beat Red, I think it would be you, Leon," she said, momentarily ignoring Rasca. "You've got the knowledge and the drive to be the best researcher and you earn the respect of Pokemon without capturing them. Red was good with Pokemon, but it was more passion than knowledge that drove him. You share that passion. I can see it." She bowed her head again. "If anyone could match us, it'd probably be you two."

After that, though, she was quick to change the subject. "Come. I finished preparing the food. Why don't you two eat before you set off?"
Leon nodded slowly, thinking about his situation now. He could chase after the four of them. It would definitely help his research. If he could reach Red, he could study the three legendary birds. Red and Blue had both been tasked with completing the Pokedex. Between the two of them, they probably had all the Pokemon in Kanto. A grin crept on his face at the thought. "Then I guess I'll have to start searching harder for the other three," he said.

Yellow shook her head. "Good luck with that. Red doesn't pay attention to anyone who doesn't make a name for himself," she said.

"So...all I'd have to do is beat the Elite Four?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

This made Yellow furrow her brow in confusion. "You say it as if it's easy," she stated. "The Elite Four could beat me if they were together. It took all four of us to beat them once. You think you can do it yourself?"

"Not at all. I think Rasca can, though," Leon replied happily. "I don't think I'll be strong enough. I can out think them, though. My strategies can beat the best in the world's." He paused at that, scratching the back of his head before turning his attention to Rasca. "Of course, if Rasca wants to help me. Wouldn't want to force you to help me with that."
Leon laughed a bit. "I never thought you the type to be in the kitchen anyway," he teased her. "Also, her name is Yellow. Right?" He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. The woman looked surprised at this, but then smiled, nodding. Given the fact that she hadn't given a name, this meant she must have been well known. Or the Pokemon had told him. It was one or the other. He went on explaining anyway. "You were one of the original four with Red. I remember hearing stories of the young girl from Viridian Forest. Never thought I'd actually meet you, though."

"Well...it happens. I try to keep my presence here to a minimum so others don't come looking for me. Being known as Red's companion, a lot of people would love to battle me," she explained, rolling her eyes.

"Charmander mentioned that. His father was Red's Charizard. A powerful fighter, from what I heard," the boy commented. "Charmander wanted to come along with me. Hopefully, he can meet his father again." The Charmander piped up eagerly, giving the affirmative. "I heard about all four of you. Green wanders the world, rumored to have left to another land. Blue is preparing to take a test to become a gym leader, though that isn't for a while yet. And Red awaits atop Mount Silver for someone who can beat him."

Yellow rolled her eyes at that. "And they call me the hermit. But yes, that's the gist of our current whereabouts," she responded with a sigh.
(You have Bulbasaur still. And the Pikachu that's staying with the woman, if you really want. xD)

Leon was busy talking to the Pokemon for a good while before he eventually found his way back. The Oddish had followed the other two out to thank him for saving them. However, his conversation with Charmander had been the most interesting. He didn't know what to make of most of it. The scents of Pokemon were much stronger than most and, apparently, Leon reminded the small lizard Pokemon of one of the best trainers in the world. For some reason.

As things turned out, though, he came back into the hut in a brighter mood than when he left. He smiled over at Rasca and the hermit, offering a wave. "Any luck with Superior and the Bulbasaur?" he asked her with a grin. Walking over to them, he smiled at Superior before looking back to his childhood friend. "Oddish was saying how he and Bulbasaur want to come with us too. Since we saved them and all. Though, Bulbasaur is apparently more fond of you. I protected Oddish, but it wasn't as heroic as beating a Beedrill with my fists." He said it teasingly, remembering that Rasca had actually tackled one of the poisonous Pokemon.
Leon exited, not going very far into the forest. He went to the edge of the clearing, sitting down against a tree. He didn't think Rasca would really understand. Yes, he got a weird feeling. That didn't mean it was a bad feeling. It was just...confusing. He always felt like he could understand Pokemon. It had never been that...clear before. It was as if they spoke in human tongue for those brief moments. It was disconcerting, to say the least.

It didn't mean it was bad, though. He loved talking to the Pokemon. It was calming to him. He understood them better than he understood most people.

His thoughts were broken as he realized he had been followed. Nido and Charmander had come out with him. The Oddish was there too, hiding behind Nido. “Hey there, guys,” he said, smiling at them. “Everything alright?”

The Nidoran shook its head, looking up at him. “You're off. What's wrong?”

