Fabricant451 said
You'd have to pay a lot. Selwyn don't fight. Selwyn is like a noob.
Fabricant451 said
You'd have to pay a lot. Selwyn don't fight. Selwyn is like a noob.
Rusalka said
XD And.......Ericka just got owned.Also....time for me to hide. Seeya! *darts off*
Silver Fox said
What about this dog? *holds up chibi puppy version of Zexel's beast form*
Rusalka said
XD We're bad to our characters lol, but I always wanted a deep and dramatic end for one of mine.
Rusalka said
Uh....... >.> <.<
Rusalka said
Eh....kinda is really O.o..... And to answer the first question. She may or she may not. Eventually, I do plan to redeem her character a little since....well....unless I've hinted to it enough. But for now, I'm gonna stick with her being the most brutal prisoner ever.
Rusalka said
How nice of Zexel....but that still ain't taking you off the list for potential prison bitch. <.<