"Look, I may not know this guy but it seems he's traveled with you guys for a bit at least." Celty started as she stood up, still leaning against the wall. "Has he tried to kill a single one of you yet? I mean, I don't trust strangers easily especially creepy lookin guys, no offense, but he doesn't seem as sketchy as you may think. To me he just sounds like a normal guy nowadays. Conscious is a bit fried and eating away at your sanity, but still trying to make things right. A ton, more than you can probably count, are 6 feet under the ground or dead on top of the dirt you walk. How many more regretful people have to join them?" she crossed her arms and looked arpun the room.
Taking in everyone's expressions she shook her head and sighed. "I may be a stranger to all of you, but I'm inside. What has stopped you from shooting me?" Celty started to worry a little that someone may take that and just shoot her now, but it was a risk she was taking. The guy, yes he was a grade A asshat, but she could see he was somewhat guilty for it. "If you haven't shot the stranger, why shoot the friend?" she added quietly.
"Also, if you've known this whole time why didn't you say something to the others? He could've been luring you all into a trap, and if he did you would've felt guilty for not coming out with it sooner. Just a thought." Celty shrugged and didn't mean to attack the girl, but it sounded as if she was. "But this is all your guy's business. I just ask if you do kill him, no blood on the boots. Had these for a long time and not a drop has made it on them, I don't want to ruin that streek." she leaned against the wall, arm crossed, again and watched for what they would do or how they would respond. She may be going back into that tree tonight.