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A Naream and Valsharess Collab

Naream took a deep breath and smoothed down his robes, he had gone to great efforts to have his best robes cleaned and repaired for the ball. He was not looking forward to this... but the arrogance and stubbornness of a certain pair of queens and their 'oh so superior elder mage' ally to return what was rightfully his forced him to swallow his pride. With reluctance at first but gaining confidence he approached the Drow delegation.

Seeing some guards noting his approach and naturally intercept him he simply stopped and glared at them as he made his introductions, "Naream... of house Baenre..." He gritted his teeth. "Humbly... requesting a audience with the Valsharess."

The guards say nothing as the Valsharess makes a single gesture with her hand. The guards, without being able to see it, step aside and let Naream pass. "Ahh... Andrea... I've been waiting for you." The Valsharess turns and spots, with almost bitter disappointment, Naream. "... Oh. It's you. Hello."

"I feel the same kind of pleasure meeting you, oh Valsharess." Naream said and bowed, hiding his facial features as he said that. "My deepest and most sincere apologies if I am not your pet priestess, or should I say spy, at the Renaltan court." He said without almost a hint of sarcasm, almost. "How fare the Drow, still oppressed by maniacal, religious zealots, even after our gods, especially a certain goddess are banished?" He said, unable to prevent himself from making that jab.

The Valsharess moves her fingers slightly and Naream could feel it, as though a pair of fingers were toying with his adam's apple. "Careful..." He could feel the fingers dig into his skin, causing him to bleed a little. "Llolth can still hear you, foolish child..." The look in her eyes showed a little concern, though it was mostly annoyance at the lack of reverence Naream showed. "The Drow flourish, more powerful than they have ever been, and will be stronger still than that if things go my way... Now, what do you want?"

"Love you too mother..." Naream says, glaring at her. "What I want... well we both know what I want in the long run, but for now." He narrowed his eyes, "Don't you dare deny this, but you must have known that Harrad, had a certain tome in his possession when he fled the Underdark on his quest for immortality, a certain, powerful tome. By right it should now belong to me, in the hands of a Drow. Unfortunately, queen Kouri got her hands of it, after she banished the gods, all of them." He couldn't help but smirk again, knowing his part in that part and to rub it in that by all rights and knowledge all the gods, those of the surface and the underdark were gone, forever. He however mentally shook his head and continued, "She handed it over to her pet mage, Amanda, while they have promised to... give it to me when the time is right, it might be better if say, a strong ally of theirs makes a case that it should be returned to it's rightful owner now. For the good of us all, of course."

He stopped smiling now and clenched his fists, bowing stiffly. "I would be... grateful for such assistance and offer.... my assistance with anything.... our people... the Valsharess... require." He felt like he was making a deal with a daemon, but she was much worse...

"... You want me, to pull strings and acquire you -that- tome?" She looks him over, then shakes her head, uninterested. "You have nothing to offer and you are as treacherous as they come."

Naream glared, then sighed and muttered lowly under his breath, so only she would hear. "I am as treacherous like any other Drow." He snorts, "And nothing to offer... I have access to Harrad's laboratory, he built a entire army of undead mother, not just wights, beasts and monsters as well and all it needs, is someone, with the knowledge and skill, which there is only one Drow currently living who possesses it, to use that tome to awaken and summon them forth... to be at the service of... another, perhaps." He cursed his own weakness for this next part, "Another who might allow a exiled son to return home."

The Valsharess seems to consider this as she thoughtfully looks him over again. Suddenly, her interested was piqued, though not fully. "Intriguing... Still inevitable treacherous, but I should almost do so just to see what you would do with such power..." Licking her lips she snaps herself back to the real world, and sighs. "Not now. Prove yourself, and I will... Consider it."

He bowed again, sensing this conversation was over, for now and made to leave before he paused and turned around, suspicion in his eyes. "If I may offer some advice, do not try to manipulate the queens, either of them. I have seen where that leads to and last time someone did so, well queen Kouri banished the gods, she holds grudges almost like she is a Drow." He said, with a hint of admiration. "Perhaps we will talk again, assuming I survive any potential assassination attempts you throw my way, enjoy the ball, Valsharess." And with that he left, silently cursing himself he had to steep so low to ask for assistance in this matter, but the queens and that bitch Amanda gave him no choice by refusing to return his birthright.

The Valsharess watched him leave, then silently whispered to a small spider on her shoulder. It rappels up to the ceiling and stays out of his sight, though keeps an eye on him for now. Maybe it would mean something more later on.
Naream and Maeven Collab

Still having a rather sour taste in his mouth after his audience with the supreme Drow bitch he wandered aimlessly over the ball floor between the various dignitaries of the kingdoms that had come to Renalta for this occasion. On two separate cases he had to point out that, no he wasn't one of the Valsharess's lapdogs he was one of the Queens blades in service of Renalta, at least for the moment, though he did not add that last part. He caught a hint of green hair in his periphery vision, thinking it was Mikan he grinned to himself and went after the elusive owner of the green hair.

When he approached her he frowned, was she shorter now? Still the green hair still made her stood out from everyone else at the ball and he approached her from behind and leaned down, murmuring in her ear. "Still have time to grant a dance to your favourite Drow?" He said with a smirk playing on his lips.

Maeven furrows her brow uncertainly at the voice niggling at her ear as she taps her foot. She did not know any Drow so how could she possibly have a favorite amongst them. Of course, that Val-whatever woman that had introduced herself to the Queen Kouri had been a very attractive specimen so she could be vying for that spot already but this voice was distrinctly masculine. With curiosity she finds herself turning about and looking up at the taller man. And finding her jaw dropping. She begins to find herself snapping her finger as she tries to recall his name before giving up. "Okay. So I don't remember your name. But you were at the West Tower with me and Faf. You had the dead guys... Right?"

Naream blinked, surprised, it seemed he had been in error since this green haired woman was most certainly not Mikan. He blinked when she mentioned the west tower and then widened his eyes, "You, you were the one with the mechanical dragon... with the rather active dragon soul inside that I sensed, yes I remember you." He looked at her hair and then at her face, "You... had a different colour then, ah my apologies I thought you were someone else." He inclined his head, still smiling however. "I guess we never got introduced, Naream Baenre."

"Maeven Lucre," she smiles, lightly tapping the side of her nose and drawing out her skirt as she curtseys. "And thanks for taking notice of Fafnir. I'm sorry he couldn't come along tonight, but apparently they were making a fuss about him scuffing up the floor and causing a riot with the noble people. A whole bunch of squeamish prisses if you ask me." She sniffs and straightens herself up, looking over the drows. She ponders for a moment, looking him over and wondering if he really meant if it was a case of mistaken identity or if he just wanted his soul gem back and was just looking for a more polite excuse instead of causing a scene.

