Avatar of Sadko
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
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  • Posts: 340 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Kangaroo said
What? When? I just thought you bailed on the commerce league

At the very top of the third page, man. You said about a defense pact just in case Khan becomes an asshat and attacks us or something, I replied with approval of it, then asked if you could modernise weapons for me.
By the way, Kangaroo, you never replied to my "secret modernisation of weapons" trade thing, and the overall defense pact that I agreed to be in with you.
Seriously? Terheridon started this war, we're threatening him out of it. Is it not understood? Gawd.
Oh-hahahahh, ho hoahhahahha I LOVE YOU.
"Terheridon has denounced us in front of the international community."

Kutuk sighed as he walked back and forth in his marble room, the square white table in the middle of it, all his advisors seated tightly.

Things were going bad. The assassination of King Dearheart failed, but it certainly scared him. He said we're disrespectful? Bah, I shall deliver a speech so frightening, he shall momentarily leave Bennipolitan soil. He heightened the security around himself, and specifically designed the balcony to be nigh impossible to be shooting at, nor the balcony you can easily climb without slipping and falling to your death, not speaking about being noticed by guards.

"People of Cheahattro, Subjects of Tribe Slinbt! Terheridon has called us out as backstabbing, or even more, disrespectful." He took a moment to stop for the tension to build up, some annoyed voices moaned over at the back, but the mob waited for him to continue, seemingly interested in this. "Disrespect of what happened, however, simply cannot build up to their barbaric invasion of a sovereign country, killing children, old people, and raping women! They have not yet ascended from the mentality of the medieval ages, and such things are simply not worthy of a modern monarch. For I stand here to say, not only to you, not only to the whole people of the Republi, but also to King Dearheart, and the whole world. If the mindless murdering from the side of Terheridon shall continue, our fully mobilised forces shall attack swiftly, tearing apart Terheridon and it's armies. Immediately return all the forces back to your homeland, or face dire consequences!" the people applauded, but he knew he wasn't done. "Hurray to Bennipolis! We shall pray tonight for our Bennipolitan friends to sleep sound, to have a roof under their heads, and to have a soup in their bowls, for we call to Svarog, let our muskets fire swiftly and straight, and our minds be free of fear and death, HURRAY TO BENNIPOLIS!"


He emerged back into his room, and then into the war room.

"Take 25,000 recruits, train them a little more, and send them to the border to breath down the Terheridonian necks. Then await further orders."

"Yes sir."

on the other hand, I ordered the assassination of military figures and other important people. What happened to them? And the privateers?
Yeah, I was collaborating. Plus, I have a job as an animator and I'm working on some things.
you dont wanna mess with dont, seriously, dont mess with dont
I think Valm is more american than Russian, especialy that I AM RUSSIAN and it is insulting you think of Valm like that.
Kamalao is sort of like Ottoman Empire except it practices paganism and shamanism and is more like Bolgaria, Serbia, and etc.

Aand to clarify, I'm russian.
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