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    1. SaraRPs 11 yrs ago


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I was waiting for someone too..
Well i'd imagine most of us here are in the Americas section so the time differences are maximum 2 hours but sweet im a bit down south if its any hint to how far away each other are.
And the fact that many young people are night owls now a days. Especially with summer well some of y'all on here may be legal not my business but you know..
Fuck time differences...its 12 PM for moi
-yawn- Well y'all seem to be up bright and early. Idk why its just another normal day. Nothing special about it. Sorry I can be an ass sometimes.
So this might not be the best CS started it really late so im sleepy and not 100%
Name: Lucina Cobbs

Race: Halfling (Half human half Water Nymph)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Profession/Role/Position: Was going to be a university student but now is doing grunt for the Yakuza.

Appearance: Luci stands at exactly 5’2 weighing in at 130 pounds. Despite her short stature she has reasonably long legs and torso with a decently proportioned bust. She doesn’t have much upper muscular density but makes up for it with her strong legs. She is surprisingly fair despite living in the hot Huston sun, sports no burn marks or freckles. She has a round face with high cheek bones most of any color that ever shows up on her body is here and mostly runs very deep red. On her left cheek a large scar runs from her nose all the way down to her pink lips. She has a small nose that sits slightly upturned in between her large wide light blue eyes which are her most distinctive feature.

Equipment: She’s required to have a small dagger on her person at all times since she started working for the Yakuza. She keeps it hooked on the belt of her jeans in a leather case.

Implants: None.

Magic: In accordance to her Nymph genes, she is a carrier of most water magic. Forming water, freezing it but can’t seem to get the concept of boiling it sadly. She can completely turn her body into water and some parts of it into water vapor. From most books on Water Nymphs she cannot breathe underwater but can stay down there for a good while, she has no tail that she knows of and shows no physical Nymph like body features besides her eye color.

Personality: Luci is what people would call a hard headed child. She had a temper that she often stuffs down until it explodes on anything or anyone. She means well but her shyness and insecurities make it hard to get her point across, she works hard for what she can and will do anything to protect those she loves. She sometimes can seem to care too much about everything and everyone and her curiosity does get the best of her sometimes.

Bio: Her father always told her she was made from true love. Well at least that’s what he’d say to her whenever she asked about her mother and that she was a creature of the water. What he hid from her for the first 17 years of her life was that her mother was from a Nymph pod that crossed the Gulf of Mexico “every 5 heats.” As her mother Sulci told her father Dr. Cobbs now but back then timid medical student Adam. He had rented a sailboat for the summer and met the love of his life. Every day she would come up onto his boat shed her tail for weak legs. A few weeks later she was pregnant with Luci and one month later (Nymph gestational periods normally take 2-3 weeks but since Luci was half human it was longer.) Luci was born. Of course since she bore no tail when met with water and couldn’t bare taking her child away from its father, she gave the baby to her father, cut her cheek with sharp coral as was tradition, kissed her and him then migrated away with her pod with strict instructions to never bring her back for in accordance to Sea law half breeds were abominations that would be exterminated on site, and to name her Lucina.

So Luci grew up a privileged life because of her father’s success with his career and they were happy. Little did she or any of their loved ones know was that he was a private surgeon to the Yakuza and he was so high up in the ranks that he worked on many of their top leaders. But soon the messy business became too much for him and he left to start his own privately owned free surgical clinic since he had so much money saved up he figured it could be done. It couldn’t. Soon he was swimming in debt and wanted to send his daughter to college as far away as he could from the sea so, he made the worst decision he could possible make. He borrowed money from the Yakuza with a year to pay it back. Of course with the added interest he was behind on his payments. Threats were made, attacks on his home and business, until finally he was dragged in and it was decided that he either paid up or one of his hands would be cut off. Desperate he begged for another way, they found one. He come work for them again for free for the next 5 years and they wouldn’t cut his hand off. With added interest if Luci came and worked too they would be done in only 4 years.


Company/Organization: None
@Pathfinder I'm sure Mag-Linn will have something to say about it dude.
"He seems like a good dog." Linn said as the dog walked to the kitchen in hopes of getting delicious table scraps from the other recruits. "And I do miss Oliver. So much that it hurts. But my brothers are taking care of him." When the girl said that they could go where she wanted, Linn smiled softly feeling a bit bashful and put on the spot. 'Well dummy you put her on the spot too.' This was true.

Linn giggled like the secret school girl she was at the girls question about to gush about who she thought was the cutest when she remembered...she was blind. 'Idiot.' Her subconscious was right. How was she supposed to feel any sort of attraction to the guy or understand about...physical appeal. Stupid stupid stupid. Linn flushed a deep red that she could feel all the way down her chest. She didn't want to call the girl out though. So she just acted as if she were just another person. Maybe that's what she wanted.

"Well the guy at the piano is pretty hot. But he really did embarrass himself at the lineup so hes looking a bit down. I think he needs some reassurance. And I really want to check out the piano...so.." She took the girls slim hand in hers and put her arm through her's at the same time. "My name's Linnette by the way. I like Linn though but you can call me whatever." Linn began the trip over to the piano, slowly but not so slowly that the girl would feel like an old woman. When they got over to the boy Linn placed the girls hand over the piano and went to sit down on the bench next to the boy. "Hey you doing ok? Your kinda just sitting here like a kicked dog..." She said small smile.
Hi sweet looking RP. Been awhile since I've seen some Southern action going on in one. Huston. Interesting place.
Linn smiled as the dog sniffed her feet and giggled slightly as she bent down and scratched the dog behind his ears. "I have a puppy like you at home. His names Oliver." She sighed a bit remembering that last night before she left how Oliver wouldn't leave her side even sleeping right next to her as if he knew something was going to happen tomorrow. His sad eyes and whimpering sent a shiver up her spine as she stood up to address the girl again.

"Ya I meant to say that word that means kissing up to them but I guess I forgot how to spell it." (hehe get it? :D) She remembered the piano she used to have. Wasn't as grand as the one infront of them but still it was nice. Her mother taught her and then she took lessons at school but then the accident happened. "I've been playing since I was 10 but a year ago I..um broke our family piano so I haven't played in a minute."
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