Name:Heimal Valic
Nickname: "The Eye"
Race: Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 683 years old (looks 19)
Height: six foot three
Weight: 193lbs
Appearance: he has rough silvery scales that are almost un-noticeable appearaning more like a grain on his skin than actual scales, He has yellowish green eyes in a slightly oval shape, dark red hair swept over his head to his shoulders most often tied back in a short pony or top knot with a leather strap, a strong athletic build, five deep scars on his face to hint that he has his face palmed by a large man with claws. His body is heavily scared.
Traits: 150% of the maximum human speed, 120% of maximum strength (able to flip a small car), accelerated healing, superhuman toughness, immune to magic, ageless.
Major Skills: single handed swords, knives, axes, tracking, and hand to hand combat
Minor skills: free running, blending into his environment, swimming, poisons, and assassination
Personality: a very easy person to talk to Heimal possesses many mental issues making him easy to provoke. Seemingly bipolar Heimal can be making friends with you one second and beheading you the next, nothing seems to get past him. A goal driven killer in almost all aspects.
Gear: a specialized short sword able to block and deflect magic
Universe of Origin: Founding Fires (of my own development)
Anything else?