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Feris glanced over as he heard her call out to him. His ears picked up the faintest of words from her, barely making out what she said. He held up his hand in a wave, signaling that he heard her, though Arnna supplied the remainder of what he missed.

He would have preferred to have made it back today. However, he wasn't going to be picky on the matter. If she wanted to rest, he would give it an extra day. It wouldn't take too much out of his time and it would allow him to get to know his dragon a bit more. Maybe he would even learn more about his new training partner. After all, the two were going to have to get along since they had found their dragons together. They would be trained side by side, more than likely.

As the two approached the mountains, he patted Arnna on the neck. “Tell Ven that we'll follow his lead to find a place to rest,” he spoke softly to his dragon. The white head nodded ever so slightly, relaying the message to the faster air dragon. It would be easier for one to scout a place to stay rather than both trying to find separate ones.
Lionel frowned, taking the ID and looking it over. "Anne Cypher," he stated, looking up to study her face in comparison to the picture. It was an easy match. With a sigh, he turned back to the private. "Look through the records. I want anything you find on Anne Cypher in my office. Family, history, whatever is there. We'll need to contact her family and work out what's going on." He watched as the private saluted him and ran off to do as ordered.

With that done, he turned back to the amnesiac with a small sigh. "I can't offer you much more than this. Let the medical team take you to their section of our HQ. They'll treat you there and work out if you have any other wounds or side effects other than this blindness," he told her. "Once you have been seen and taken care of, I'll have them escort you to my office. I will hopefully have more information for you then, along with your parents or whatever family I can get in contact with. Does that sound suitable for you?" He tried to keep his voice calm and careful, not wanting to distress her with the seriousness of the situation. This type of alchemy was forbidden. There could easily be more side effects, like was the case with the Elric brothers.
Leon patted her shoulder lightly with a grin. “Well, if you can, hold up on facing Brock until I come back. I kind of want to see it,” he said before heading off on his own. He hadn't really thought she would enjoy the museum. It was rather boring to most, but he enjoyed looking at the various fossils and delving into the history behind the Pokemon.

So, he did, his Pokemon following behind him. He left his Pokemon out, letting them trail behind him as they looked at the exhibits as well. It was quite an interesting exhibit, seeing the various fossilized Pokemon like Kabuto and Omynite. Even the fearsome Aerodactyl. It even had a showing of some of the legendary Pokemon. The majestic birds; Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno. The last piece was one he had heard next to nothing about. It was known as Mew, no one every truly being able to capture the little guy.

Overall, he found the entire thing enthralling. Though, as it turned out, his interesting get away wasn't to last. “They even let you have a Pokemon? Geez. The standards much have dropped in that week,” a voice commented with a sigh.

Turning around, Leon was faced with the last person he wanted to see. Someone from his childhood, a constant thorn in his side all throughout school. “...Roy,” he greeted with a small frown. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I came to check out the museum. Wouldn't you know, I find the book worm,” he said with a cocky grin, a hand brushing through his flame red hair. Green eyes locked on his sky blue before the cocky grin turned into a distasteful frown. “So, who took pity on you and gave you that sad group of Pokemon?”

This made Leon's eyes narrow in disgust at the insult. He was used to taking the bastard's comments directed at him. He wasn't getting away with an insult to his Pokemon, though. “I caught them myself. I didn't need a hand out,” he said softly. “If you think we're such a sorry sight, why not test it yourself?”

Roy raised an eyebrow, but his Pokeball came out anyway, tossing it out. “Squirtle's all I need to take you down.”

“Charmander. Let's show him our strategy,” Leon stated, choosing the least likely to win against the water type. He didn't seem worried, though, simply pushing up the glasses on his face.
"Amnesia," Lionel commented with a sigh. That was going to make this investigation so much fun. He could tell. "Must be blind as well. You didn't realize we were military until you felt my badge?" He shook his head, waving off the medical team. "The short of it. I'm a State Alchemist, Lionel Stahlt. We are here on reports of screaming and, in general, a disturbance in the area. You're currently sitting in the center of a very complex alchemy circle."

