Avatar of salamimike
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Nation Name: Kingdom of Odesh

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Alrighty, big announcement:

Everyone still interested from the OOC and Int-check I'm going to want you to decalre a yes or no if you intend to make an app, and if yes I'm going to need you to PM me your claims so I can update the map and arbitrate conflicts between players wanting the same territory.

Ill be drawing mine up in the AM. I'm EST.

It'll be on the western edge of the eastern continent.

Just waiting on Monkeypants as we have an agreement to be neighbours

Don't really have anything yet, but thought I should post it so you know im still here.

I'm also wondering if there would be any biters for a napoleon esque history with me, preferably more than one person.

My idea is that my nation, maybe ten to twenty years ago expanded into its neighbors forcefully. Maybe overtaking a few nations and occupying for a while until the nation either got beat back by a group of other nations or it buckled under its own weight. Idc which one.

My intent is to have a nation that got beat and hasn't recovered, is heavily in debt due to reparations for previously occupied nations and full of sanctions and treaties resulting in a very screwed nation.

It'll add some spice and I'm open for discussion regarding potential occupiers and treaties!

Any biters!?

Im up for that, we should talk when the C.S comes out.
<Snipped quote by Isotope>

Well the steampunk technology would be used for transportation. Think Mega steam trains that are expensive to build and maintain and eats a shitloads of coal but transports large ammounts of resources.

It would probably be cheaper to just build two trains.

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