He chuckles and smirks, "Yes I wholly agree with you on that, not much at home or comfortable around nobles either." He glanced back at the Drow delegation with a scowl before he returned his facial features to a more neutral outlook once more and returned his attention to his current conversational partner. "I admit I actually wanted to talk to you, it is quite... intriguing for me to witness someone, not a mage, at least in the strictest sense, able to implement soul stones into constructs, much like my undead and my newest experiments with golems. Especially a powerful one like a dragon soul housed inside a mechanical dragon." He suddenly blinked at a memory and looked suddenly intently at Maeven. "On that note... I had witnessed the damages to your dragon... and I am missing a soul stone, know anything about that?"

Maeven crosses her arms over her blouse and raises her chin with a sniff. "One shouldn't fall asleep with their prized possessions scattered about town willy nilly, sir. That's just common sense. Who knows what scum of the earth will come about picking up such shiny things. Why, what would the little children have done, picking up a such a powerful thing, hmm? Or what if your enemies got ahold of it, imagine what terrible things they might do with such a thing against you." She waggles a finger at him. "Games and battles are just no times for naps."

He smiled thinly and reached out suddenly, grabbing her by the chin with his glove covered hand and traced over the edge of her cheek, "Perhaps, but I was not asleep, I was passed out trying to stay alive and fight off those demonic chess pieces with my magic, among those who I were told were allies, not thieves." He let go of her chin and raised a eyebrow, "It was a empty soul stone regardless and I suspect it is now filled, nevertheless I would ask payment for it since it cannot be returned to it's rightful owner."

"Not thieves, opportunists who would rather not have such things lying around for people we could not account for to pick up." she lightly brushes herself against Naream's hand. "And what payment are you talking about. Money? I am afraid I am quite bled dry with the repairs I have already had to put in for Fafnir saving your arse taking care of the real threats and ending that 'game' with the sprite. Haven't you heard?... Got the bomb disarmed with the child too..." She looks up at the drow and presses closer, raising a hand and presses a hand to his chest, caressing over his torso. "A craft of my skill, perhaps? I'm not sure that would interest you, but it would take time, and I would need information on what you would desire..." She pauses, a small smile spreading as she drops her voice and whispers, "Or is there something else, given you're apparently someone's favorite drow..."

Were all Mechanists... so... flirty? He wondered as he smirked at what she was doing, merely raising a eyebrow with interest, at first when she pressed closer. "Well I admit, your art did intrigue me and I would like to know more, so I would greatly appreciate anything on that regard you could tell me. As for what I desire..." He murmured, before he pressed his body back against her, his hand reaching out once more, tracing over the curve of her ear and then her neck. "As for the something else... I do not want that... as payment at least, I am not that kind a person and neither are you I imagine." He smirked, looking her in the eyes, perhaps this case of mistaken identity would be fun after all. He traced his hand down from her neck, over her shoulder to her arm and hand, taking her hand in his and brought it to his face, kissing the back of it while looking her in the eyes still. "But if you can be persuaded to give it freely I will most certainly be happy to reciprocate..."

She smiles softly and wriggles her fingers at the kiss upon her hand, intrigued by the gesture. "How sweet. I may just have to take you up on that..." With heavily lidded eyes, her mind was already beginning to race with ideas on how to craft a device best suited to Naream's needs to service him. It most certainly would be hard to suit a mage, considering they they had magic at their service, but perhaps that was limiting in its own nature. She licks her lips before continuing, "Perhaps we can talk later as to what your needs may be, but for now, perhaps we can dance or partake in the wines they have to offer here. I have heard from the sprite these things can be quite enjoyable, and not just for the nobles... Can we prove her right?"

He grinned, holding her hand still as he guided his dance partner to the floor, "I think we can most sincerely prove her right." He placed a hand at her hip, but not before brushing it near her thigh. "Dance first, wine later?" He said with a smile, looking like a hungry predator for a moment.

She smiles and fumbles trying to mimic the positions the others about them were taking. "Yeah. I'd hate to see how many times I'd step on your feet after the drink, afterall," she giggles, "I do hope you can lead, otherwise, this might be painful for both of us."

He grinned, "I have been on the surface for a while and had a teacher or two to instruct me." He said, making sure to lead, and pull her even closer to him. "As for the wine later... perhaps we can remove one of those bottles... and enjoy it in the privacy of my or your room." He took a brazen move and leaned in to kiss her neck, sinking his teeth in lightly as well. "After we have stayed sufficiently at this ball of course..." He murmured afterwards.

She smirks and smiles at his offer. "That would be nice... After all... It wouldn't do well... to miss out on all our duties, playing host to all these foreign dignitaries, meeting and greeting, making contacts, so on, so forth." She purrs and plays her fingers lightly through his hair, tangling them lightly in his locks as he leads her along the dance floor.
In the life of two Sith and their Minions.

Gra'tua was once again suffering another humiliation in order to become a better warrior, his blaster pistol had been traded in for a rifle and he was lying on his stomach looking down the sight and the barrel at the distant targets while his taskmaster, Goran, was standing behind him, with the controls that gave him the means to change the distances between the targets or have target drones fly up from hidden niches and open fire at him. The scion of clan Silas seemed to take a sadistic delight in using those controls to make this training bout a living hell for him.

He let out a curse and quickly rolled to the side as three such practice target drones opened fire on him, nearly hitting him and he looked up and back, glaring at Goran. "You enjoy this far too much."

"And you are not enjoying it enough, it will be five of them next time if you miss the target." Goran replied dryly, his finger hovering over the button.

Muttering under his breath he once again lined up the shot, aimed and fired. The blastershot was aimed true and flew forth to the holographic target easily and just before it would have hit it the target flickered and vanished. Gra'tua blinked, staring open-mouthed at where the target was and then glanced back, observing a smirking Goran Silas. "You son of a-" He managed to say right before the target drones appeared and opened fire, making him shudder and trash as the surges of electricity coursed through him.


"Is that normal?" Lena asked, gesturing vaguely in the direction of her fellow sith who was thrashing on the training ground floor.

Andrieke let out a snort, "It is since Goran Silas came to instruct him to use a blaster." She replied and twirled the blade in her hand before stabbing it down in the checkered board. "Your move."

Frowning she picked up a blade, still looking at Gra'tua. "Is that really a proper way to instruct someone in the use of a blaster? Perhaps i should have warned Gra'tua when that Goran expressed a great deal of interest in the way my training facilities are set up. But then I admit I wouldn't know, I prefer to stay away from firearms both in my hands and the ones held by my enemies." She then turned to look at the blade in her hand and frowned. "What was this game called again?"

"Cu'bikad, and it is still your move." Andrieke replied, tapping the board which already had several blades stabbed into the board by them both. "Must I go over the rules again? I warned you that a game such as this is better not played by non-mandalorians."

"Well the matter is, I asked you to instruct me in some methods of strategy, I was not expecting a game that involved stabbing a checkered square." She looked at the blade again, shrugged and stabbed it down in a position she deemed it would benefit her.