He slowly started to rise, keeping hold of her hand and helping her to her feet as well if she wished to stand. "Unfortunately, that's all we know. My assumption is that you attempted this ritual," he stated. "Your blindness and memory loss is most likely a side effect of the equivalent exchange. Do you remember anything from before you woke up here?"
It had been a long day. Lionel Stahlt had been called out early in the morning for a recent disturbance in town. Upon arriving, what he was greeted with was a large alchemy circle, blood splattered along it at seemingly random points. Several photos laid out around it, stained in the same blood. The most curious part of this scene, though, was the girl laying out in the center of it all.

Stepping around the circle, he let the medical team handle her, studying the circle itself. It was an oddly familiar site. The symbols etched out were very specific and it stood out to him. He couldn't quite place where it had been, though...

Then it hit him. His eyes widened in shock. He'd seen this before. It was the largest travesty one could commit with alchemy. Human transmutation. It had been attempted many times in the past, but it never yielded anything more than heartache and confusion. Even when something was brought back, it wasn't truly human.

Frowning in thought, he gestured to the men with him. “Tell the Captain I'm taking this one,” he ordered. He ran a hand through his black hair, sighing lightly. He felt an old ache in his chest as he thought over the cause of this.

That was when he heard the outburst. Stepping over to her, he leaned down, helping her to sit upright. “Calm down. You're alright. We're only here to help you,” he offered her softly.
Name: Lionel Stahlt

Nickname: The Lionhearted Alchemist (Known for never backing down from a challenge)

Leon scratched the back of his head. "I don't know if you'd find it all that interesting," he said. "It's just a bunch of fossils and stuff. It interests me, but..." He shrugged, unsure if she would actually like it. She wasn't as interested in history or the older Pokemon as he was. He figured it would just bore her if they went to the museum together. "If you wanted to meet up later, we could. I'm sure you'd find something more entertaining to take care of. Trainers frequent this area so I'm sure you could find a battle or two. Of course, there's also the gym, if you think you're ready for it." He smiled sheepishly, seeing if she would rather do something else.
Hey, I'm interested, if you're still looking. Shot you a PM. Realized it might not be that noticeable with the new format of the site. ^^;
Leon laughed at that thought. "I don't think it works that way," he replied. "Poison won't effect him as easily, but it's not like it'll automatically make him better." He put his hands behind his head, thinking it over for a few moments. "Though, I have heard of specific items that could help a Pokemon out. Sunglasses that prevent loss of accuracy from attacks like Sand Attack. Charcoal that'll boost a Pokemon's flame attacks. Stuff like that. It might be interesting to look into, but we'd need to go to a specialty store to find those. Almost positive they'd be more expensive too." He offered a shrug. He knew the one in Celadon carried a few, but it was still a matter of actually getting funds for them. Either way, they'd have to wait a while for that possibility.

As the group was reaching the edge of the forest, he grinned. The trees dropped away to a cliff side, facing down towards a small city. It wasn't gigantic, but it was bigger than Pallet Town had been. It rivaled Viridian City in size. The most notable feature was, however, the large boulders strewn along the sides of the road. "Unfortunately, we won't find that fantastic of items here. Pewter City's primary export is rocks and gems." He smiled a bit, looking around. "I might want to take a look at the museum while we're here. Haven't had the chance to really see it before in anything more than pictures."
Leon thought over the ingredients for a moment before he offered a shrug. "Mostly different types of herbs that are supposed to add flavor," he explained. "For our Nidorans, poisonous plants won't be an issue, considering their types. To make snacks for all of them, though, I'd probably have to visit the Pokemart. Each Pokemon has different tastes so I'd have to figure things out and see what they'd like to have." He smiled a bit. "Guess we'll have to wait on it until we reach Pewter City." He glanced over at her and noticed that she seemed distracted. Shrugging again, he turned back to the path ahead of them. They weren't far out now. The forest was starting to thin. That meant they were approaching the city.
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