Avatar of Sadko
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 340 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Sorry, I lost interest.
Delete this, sorry.
I'd be up for expansive roleplay if there's an antique touch to it. And lastly, I think Carthage should be destroyed.
@Sadko I like it, but your summary is 63 words. If it was 51 or 53 words, I wouldn't care, but that's a solid 26% more than the word limit.

.. Is it that big of a deal? I'll shorten it anyway, but I figure it's important to tell how the country works and stuff.

Interested. Peloponnesian War sounds awesome.
This is an awesome idea. I am in. However, It'd be better if we were free to make up our own villains instead of the canon ones. Maybe created an analogue of Gotham City? With a different hero (played by GM) and all players create their villains.
I will begin to write an application shortly.
They're sweet. I like the grim nature of both, especially the feminine Walder Frey.
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