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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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A mercenary government! You can hire my snake people to fight in your wars <:

Name - The Naqozaar

Flag - A princely primal naga upon a white background, it is meant to symbolise their powerful, noble origins and their heavenly traditions.

Capital - Dolphin's Harbor. A city full to the top with all the seven sins, a sprawling, booming metropolis that is ever expanding, ever growing, intimidating in its' size and appearance, with palaces and castles of godly proportions packed tightly close together, with men hailing from many places seeking riches and profit from trade, and a haven for robbers and cutpurses. You either perish and rot and decompose in some alleyway full of gutter, or live to be as rich as a king in a colossal donjon. This is a city of witty rich folk, and filthy, wretched fools. This is a city of many opportunities, many risks. You must be brave and confident to venture here, for any wrong step will be the last.

Other Major Settlements - There is a ring of tiny villages and hamlets on the mainland coastline, but aside from the gargantuan capital, there are none worthy of mention, as the Naqozaar centers its' defense on only one object.

Population - Constantly fluctuating and growing, it is hard to give even a rough estimate, but it is known that overall there are 500,000 Nagas spread over the world, but there are only 300,000 Nagas living in Dolphin's Harbor and under the command of Czarevna Nikaia.

Races - Naga, Men, others.

Culture - The Naga race is known to have birthed many popular poets, writers, painters and sculptors. As time passes, a Naga cools his youthful recklessness and becomes more interested in creating other than killing, but all topics stay the same. Combat and war. For as any naga, all take part in war at some time in their life, and all are proficient in fighting. Poems about great warriors, books about military campaigns, paintings of famous battles and skirmishes, and busts of great commanders - Everything is centered on war. However, while men fight overseas, women stay behind to maintain order in their lands, and they've come to enjoy unlimited power, opening trade with foreigners and beginning to govern over Dolphin's Harbor.

The architecture is unique, and rather beautiful. There are many mansions built around the naga district in Dolphin's Harbor, and all of them are rather strangely shaped, colored in screaming colors, with many windows and balconies. The bizzare buildings however, are very beautiful to the eye and the oddly shaped, narrow streets and alleys are full of ditches and waterways, and is known to be rather dangerous to traverse at a late hour, where a thief can plunge a dagger into unsuspecting victims and escape with their purse before the enforcers of the law can properly react.

Every naga boasts a nigh nobleman's education, and training in either the sword, the spear, or the bow. They grow in luxury, and at times become self-centered, boisterous, and arrogant. That is quick to change as soon as they arrive on the frontlines of another war and witness the carnage they will come to love and cherish.

Philosophy is rather simple. Nagas, while quite enough flirting with outright evil, do not believe in good or bad, nor Light or Dark, for there is only power in their beliefs, and those who wield power are those who lead the world. Slavery, human trafficking and sacrifices are a perfectly accepted thing in their society, and they were known to be rather cruel to invaded kingdoms and peoples.

Crimes and Laws - The Monarch holds unlimited power, an autocrat in their own right and there is no institution to limit or hinder their rule, and they do as they will. A naga would go off rather lightly for a murder of say, some man. But they would be imprisoned, or even executed if it comes to them stealing, kidnapping, torturing or killing a fellow naga. Many crimes commited by nagas are punished with fines or limitations on their rights. But the laws are very harsh towards others residing in Dolphin's Harbor.

Government type - Absolute monarchy, full autocracy, whatever a man can call it. Endless command of everything, even bypassing the laws of the Naqozaar.

People in power - Czarevna Nikaia, a rather young queen with a like for trade, for all the time she has been in power, she has appeared very little in public spotlight, or any kind of spotlight, for that matter. She's been focusing on economy most of the time, expanding the Nagozaar's influence overseas and her own coffins. However, it is no doubt she takes delight in fighting wars, but only for coin. She has only strengthened the international policy of siding with the highest bidder, making the Naqozaar a 'valued' member of the community as everybody is willingt

Industry - During past conquests, the Naqo had left a path of corpses in their wake. But not all were killed, for many craftsmen and workers were taken away with their families to live in Dolphin's Harbor, against their wishes. However, the grieving men have slowly turned to cherish their lifestyle as their families were kept well fed, looked after, and accomodated with all their needs, and even luxuries. The Naqozaar industry has been dominated by workshops. There is a big circle of villages on the mainland coastline that provide Dolphin's Harbor.