"But it is, the blades." Andrieke raised her next blade and gestured over the board. "The blades represent your troops and borders, the initial phase is us marking our territory, the second phase to find opening in the others defenses... and third and final phase." She stabbed the blade down to stress the point of her words, "To find the exposed weakness of your foe and stab it right in the heart."

"I see." Lena said calmly. "I think I would have preferred Dejarik however, or just some regular strategy games or instructions." She tapped the pommel of her next blade on the board, "This seems a bit too stabby, stabby for me."

"That or you prefer to do things your way in the shadows?" Andrieke asked, not judgmental, simply curious.

Lena paused, glancing at the general in the service of her fellow sith. "I won't deny that my preferred ways of doing things... leave less of a mess to clean up. A assassination here, a sabotage attempt there... a focused and calculated strike elsewhere, it could make armies, planets, systems, governments fall with only a few number of specialists and hidden strikes to eliminate key components. Grand battles might have a certain romance and glory to it, but the destruction it brings are difficult to repair and recover from. Not to mention the bodycount." She stabbed the blade down finally, "Besides I believe even the Mandalorian people know this, you do wage your battles, for honour, for glory, for your clan. Grand battles, sure but the Mandalorians also have a certain... code of honour involving personal duels between champions or clan leaders to settle matters I gathered. Those battles only end with, well usually from what I understand, one casualty but it would settle the most grievous of injustices, insults or feuds."

Andrieke hardly seemed to consider her next move and stabbed her blade down. "We have those, but we do not kill in secret, yes we have clans who... specialize using cloaking technology, they are our scouts, our high risk commandos infiltrating enemy lines. But our foes will always know it was a Mando'ade blaster or blade that ends their lives. You prefer to not have people find out that you were behind the strike, correct?"

"Correct." Lena stabbed down and looked at the board. "Hmm... it seems I have created a wedge within your defenses, which I can capitalize upon with my next moves."

Blinking Andrieke looked down at the board and let out a curse.

Chuckling Lena leaned back, this game wasn't so hard after all.
Sometime later Shadow's Regret,
Conference Room.

Lena placed the cup of tea in front of Gra'tua and grabbed her own as she sat down opposite him and took a sip. "Are you alive still? Your training instructor seemed to like pushing you to your limits."

Gra'tua let out a snort and looked at the cup of tea, "I don't suppose you have dark beer?" He lifted the cup, sniffed it and decided to take a sip, grimacing at the taste. "To answer your question, I am alive still and Goran... while his sadistic tendency to push me to my limits and test my patience might need to be questioned at times. He is doing his job, instructing me to use a blaster and so far he has proven to be... adequate... in teaching me, I can... apparently hit a target the size of a barn, but that is about it, according to him at least." He let out a grumble and frowned, "You seem to spend time with my general however, how did that happen I wonder?"

Lena smiled, "I deemed I needed to learn more about strategy and tactics, asking lessons from a Mandalorian general, a warleader, in your service, seemed like the right person to ask. Besides with our little agreement I figured we could use each other's resources freely, especially since we are travelling towards Korriban on my ship. Remind me again why we are not contacting them ahead of our imminent arrival?"

"Because the only thing we know there is some supposed invasion planned for Korriban, if we contact them we could potentially endanger them by letting this enemy know reinforcements are on their way. Intercepting our transmissions is unlikely but it is still a possibility." Gra'tua paused and shrugged, "I prefer to have the element of surprise on our side if we are entering a combat situation... I just wish I had my ship and most of my troops with me. If something happens to her..." He growled.

She leaned back, looking at Gra'tua with raised eyebrows, "With 'her' I assume you mean Azazel, I think she will be fine. She is fairly powerful in her own right, she has her people with her, not to mention Korriban is Andrea's seat of power. I think whatever happens, those that invade that region of space have a rather fierce battle on their hands, which they will have great difficulty to come out alive." She smiled, "I think you should be more worried about whoever is thinking they can kill not one sith... but a alliance of sith."

"Hmpf, you are smarter and more collected than you make yourself appear to be." Gra'tua, grudgingly admitted.

"I thank you for the compliment." She seemed to think for a moment, "It is interesting however, these kind of situations will reveal... if we are indeed a alliance of sith, able to work together, or are nothing more than a sham. Actors playing a role, hiding ourselves as wolves wearing nerf-clothing who are about to turn on each other and attempt to rip each other's throats out." She paused and then chuckled. "I prefer to not see that particular scenario happen, compared to you, Azazel, Andrea and Jacoiba, I am small fish in a sea of sharks." She still chuckled once she said that.

"You do that often." He said after a moment once she was done talking and chuckling. "Make yourself appear as if you are lesser, weaker. I may not know all your assets or abilities Lena, but you have a rather devious mind and a cunning intellect which you use to advance your goals. Not that I complain, this partnership we have agreed upon, certainly has it's advantages to me, I managed to obtain several living, actual living and breathing Taung, the first Mando'ade, the creator race of my culture and heritage." He paused, "But... I need to inform Azazel about our little arrangement. She is my partner... and the mother of my children to be, she should know everything that involves me and her."

"I disagree, this arrangement is between you and me, I am not threatening her, or your relationship with her. I am also not asking you to spy on her for me... or try to pry you away from her to pursue something with you myself." She smiled and shrugged, "No offense but you are not my type." She turned her chair, facing Gra'tua. "This arrangement I made with you is because I was impressed with your growth, you have come far from the... well, originally mindless warrior persona you have. So in my opinion she has nothing to do with what is purely a business agreement between two individuals."

"Sounds to me you just want to keep this secret from Azazel, or just all of the other sith." He said as a observation.

"Perhaps, or perhaps I just want to make sure this sith alliance stays in one piece and my arrangement with you is my method of achieving that and it's secrecy is what keeps our arrangement, and possibly the alliance, intact." She shrugged, "But that is my opinion, I can't tell you what to do or say to Azazel and I won't stop you. I only say I would prefer to keep this arrangement we have between the two of us."

Letting out a snort he closed his eyes, why were women in his life so confusing and frustrating, he let out a sigh and grumbled again. "Hmpf, fine, I will see what I will tell her once I see her right before me in the flesh and are certain she is fine."

"That is all I ask, but it is late and I will retire to my chambers, a good night to you Gra'tua." With that she stood up, bowed her head and left the conference room to retire for the night.

"I'll remain here for a moment, I seem to have a lot of my mind." He bid goodnight to Lena and remained alone, lost in thought.
Ze upgrades for one Naream Baenre:

New: Awakened Meditation: Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)

Upgrade: Apprentice, Wizened, gain stealth magic and has learned golemancy thanks to some lessons with Esyllt

New Unique: Trait 3, Soul Gems, normally ordinary gems or crystals but thanks to a necromantic spell of his own devising Naream is able to fill these gems and crystals with the souls living creatures that have died, be it beast or man. Unlike the soul stones powering the more powerful necromantic constructs, like wights and such, these soul gems Naream can use to recharge his power if he is running low or use them to boost one of his spells.