That made the boy frown. “I'm...off?” he asked, confused. “What do you mean?”

The Charmander walked up next to him before plopping down and looking up. “She told me things would be weird for you when you arrived,” it said, sounding like perfect human speak to him. “She also told me I would feel something about you...something similar to her and him.”

“Her and...him?” Leon asked, brow furrowing. “Your first master?” Charmander gave a nod, saying something more. This time, the boy's eyes widened in surprised.

Feris gave a nod. “That sounds reasonable,” he replied. “If I remember right, it's about half a day off from the entrance. So it'll take a while, but we'll probably be due for a rest by the time we get there, huh?” He smiled a bit, scratching the back of his head. He was trying really hard to be friendly, but it was almost obvious as an act, even to someone who did not know him.

He truly did not wish to be here. He was expected to become a Guardian, like his father. Of course, that didn't mean he wanted that for himself. He wanted to separate himself from the man as much as possible. His decision to do so, though, would have to be something within the system. His dreams were much bigger than simply being a Guardian. He was going to surpass his father in everything he could. It just had to start with this, even if he had no deep desire for the position itself.

He glanced over at his partner. At least he had an attractive companion during all of this. He simply wished she had a more reasonable partner. He knew he wasn't the most friendly normally, despite his attempts here.

“Well, I told you a bit about myself,” he offered after a moment. “Why don't you tell me about yourself?”
Ah, right. I'll be sure to keep it in mind. XD
Feris didn't seem all that concerned. He strode into the forest with confidence and looked around in boredom. No creatures yet. He supposed that was a good sign. Though, if this was supposed to be a test, he was a little disappointed. Everything was very close together in this forest and it almost made it hard to maneuver. It definitely made it easier for some of the nastier residents to hide. He took that into consideration, tucking the information away for later.

It didn't take long before he heard the young girl following after him. She wanted to stick together? Did she not want to pass this test on her own merit? Well, it wouldn't be his head rolling should she find herself alone against her enemies. Not that there were many enemies left to fight. This was more of a...courtesy than anything now. The Darkness wasn't a threat. The Guardians were really just there in case they came back. Which was very unlikely, in his opinion. They were beaten back so easily last time. Why would they invade again? Especially with a whole host of new warriors to attend to.

At her next question, Feris glanced over. “About myself?” he asked. “Well, my name is Feris. I've been training for...all my life, really. My father, Merin Lionel, is my mentor.” That would ring some bells. Merin was one of the more well known Guardians. He had been alive during the fight against the Darkness, albeit when he was very young. He was barely a man, lying to get into the fight against them rather than being stuck in his village and praying for victory. An older man now, even among the Elves, he was close to the age in which he would be unable to continue fighting.

After a few moments, he looked to the girl, taking her form in more fully. She was scared. He could tell that much. With a small sigh, he offered her a smile. “Try not to be so frightened,” he reassured her. “If you couldn't handle this, you wouldn't be here.”
Feris was quiet as they traveled. His mentor was just as quiet. Neither had said a word since they had taken off atop his dragon, traveling across the land to the forest in which the dragons took residence. The boy watched the ground pass by at a rapid pace for a good hour before he saw the forest come into view. It was probably supposed to be a fantastic sight...but the boy couldn't find it in himself to care all that much.

The dragon slowly came down to land, landing across from the other pair. “Seems you'll have a friend to help you,” the boy's mentor spoke, smiling at him.

Feris averted his eyes, sliding down from the dragon. “I'll see you at the village, father,” he stated softly, not letting any warmth into it. This made his mentor, and father, frown.

“Right. Well, good luck,” he stated, letting his dragon turn to take off.

With the two mentors gone, Feris allowed himself to gaze upon the forest fully now. The trees were tall, foreboding even. You couldn't see far into the forest from the outside. It was just as mysterious as the future he had been thrust into. His eyes came to rest on the girl at her sudden introduction. A half-elf, from the looks of it. His father had never really cared for the half-breeds.

“Feris,” the boy introduced himself with a small nod. “Good luck in finding your partner.” Without another word to her, he took his first step into the forest, glancing around at the towering trees around him.
Name: Feris Lionel

Age: 22

Race: Elven

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blond, cut short in a way that was unlike his other Elven brethren. His eyes were a deep forest green, standing at 5'8" and built more for speed than strength, though he had a surprising amount of muscle hidden away as most of his race did.
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