Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Character Sheet:

Name: Dar'Ja
Race: Khajiit
Class: Agent
Homeland: Elsweyr.
Faction(s): Secretly Thalmor.
What brings you to Morrowind?: Secretly a Thalmor agent operating as to put down the Morag Tong and exterminate the Imperials from Morrowind and establish the Altmeri Dominion superiority in Dunmer politics.
Short History: Dar'Ja was born in the Northwestern part of Elsweyr, and soon became a caravan guard. Soon after he became addicted to Skooma and had to steal from his employer. After it was found out, he fled to Cyrodill and began to gamble away his family's money. Got into the wrong company and became a bandit, while his family was sitting in their houses unnoticing how he goes down and each day was like his last day. But he left his gang and turned to more professional and stealthy affairs. Soon he became a professional bulglar and conducted operations on the Thalmor, but was once caught, and he begged for life. His family hostage, Dar'Ja became an agent and informator for the Thalmor in Morrowind.
Did anyone look over my sheet? And i'd like help about the army, i'm pretty new to his trait stuff.
Nation Name: Malapudreji

Races of the Nation:
Kobolds, Draconians, Black Orcs, Frogmen, Skaven, Goblins, Centigors.

Nation History: The lesser, more sly races have made several pacts among themselves, and easily manipulated the bigger races, putting a scary "weakest rules" hierarchy among themselves. The racism grew and generally more races have began to hate the Gor Ruler Kapamki. Other have united under the name Songor and soon turned into a big clan of mixed races who grew to like each other, and started the war with Kapamki. The war with Kapamki carried on for some time until Kapamki killed himself, and the massive immigration of the races and the massive malfunction attracted the attention of many Cyclop raiding parties down the coast. But instead of grief they have brought many military inventions (not purposely). The legendary victory achieved against the Cyclops brought new ways of life into the tribal communities of the underdog races. New philosophies have gave them time to think over their military doctrines and thus allowed even more other races into the army, however they did not centralize. They soon created a meeting of representatives of the races, split their territories to house the other races, and et cetera.

Important Characters:
Kamar Urbash Nagnath, Ruler of Kobolds.
Dracon Vir'Kajas, Ruler of Draconians.
Orgum Morgor Gorhide, Ruler of Black Orcs.
Sliman Chavin Musaen, Ruler of Frogmen.
Metalet Kurgum Valegn, Ruler of Skaven.
Cron Mishakal Rumblegut, Ruler of Goblins.
Shepherd Jegos Chaek, Ruler of Centigors.
National Traits: 7
Spies, Spies everywhere.
Silent Assassins.

Population Traits: 9
Game Trails.
The Peoples 'Entertainment'.
Chain Gangs.
The Bloody Altars of the Priesthood.

Academic Traits: 6
University of War.
Institute of Commerce.
Magpie's eye.
Information Brokers.

Military Basic Traits: 9
Ambush Predators.
Bring down the Walls!
War Paint.
Nightmares in the Trees.
Buckets of Heads.
Camouflaged Sally Ports.
Siege Train.

Archery Traits: 2
Block out the Sun.
Bushes are your Friend.

Infantry Traits: 2
Drunkard Warriors!
Arrow Fodder.

Cavalry Traits: 4
Thunder of Hooves.
Elephant Cavalry.
Elephant Powered-Siege Machines.
Beast Cavalry.

Navy Traits: 4
Heavy Ships.
Warriors of the Sea.
By Neptunes' Cock!

Airborne Traits: 2
Runes of Flight.

Tradesman Traits:
Fish the Seas.
Bang for your Buck.

Merchant Traits: 5
Silk Roads.
Underground Markets.
The Black Market.

Magecraft Traits:
The Burning Man.
Blood Magic.
Death Magic.

Monster Traits: X=(Points Spent)
Beast Armour.

Mechanist Traits: X=(Points Spent)
Steam Engines.
Greek Fire.

Plagued by Bandits.
Dangerous Cults.
Raiders First.

Capital City (Coastal) (Majolsi)
2 Large Cities (Cumapac)
2 Medium Cities (Coastal) (Jabeen and Lavtomoro)
4 Forest
8 Plains
3 River
5 Desert
1 Mountain
2 Coastal



Air Force:

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