Upgrade: Lich Transformation, Phylactery Focus, to achieve his goal to become a powerful necromancer and lich Naream needs to one day shed his mortal life to become undead, but with his sentience and free will intact, to that end he has finally managed to select the item that will be the focus of his lifeforce, his soul and he is slowly storing his essence into it as his time as a Queens Blade passes. (No game effect per so but required, in my view, for the eventual lich transformation)
Herzinth said
WELL IN THAT CASEI need either Sarzu to bring me back to life, for people to try the lake thing, or GM intervention. Mangled!Thailen ahoy.I'll level up once I've got a confirmed way of bringing her back.

Brovo said
Replying quick at work: GM will do. Don't ask Sarz he will do something horrible to you. Will be online at over weekend soon enough.

Awww please... I would love to bring her back as a undead abomination of nature, can I please? It will be magnificent.
The friends of a jedi knight...

Illusion of Grace, heading to a hutt meeting.

"We've reached the Carnovia system."

Thrall just nodded, frowning, "Well bring us in and contact Hoddo's palace on the planet, ask him if his Carnovian Eels are still wet, that should indicate who we are affiliated with." He snorted, that pass phrase was set up between beard face and that hutt slime a long time ago, it always reminded him of the slimy eels... he distinctly recalled fixing the freezers of Hoddo's palace after they had failed... the smell of rotting eels still makes him gag.

It took only a moment and they were cleared to land, "Well bring her in." Thrall said after a while and then settled back as the ship approached the ocean world and began it's landing descent on the rather large spaceport, usually reserved for the water whalers or transports for harvested eels.

A moment after the ship was landed Thrall was outside and headed for Hoddo's palace or whatever waiting party he had for them.

As it turned out a squad of four Gluss'sa'Nikto guards awaited them with a small hovering droid at their head which bobbed up and down gently as it spoke. "You are not the jedi, The Great Hoddo asked for the jedi to meet him." the droid chimed out in a melodic tone that had a noticeable air of confusion.

Thrall slithered towards the group, "Correct, beard face, the jedi, sadly could not make it but he send, old Hoddo knows me Fiddo so let's get this over with, shall we?"

"You!" The droid exclaimed suddenly as its memory files finally caught up. "Why would the Master speak to a slave."

"You!" The droid exlaimed suddenly as its memory files finally caught up. "Why would the Master speak to a slave."

"Oy, first I was not a slave, but paying off a debt, Hoddo just treated me as a slave. Second beard face paid off my debt and I was free to enter his service. Now you going to let me in Fiddo or shall I just slither back and see if I care that your master sends you to the scrapheap for not doing your job?"

"Memory files do not confirm that statement, I have no record of you being 'freed'." The droid responded.

Thrall turns around and slithers away, "See ya, have fun at the scrap pile."

"Mr Pontax." A voice called out from the main entrance to Hoddo's Palace. It had come from a Nimban woman that was striding quickly towards the group of guards. "Where are you going?" She asked when she reached the guards and walked up to stand in front of the droid.

He turns around and snorts, crossing his arms. "Going away, came here to do a job at the request of my boss who somehow is friends with your boss, but if doing a job means being insulted by a glorified doorknob I'm out of here. Real smart of Hoddo to have a droid like him at the front to piss off the people he wants to help him, real smart."

"Let us say the mechanical help has been less and less useful since your departure Mr Pontax," She replied with a sigh.

He glared at the droid, "So I see, can I shoot it?"

"I'm afraid Hoddo would likely be displeased at that, why spend credits on a replacement when a memory reset would accomplish much the same." She replied. "Fiddo was right however, Hoddo asked for the Jedi, why is he not here?"

"Fighting in a insurgency, he'd love to have come here but the locals apparently wanted him to stay and have him fight at their side." Thrall just said dryly, leaving it up to her if he was joking or not. "Now I think you can imagine I rather not be here at all but the boss man wanted to help out Hoddo so here I am."

Jeyen shook her head slightly for a moment. "I cannot be sure how pleased Hoddo will be to hear the Jedi did not come himself. Come inside though, I will announce you regardless." She said before she turned and headed for the entrance flanked by two of the nikto guards. "The freezer is malfunctioning again, offering to fix it may put Hoddo in a more receptive mood." She suggested mildly.

He threw up a little when he heard that but swallowed it down, "If you have a gas mask to loan me I will consider it." He muttered, following her in. He would not fix those things to please Hoddo, the torture of the smell of rotting eels he would not wish on any of his servants.

Jeyen lead Thrall through the corridors of the palace and past several floor to ceiling aquariums, housing species that were mostly not native to the ocean world, before they arrived at the main audience chamber and she ushered Thrall inside before stepping up onto Hoddo's platform to stand beside the Hutt. "Thrall Pontax has come in the Jedi's stead Master." She said to Hoddo.

Not caring if his reluctance showed, he bowed and waited for the Hutt to speak.

Perhaps my message did not convey the appropriate level of importance think job holds." Hoddo said as he looked at Thrall. "I expected Tohkran himself some time ago."

Thrall shrugged, "He would have come himself but he is fighting in a insurgency against some oppressors, you know how jedi are from the tales, have a baby cry and they draw their lightsabers to defend it." Thrall said a bit bored, "He send me instead, also with a request but that can wait after I've done the job, assuming you trust me with it." He gestured to Jeyen, "Also heard the freezers have a problem again, can fix that too pro bono while I am here."

Hoddo laughed at that for a while before he settled again. "silly jedi... So Tohkran has given you authority to accept on his behalf, you know he will still be the one to earn my displeasure if you fail?"

"Duly noted, what's the job?" Thrall asked, still with his arms crossed, he was eager to get out of this place.

"I have an associate recently arrested by the republic. This associate is lets say someone i would rather not see rot in a cell for the next however many years." Hoddo said. "The job is simple, bust my associate out and return them to me."

Thrall nodded slowly, "Prison break, huh? Which prison?"

"Why Kessel of course" Hoddo answered with another booming laugh.

He winced, "Last I heard it was now under private control, which means either sloppy security or high grade, got any information on what to expect?"

"Far from sloppy I'm afraid, Jeyen can give you details we have uncovered on the prison itself, mostly floor plans and data that is several years old. I do however have a Bounty hunter on the moon under my employ, he might be of some assistance if you can contact him on arrival, Again Jeyen has the details." Hoddo replied.

He nodded, "Well, then I better think that Jeyen gives me the details while I see about fixing those freezers, wouldn't want to disturb you any further of your no doubt oh so busy schedule Hoddo." And he bowed again.

Hoddo waved a dismissal while Jeyen gestured for Thrall to follow her out of the audience chamber.

