Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Posted, and...200th post! WOO
Verun did not appear anywhere the following day. Most aggressors on the ship died in the conflict, while he cringed at his inability to prevent such things to happen. A fool, an old, drunken fool, he thought. He knew he would be demoted to a captain of a mere sloop rather than a flotilla of strong ships, and he was frightened. A long line of palisade was built along the coastline, many has set tents on the hillside while those who didn't hesitate to sleep without a roof began a strong construction of buildings. A couple of boats were sent back to Nuesma to notify the Kamm of such happening.

Kamm angrily clutched the closest thing to him. Verun was a good, skilled man, but he felt that Verun was aging and became too slow to be capable of controlling his men. An immediate demotion was sent back, along with the new flotilla captain and governor, Thanat Shamash. Shamash was a small, serious man with a low voice and a strange habit of observing ants. A man of an iron word to be kept strong, he was in his middle thirties, energetic, quick, with great reflexes, and great ambitions at that. He commanded his crews with an iron fist, many having a big disdain for him. As he arrived, a shock of bewilderment spread across the ranks, yet as he presented the document of Kamm, they stopped. Verun went inside the cabin of a small sloop he was given, first it was named "Dignity", but he felt the sloop was worthy of a name opposite.
god dammit i've lost two brigs.
A small memorial was built to honor the memory of those lost in the skirmish.
Captain Verun organized the ships into formations he called the "Turtle". Inside was a merchant ship loaded with soldiers and resources needed to establish the colony, while it was also protected by four ships with cannons all filled with soldiers. If there was any pirate whatsoever daring to attack, the "shell" would fire from the sides while protecting the "turtle". It was a good formation, one which Verun very much liked. They turned a couple degrees norther. Verun thought his ships were capable of many things, however disappointment flickered in his eyes as some ships still had oarsmen instead of normal sails. He sighed and walked inside the cabin to smoke a little. This would be a good day, he thought.
I'm quite busy today and have to do some stuff, but i will try to post soon.
We can all arrive at the same time, or maybe we see each other's ships before even reaching the destination.
Kangoroo don't forget I set out first, I'm busy irl but i'll have a post p today
Winston I PMed you.
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