Military - This is truly the focus of their nation, their people, their lifestyle. The traditional naga is a warrior, a fighter and a combatant. Their entire race lives in such a way that they believe the sword is mightier than the pen, and that sheer power and skill in warfare can overwhelm any treaty, any agreement and any sort of diplomacy.

Every individual in their race knows precisely how to cut open an enemy with terrifying swiftness and eery effectiveness. And with that in mind, the Naqozaar ends up having the biggest, formidable infantry power in the world.

But that kind of trait does not come without its' numerous weaknesses, for their eccentric military force is quite distinct, for their species do not possess feet. Instead, they have a rather distinguishable, scaly tail - as such, beyond question, cavalry is not possible for the Naqozaar.

Nor are the species of Nagas known for their marathons, for tails are quite limiting in terms of sprinting, marching, and charging. However, they are extremely fast when traversing water, and make for excellent marines with much fighting skill.

Their archers are credible, and are taught the way of archery from childhood to maturity. They may come to have a bit more potential for precision and aim as a speciality for their species, however, they are most known to make extremely good swordsmen.

Naga swordsmen are maddeningly skilled, and of course, rather strong. They come to make for exceptional shock troops and are great for close combat, and can utilise their powerful tails to crush throats and smash ribs.

Polearms are only utilised in mere short spears which they either bury in someone's chest or horse.

Navy is also practically unneeded as they can hold their breath for much longer than a human, and can secretly cross waters to appear on the shore to tear the enemy asunder.

Landscape/Terrain - Once dense forests and grasslands, atop the remains of vibrant nature stands a debased pit of sin and lust called the Dolphin's Harbor. The thin circle of villages sits upon pretty plains near the sea.

History - There were once men. None had known whence they came from, but mayhaps wise men learned in books. These men had an unquenchable thirst for power and strength, lust for skill in destruction and combat. And where others had forged this mastery for decades, they decided to sign a pact with a deity with power far surpassing their original suppositions. That deity was the Naqo.

The most knowleadgeable of men pleaded him to ward off their demonic desire for endless wars and bloodshed and gift them with a magnetism for wealth, the most courageous hath demanded unbreakable willpower and an uncrushable spirit of a warrior. The most foolish begged him to make them distinct from others, promising to serve him always like slaves, like dogs. The malevolent, evil Naqo smiled at all of them, but smiled the most at the latter. He twisted them to become his creatures, who would serve him like slaves, like dogs. He gave them an uncrushable spirit of a warrior, and a gift for wealth.

They became his for eternities, and he sprayed them off across the world like asteroids hailing from cosmos. They suddenly changed, they lost their feet, lost their minds, their souls, all turned bitter as they found themselves persecuted for being monsters, and few in numbers. Many hath died in such times where they couldn't find home in a city, with its' populace executing them upon seeing their monstrous tails.

But they learned to protect themselves, and found the same as them. Beginning life as gypsy merchants and sellswords, they traveled all over the world, slowly joining and adding up with other bands, groups, and companies. They soon found themselves under rule of many different warlords, determined to stand as one and laugh at those who once killed them in hundreds. And even though they were not even a million strong, the one who had deceived them into eternal service did gift them with power and skill, and they became mercenaries on the international stage, building a metropolis named the Dolphin's Harbor.

Races Sheet

Name -
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Probably going to do a Barbarian Naga Mercenary queendom! Yeah!
Interesting, I'm in. Can we do bastard-like deeds like killing people?
whatever you say, jarl walder frey.
<3 You played the game well, too. Everybody did.
well, of course her fucking people could trust her, man. She strives to protect them, give them advantages, so they don't starve, don't die. But also she seeks to advance her family's interests, not anybody else's. She joined Solterra because, while hated by the Church, Cole kind of did an international dickmove and she wouldn't want to be flipping a coin when Cole's and her armies are equal against Solterra. And she could always join Solterra, because she maintained good graces with him over messages. She wanted to only move the balance so that she and Solterra are winning, and that she gets all spoils possible, because the Behringer fellow promised her. I don't lie OOCly like my character would apparently lie in IC. I withhold the truth so as no possible meta happens.
..I essentially took Bolton as my main inspiration for Bloodsun. They are not to be trusted.
I like this idea, although I'd love it to be a little more fleshed out, with particular rules, so I understand a bit more how it works.
well, shit. But I understand you, bro. And it sucks to see it go~

I'll be watching for you in January, this is probably the most thought out, well-Gm'd game, with many twists and amazing moments, I am truly sad I never saw a battle, but that's just how it is, eh. This is, probably, the best NRP I've ever been in. See ya.
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