He follows and a moment later, a impromptu gas mask on his face as he was fixing the freezers, even with the mask he was gagging and turned to Jeyen who also had a mask of her own in place, "He really needs to buy new ones but I have them fixed, for now, don't count on it for the long run. So besides the floor plans, that by your own admissions are somewhat dated, there is that bounty hunter that frequents the place?"

She nods, "That is all we have and you are without a jedi to assist you."

Thrall snorts, "Beard face might be occupied but there's other jedi, requires me to turn back to the nest though but was going to anyway, don't really have any resources for a prison break, so yeah there's that." They both left the freezer area and Thrall was glad to smell, somewhat, fresh air again. "So yeah I will return to the nest, gather the resources I need for a prison break and do Hoddo's dirty business." The talked some more before Thrall decided it was time to leave and bid his farewell. Leaving with the Illusion of Grace towards Refuge.
Thrall accepted a job on Tohkran's behalf... to do a prison breakout on Kessel... after a resupply back at the Refuge.
In the life of a training Sith

Gra'tua frowned looking carefully down the sight of the blaster pistol in the stance Goran told him to shoot from and fired, missing the target by inches, he let out a soft curse. "I really have the urge to ignite my sabers and cut off that smirk on the targets face." He growled and looked at the target, which his people had drawn a smirking face on. "Their sense of humour since I started training with a blaster needs to be corrected..."

"So correct it by finally learning to shoot straight." Goran remarked as he nudged Gra'tua's foot sharply back into the propper stance.

He let out a grunt and fired... this time the shot went over the target by a far wider margin and he looked at Goran accusingly. And then glared at a pair of sniggering warriors who quickly turned back to their sparing when they noticed their alor looking in their direction.

"You're not going to hit the target looking at others are you." Goran said as he resisted the urge to slap Gra'tua round the back of the head, he was harsh on gra'tua in these sessions, but there were some lines one didn't cross.

He resisted the urge to force choke some of his warriors and returned to the stance and fired, this time he got closer like before and snorted. "Maybe the blaster is faulty... regardless, how has your stay been with my clan so far?" He asked while he aimed down the sight for his next shot.

"Much as I expected, Though on a larger scale than I am used too." Goran replied before snatching the blaster out of Gra'tua's hands, pulling out the power cells, rubbing the contacts for a moment and then replacing it before handing the weapon back to gra'tua. "Teth was something of a surprise."

He nodded his thanks and raised the weapon again to fire, cursing loudly when he missed. "Hmm, yes. Teth was a surprise for us all, living Taung and now they have joined my clan, I admit I am quite pleased with that."

"The forefathers of our culture, it will be interesting to speak with them about our shared past." Goran said speculatively

Gra'tua nodded, pausing briefly to reply. "Quite, from what I gathered they were there, at the golden age of our kind. The great crusades, fighting under Mandalore the Indomitable and then along side the sith under Ulic Qel-Droma. Before their clan was cast out for using cloaking technology, 'unbefit' of the warrior codes, of that tiem at least. Now we are more open so such methods. I shall look forward to fight alongside them and learn more of our past." He aimed and fired again, missing once more but getting closer. "Did one of my men sabotage my blaster..." He wondered out loud.

"And what of your partner?" Goran asked, "how is she baring?"

He allowed himself a smile, lowering his blaster once more. "She is not 'baring' anything yet.... but she is pregnant with twins, our children. It will be good for us, our bonds are only strengthened with the coming of children in our lives." He grinned, "I just hope my firstborn, Kyr'am, who is with your clan will welcome her new siblings."

"And what of her mother? Clearly the same bonds did not form with her birth." Goran remarked as he nodded for Gra'tua to keep trying.

"Her mother was not Mandalorian, and has since then accepted this new arrangement. Also, am I asking you about your personal and private family affairs?" He gritted his teeth as he missed, he had been distracted by a particular memory and glared at Goran.

"I'm not the one trying to gain support to become the Manda'lor. My sister trats my counsel with considerable weight, so I want to know as much about the character of the man who wants hers and by extention our clans support." Goran replied simply, not at all phased by Gra'tua's accusing look

He held Goran's gaze and the nsnorted, "I loved my firstborns mother, part of me loves her still perhaps. But her vision.... saw her with our child, but without me. So first she banished me from her side, I could accept that, but she would not even allow me to see our child. Still I travelled alongside her, fight alongisde her, then I got word she aimed to kill me, to completely eradicate me from my daughter's existence. As you may expect I took offense to that and boarded her ship, fighting my way to our child and, in my eyes, rescued her from whatever 'grand' destiney my first lover had in mind for her, with her pulling our daughters strings from the shadows. I disabled her ship so she could not follow. I guess I had a bit of a soft spot for her still at that time and opted not to kill her." He shrugged.

And then fired once, frowning. "Gah, you!" He pointed at a random warrior, "Hand me your blaster."

"A poor marksman always blames his weapon." Goran remarked as he waved the warrior to return to their own training without handing over their blaster. Gra'tua was technically the student at this point in time afterall, he had made that clear when he asked Goran to train him in the first place. "Enough of this stacko." He then said as he walked to the target and drew his own blaster before taking aim at Gra'tua. "I'm going to count to three, Then I'm going to shoot you, unless of course you can shoot me first... One."

He blinked, so it was going to be one of those training sessions. He raised his blaster, aimed and fired.

The shot missed by a large margin and Goran spoke again. "Two."

He would not be baited into putting forth a bubble of force protection and just tried to aim better, cursing softly.

The blaster bolt impacted squarely against the personal shield running flush with Gorans chestplate, the Aim of course had been to get Gra'tua to focus properly, not get himself injured. "See, you can hit a target afterall." he said placidly.

He let out a chuckle, "So, I'm not a lost cause... yet."

Goran raised an eyebrow and fired his blaster several times at Gra'tua.

He blinked and dropped the blaster, using the force to bring his sabers to his hand igniting them to deflect the blasters harmlessly away from him.

Once he had done so he deactivated one saber, putting it away and reached for the blaster once more firing at Goran and narrowly missed him, looking at his instructor with raised eyebrow. "The lesson here is, never let your guard down?"

"Apparently a lesson you know well." Goran replied.

He nodded slowly, "Far too well, if this training is concluded, Lena expects us on her ship. We are heading for a world where my wife is currently located, perhaps into another battle. We shall see when we get there."

"I suppose you have made some progress, so I will allow it to end this training session." Goran replied and then simply walked off. "Bring your blaster, I will find opportunities to make you train, no slacking off."
In the lives of friends of a Jedi...

Somewhere in hyperspace.

"Are you sure this is the right way of doing this?" Goddor asked before he and Marack boarded the Killer Whale, turning to Thrall. "Splitting up seems... I don't know, unwise?"

Thrall scoffed and waved Goddor to get aboard the freighter. "It'll be fine, boss wouldn't want to sour relations with Hoddo and I know the old hutt." He snorts, "Been his slave for some years after all, I'll handle his request while you go to Neia's place and see about arranging meetings with those other jedi. Already contacted her you would be on your way while I head to hutt space and meed to old slimey bastard."

