Name: Christine Perkins
AKA: None yet.
Age: 17
Status: Student
Years Attended: 1
Bio: Christine was born in Athens, Georgia to her pastor father and housewife mother. Athens was a small town half of it consumed by the university so that left little to the residents thus she grew up in a small southern community. She was a bit of an outcast due to her shyness and just couldn't comprehend the sheer amount of politeness and niceness that was required of a preacher’s daughter. Her powers began manifesting at the age of thirteen. She was sweeping the floor of the church and her broom caught fire, she would walk into the room and the lights would flicker, and at one point glowed so brightly that the bulbs burst. By the time she was sixteen she had a good idea of what was happening to her and tried her best to control it though her emotions were strongly tied to her powers and she would slip up. But nothing compared to what happened the last Sunday before her life changed. Christine had been a part of the choir since she was little and on that day she was to preform her first solo. As she stepped up and begun to sing, the reality that all eyes were on her was too much to bear. The curtains caught fire, the lights began to flicker and she felt strong warmth in her fingertips. Looking down they had begun to glow like little flashlights. Everyone in the church panicked and ran screaming. She was forced to reveal herself to her parents and the town began to assume that she was possessed by a demon, including her father. He wanted to perform an exorcism on her despite her pleading with him that she wasn’t possessed. However, the night of it her mother dragged her out of bed driving her to the train station. She then bought her a ticket to North Salem, New York, gave her a suitcase surprisingly full of Christine’s clothes, a teary look and a kiss then sent her off to the school away from her father’s wrath.
Family/loved ones; Katherine Perkins (Mother), Pastor David Perkins (Father), Joey Perkins (Younger Brother)
Personality: Christine is a shy girl with mild social anxiety and a severe case of aphonia (Stage Fright). This makes her put up a wall of aloofness and aggressiveness that she hates because it’s not her at all. In reality she wants to be sociable and show that she actually is good person with a curiosity that will get her killed one day but, is trapped in her insecurities. The fact that she is emotionally fragile doesn't help either; she takes everything to heart and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve.
Powers/Abilities: Plasma Manipulation- : Create/Generate/Increase, shape and manipulate all forms of plasma, including fire, electricity, and light.