Goddor winced, "I don't think Tohkran would approve of you calling him that... you aren't actually going to cause trouble, are you? Like showing up cloaked and then decloak to bombard his place or anything?"

Thrall raised two fingers, "Only in my dreams, I swear I won't do such a thing for real, at least for now."

Shaking his head the Rodian knight got inside and looked out as the ramp was getting raised, saying one last thing. "Don't do anything foolish!"

Thrall was silent and watched the Killer Whale lift off and leave the ships hangar, only then did he speak. "No promises...."
Meanwhile, back at the Safe Refuge...

Meilyan had her eyes wide as she hastily parried and blocked the thrusts of Schaduw, the new Defel padawan was quick to learn, especially concerning working with blades, he already had some skill with a vibroblade and he easily caught on the basics of fighting with a lightsaber. What made him more resourceful and challenging in training however she had to admit, was the fact he seemed to like fighting with both his vibroblade and the training saber, one in each hand. Combien that with his natural stealth and he was a perfect ambush and surprise combatant.

She jumped back, smiling as she felt the grass under her feet, there was one thing his training was still lacking however. Using the force she let the grass grow and surge up, enveloping Schaduw and holding him in place, he struggled but his arms were also hold in place and after a moment he let out a bark of laughter. "Well done... almost got you though."

Meilya was smiling but she was also beat, taking a deep breath she nodded. "Yeah, if I hadn't lured you to this area I would have to surrender the bout, you have improved greatly Schaduw. I am sorry if Tohkran isn't here to instruct you like he promised but he wouldn't have gone away if it wasn't urgent."

Schaduw shrugged, "You said so yourself, that he considered you a, what was it, a knight? That and you seem to already be a instructor of sorts together with that droid."

"Huyang." Meilya said, providing the old jedi droids name.

"Yeah that droid, and you seem all there is needed to instruct those younglings, myself and the other padawan, Miri. Were is she anyway? I half expected you to have me train with her."

Meilya gestured to the Akk Dog habitat. "She and the younglings are feeding and maintaining the Akk Dogs, since you were new I decided to spare you from shoveling away their filth and clean up their habitat."

He laughed, "My thanks then, even if you thrashed me with plants in the end."

She smiled, "You did well, I am sure Tohkran will be impressed with your progress when he returns from his errands."
Om the life of two sith and their minions.
Are we there yet?

Lena walked slowly through the corridors after her guide, she had transferred over to the Kandosii Naast after their last stopover and was being brought to the medical bay, her mandalorian guide silent the entire way, as they entered the bay soem medical staff looked up but then went back to their duties as they were brought before a observation window, a lone figure was already present there and she recognized him as Gra'tua's Chiss second in command. "Kashiir." She said in greeting and stood beside him, watching through the observation window into the room beyond, looking upon the naked form of her fellow sith lord undergoing surgery. "How is he?"

Kashiir did not look away, his hands clasped together behind his back, "The latest update I received was that the initial procedures were successful, they are currently operating on the deep wound in his leg." He lapsed into silence for a moment and then glanced with one glowing eye to the other sith. "You could also have asked for a update with a simple call, no need to get on a shuttle and get physically here."

She smiled, "Perhaps, but I felt it was only courtesy to come in person to see how Gra'tua was doing. I admit I still do not understand fully why he had to fight that warrior, but I know enough it was some kind of honour duel in accordance to Mandalorian culture. He, and his people, have gone through a lot to help me in this task I merely heard rumours about. I simply feel like I should show my thanks in any way I can to honour the man."

Kashiir now turned fully away from the observation window and looked at Lena inquisitively, frowning. "I see... Perhaps I should let you know lady Lena, but he told me of the... arrangement you two have made to support each other." He left it at that, waiting to see her reaction to those words.

She stiffened but then relaxed, calmly raising a eyebrow. "I see, he must put a lot of trust into you. Since, as I recall, I specifically asked him to keep it a secret, since it might be considered sensitive information."

Kashiir snorted, "As my master knows, he needs me to help him with his grand plan. If I am not aware of every facet of it then he cannot succeed. He knows it, I know it but he knows I am no threat because my loyalty to him is genuine and no force can able to dissuade me otherwise. But as I was saying, I am aware of the arrangement, and I must say I do see the benefits for you, if you do not mind me saying so, your ship, your troops, are not build for a prolonged battle or even war. Hence why you ask my master for aid. And I can see the benefits you can provide my master... but so far I don't see as much of that."

She let out a chuckle, "Do you now? I believe he seemed quite ecstatic when those warriors, those Taung were awakened and became part of his clan. Do not forget that as I stated I provided the information that brought us to Teth. But as you just said, you are apparently his strategist, his advisor who stands on the sidelines to point out the flaws and offer a word of caution if he reaches too far, I have noticed you too. It would be a shame if Gra'tua were to ever lose in some way."

Kashiir kept his gaze locked on the other sith and then replied after a moment of silence had passed between them. "Yes, but you gained a functional, high-grade cloaking device, and from the original briefing, you stated you had no idea if something of worth was present. We could have arrived and only found sand and crumbled masonry." He tilted his head. "You had everything to gain while we had everything to lose." Her narrowed his eyes. "And you do not need to worry my lady, my master won't get ridd off me that easily... nor any of his enemies."

She smiled again, "Well thankfully I am one of his allies and not one of his enemies." She inclined her head, "But I should go, I did however ran into one of your masters disciples on the way here, she asked if we could spar and I accepted, I could use the training and I would love to see how far Gra'tua's disciples have trained themselves." She glanced back through the window one last time and nodded. "Pass my well wishes to your master when he regains consciousness, and Kashiir, it was nice talking to you." She bowed her head once more and walked off, finding her guide to talk to the training deck Latesh had specified for her to go so they could engage in a sparring session.

Kashiir watched her go with narrowed eyes, that one required watching, once again he cursed his master for ignoring the usefulness of spies and other like-minded operatives and vowed to once more try to make his master see that they needed to expand such contacts or falter in their goals. Once Darth Lena had left he turned back around and resumed his vigil of his master undergoing surgery.

It did not take long for the guide to take Lena to the training deck and Latesh was waiting there, practicing swings with the training sabers as she saw Lena enter and saluted her. "Thank you for accepting the invitation lady Lena. But with my master in the medical bay and no other disciples present finding a willing sparring partner to fight a force user like myself is hard to find, at least to give me a equal match."

Lena smiled and reached for the rack with the training sabers, selecting one and gave it a few swings to test its balance, nodding in satisfaction. "Oh I understand and do not mind, it will be refreshing to spar with someone who I am not used to fight. So this will be enlightening for the both of us I hope."

Latesh nodded and activated the training sabers, moving into a guard position. "Shall we begin?" She said with a grin, deciding to wait and see what Lena would do first so she could act accordingly.

Lena smiled and activated her own training saber, moving it in a arc and nodded slowly. "I agree... let's begin." And before the eyes of Gra'tua's disciple something strange happened. Lena took a step forwards... out of herself and then another stepped out of her and another. Five doppelgangers, force illusions were now standing in front of Latesh while the real Lena had also used the force to conceal herself from Latesh's senses so her opponent would not see her and think that the real one was among one of the illusions standing right in front of her.

Latesh blinked, eyes darting back and forth between the five Lenas. "Ok.... I have to admit, that is a neat trick."

"Thank you." Her five doppelgangers said in unison.

Latesh shuddered, "And just a little bit creepy...." She said as she reached out with the force, trying to sense where the real Lena was. For a moment she thought she had found her but her senses felled dulled and she could no longer sense the brief spark of the real Lena. Cursing she raised her sabers to defend herself, but from which one...

Commanding her illusions to encircle Latesh but not engage, because they couldn't do that she approached the disciple from the front and then forced one of her illusions, also in front of Latesh to attack the chiss, hoping that she'd thought that was the real one but would realize it was not so as soon as she went to block and turn around expecting a attack from the side or behind.

Seeing one of the Lenas attack she went to parry but failed, already scrunching up her face as she expected the stinging pain of a electric jolt as the training saber would connect, instead she felt nothing and saw the saber of this Lena pass right through her, alarm she turned around expecting to defend herself from a back attack.

Lena smiled in triumph already as Latesh turned around and she dropped her concealment and made the strike, her training saber making contact with the back of her opponent and delivering a stinging jolt. She then quickly stepped to the side and made all her illusions mirror her stance with the training saber raised.

Latesh let out a yelp of pain and turned around, blinking, there had been five lenas but now there were six!? She had no idea who the real one was and had no force abilities that might give her the answer, instead she did a move that just came to her mind and tried to be a whirled of strikes, striking at all the lenas, hoping the real one revealed herself. Which it did as suddenly one of her blades was stopped by a very real, physical blade.

"Well done." Lena admitted and then counter-attacked, drawing upon the force and tried to drain some of her sparring partners strength. Something Latesh was not expecting at all and as the tendril of dark side energy hit her in the stomach she felt weak instantly and dropped to the ground, her training sabers falling from her hands.

Lena smiled and closed her eyes, cancelling the technique and her doppelgangers vanished, leaving only her. "My thanks to you Latesh, this training session was very enlightening, I will see myself out. I do hope we can do this again in the near future."

All latesh could do was groan and weakly roll over, staring at the ceiling, unable to summon the strength to even get up from the floor as Lena walked away.
In the life of a Jedi & Friends.
The plight of a world...

They weren't followed at all, the resistance well used to the way the droids operated, it gave Tohkran no solace however as he thought about the people who died under his watch. He shook his head, in battle, in war, people died. If he had went in wanting to take everyone out alive then they all would have died anyway. He looked at his hand, seeing it shake and closed his eyes, meditating, trying to calm himself.

"Beard face, Tohkran." He opened his eyes and saw Thrall had approached him in the back of the speeder truck and patted his knee. "Mission success and minimal casualties, what more could we ask for?"

Tohkran sighs, "A swift end to the war?"

The sluissi let out a snort, "So do we all, but that ain't happening, now cheer up, got told we are almost at the base."

The trip, predictably, spent the last couple kilometres underground before emerging once more in the large landing pad that Tohkran had visited before, but now the roof was rising open and a pair of YT series transports had flashed up drives and crews that seemed to be partly celebrating. It seemed that cover was coming up soon a nasty storm.

Thrall looked at the small smuggler fleet, "Well they seem glad we got them that backdoor in the weather station."

Tohkran nods, "Yes." A small smile touched his lips, "We did good, I also hope that Quinlan Voss now is convinced of our intent to help."

It took a short while before Voss showed up but when he did his expression was less than pleased. Something seemed to be troubling the Jedi greatly in fact and the gaggle of people around him talking did little to comfort before, seeing Tohkran and his people, they dispersed ostensibly on other duties.

Tohkran saw him approach and frowned, not needing Thrall to state the obvious as the Sluissi commented dryly. "Trouble be looming."

Shaking his head he gesttured for Thrall to not be so much... himself and nodded to Quinlan Voss, "What's wrong?" He simply asked.

Voss looked deep into Tohkran's eyes as if judging what he saw before he spoke up. "While you and your people were establishing our link to the weather monitoring systems..." He paused for some moments, "We received notice that the southern-most base was destroyed, ... the CIS Governor deployed no less than a hundred droid commandos and managed to eliminate almost every man, woman... and child... who lived there as well as all the equipment stationed there. Close to a thousand people... gone."

Tohkran was stunned silent, Thrall not so much as he let out a string of curses in basic, huttese and his own native language. Tohkran closed his eyes, trying to imagine the mind of such a cruel sentient and merely shuddered. "What can I do to help."

Thrall had his narrowed his eyes, "What the boos is saying, what can we do to help. CIS and their clankers be damned, they won't get away with this."

Voss moved over to a control panel as he signaled Tohkran to follow. Taking a comm-link off the wall he keyed it to the whole base's intercom system.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and Miscellaneous, I have some good news. Our new friend Tohkran has managed to re-establish our connection with the Weather Monitoring systems, we can begin operating our smugglers again. Unfortunately I must temper the good news with bad. Today, the Senamay base was destroyed by the CIS... we have lost almost everyone from that facility, if you had family or friends in that facility, please contact the admin office to see if you're one of the lucky few to have surviving friends or family."

He turned back to Tohkran. "The CIS are running an anti-insurgency facility on the Northern Glaciers. They're running their dropships and commandos from that facility, we..." a tear runs down one cheek, "We don't have the means to take it out and it's protected by a theatre shield preventing an orbital bombardment."

Thrall blinked upon hearing that, "Question... I assume they don't have the shield active if the blockade isn't reporting any hostile ships in the system?"

Voss shook his head. "No, it's active at all times. Any civilian ships that even pass into its engagement envelope are destroyed without question."

"Well that is a waste of power." Thrall muttered and pondered. "Well there goes the idea of just flying over with the cloaked ship and bomb it into oblivion... still could work though."

Tohkran frowned, "What are you cooking up."

"Well... if we can disable the shield... then the Illusion could blow up the base without effort and then make our escape, we overstayed our welcome with our cloaked vessel, the longer we stay the riskier it gets."

Tohkran turned to Voss, "How many troops are present."

"A complete unknown. We do know that the Commando Droids operate out of there, and we believe they have at least a Battalion of other droids, in storage or operation we don't know... but..." Voss paused thinking. "We've also heard they have Kaleesh troops there."

Tohkran shook his head, "For a frontal assault we would need to be able to land our troops on the surface... and I doubt ramming with a shuttle will work again."

"I wish we had any real intelligence to help you with." Voss said plainly, "But they guard that place tightly enough we have failed to get anyone near the place."

Thrall ventured forth a question, "How do they power the shield, do you know that?"

"Electrically would be my first thought." Voss replied sarcastically. "We don't know for certain, but we assume a reactor facility on the base. It's not being delivered by the planetary power grid, we know that much of a certainty."

Thrall snorts and glares at the Kiffar, "That's what I wanted to know, if they were either using geo-thermal energy, their own or tapping in elsewhere. No need to get irritated by it."

Tohkran stepped forwards, "What my friend is trying to say, we understand you are havign a hard time with what is happening and we want to help but. Hoping that you already might have some local intelligence of what to face." He thought. "Though if we have a means to infiltrate with a number of people, sabotage the generator powerign the shields, then we could use my vessel or launched squadrons to destroy the base."

Voss nodded. "If you go with such a plan, be extremely careful, while we don't know the exact specifics, we do know that there are heavy surface to orbit weapons emplaced there, and they're designed to fire on any target in their fire envelope."

Thrall snorts, "Just means to blow up more generators besides the ones powering the shield."

"And were it that easy we would have managed it long ago." Voss gives Thrall a withering stare.

Thrall stares back evenly, "Well we don't have any other option now do we."

One of the more weedy looking maintenance men nearby pipes up suddenly with a squeaky voice. A rodian fellow. "Hey Voss, maybe they could hit the submersible yard?"

Tohrkan rose a eyebrow. "Submersible yard? Why was this not happened sooner."

Thrall snorts, "Because there's a catch, there always is."

Voss turns to the fellow. "Good question." Clearly as surprised as anyone. "What's this about a Submersible Yard?"

"The CIS base near the Capital, took over part of the docks, they've had octopus looking craft moving in and out for weeks." The Rodian replied. "You said you didn't want any of us risking a job in the Capital that was too likely to draw attention, hitting those yards will probably draw lots of attention."

"A diversion..." Tohkran murmured.

"Give the man a prize for stating the obvious." Thrall said and then lapsed into silence, snapping his fingers. "Some of our commandos hit this submersible yard and while we have the CIS running about catching offworld sabotage teams we will infiltrate our primary objective, destroy the generators and mop up the place."

Tohkran looked aghast, "That might mean sacrificing the commandos for the diversion."

Thrall looked at his jedi friend with something that seemed akin to sympathy, perhaps even pity. "Yes, but we are fighting a war, sacrifices need to be made."

Tohkran sighed, closing his eyes and nodded slowly. "You are right. Unfortunately."

The Rodian spoke up more bravely this time. "Well that wasn't really what I was suggesting..." He paused. "The base is on the polar ice-caps, wouldn't a strike team, or more, in a submersible be able to bypass the surface defences and theatre shield both that way?"

Thrall looked from the Rodian and then at the Kiffar. "Why do you have that guy doing maintenance and not planning strategy? He seems smarter than the lot of us." He frowned, "Only problem is, if we do that, steal one of the submersibles, they'd report it and when we arrive at our objective they might already be made aware of the theft and suspect us of being infiltrators."

"Why not blow the whole Ice-pack?" Voss said with sudden inspiration. "Sink the base whole... you..." he pointed at the Rodian, "You're now one of my advisors."

Thrall smirked as he looked at the Rodian, "Congratulations and condolences at the same time." He rubbed his hands gleefully together. "Now that sounds like fun, right how to blow up a ice-pack. Do we have enough explosives... can give you a inventory of what we have... maybe some proton torpedo warheads might even do it."

"Well, now that we will be able to get our smugglers going again,... well their first job is to get a shipment of high-yield Baradium Bombs. But it could be weeks before they get back here. Mostly we're limited to Thermal Detonators and Concussion missiles, our Proton Torpedo stock is..." Voss checked on a datapad in his jacket... "Sithspit... we're down to three torpedoes..."

Thrall snorts, "You got a friendly cloaked ship in orbit with a lot of capital ship and starfighter class torpedoes, I think we got the explosives side covered." Tohkran was silent, he knew it had to be done but part of him loathed to even contemplate this action, Thrall seemed also a bit too eager for his taste to blow the icecaps and potentially kill a untold number of sentients, along with droids. Thrall either did not notice or ignored the look Tohkran was giving him and went through his personal computer. "Yup plenty of Concussion and Proton torpedoes, we also got a stockpile of proton bombs and rockets for our bombers, speaking of which can you use any spare equipment we have ,can have that brought down as well."

"Anything you could spare would be more than welcome." Voss said. "We're practically running on empty. If you hadn't shown up, I don't know if we'd even have lasted out the month. And my fate if they caught me would be less than pretty."

"If I may suggest something you all might have ignored." Tohkran said quietly, continuing when he had their attention. "Blowing the polar ice caps might be all well and good... but what might that mean for the planet, for the people living on it, hmm? We could hurt a lot of innocents by doing this, this would be a rather dark and grim act to do."

"Sea levels would rise, possibly a tidal wave, the coastal cities might get wet... but honestly Tohkran, the lives lost in such an act would surely pale next to those lost if the CIS continues assaulting us..." Voss said. "It may not be pleasant to contemplate collateral damage, but it is war, there will always be some."

Thrall nodded, "I agree, the needs of the many, yada, yada."

Tohkran frowned, "Have you already forgotten what you fight for?" He shook his head, "You are fighting to free this world, free these people, yes. But once they are free, what then? What will happen afterwards when all those that have survived are the ones who send men and women to die in suicide attacks, or the ones who killed the enemy at the expense of civilians. If you want to win a war you need to have the people on your side too. I agree, sacrifices need to made sometimes but none of you even considered the ramifications, or paused to contemplate it, it was just brushed aside as if it was nothing. That is getting too close to the dark side."

Tohkran frowned and then blinked, "Hang on... very well, we blow up the ice caps, but I suggest the following." He looked at Thrall, "I want the Illusion to be moved in position when it blows and want, I can't stress this enough, precision strikes from our concussion missile crews to create counter waves that would cancel the tidal waves that originate from the base destruction, only then would I approve of this plan. Agreed?"

Thrall shrugged, "Fine by me... will need to quickly escape because the blockade will find use sure enough when we do that."

Tohkran nodded and looked at Quinlan. "Well?"

"It's your operation, I have nothing to spare to aid you." Voss said with a shrug. "I wish I did so I didn't end up in this predicament. Can you see any issues with it..." He struggles for the Rodian's name.

"Orbos. And I don't see any issue with it, I'm not sure Concussion missiles would be powerful enough to counter the waves, but I can't be sure it wouldn't work either." The greenskin replied.

Thrall shrugged, "Can also launch some proton torpedoes, it's mostly about the timing however."

They continued to discuss some of the details and plan the raid on the submersible docks to gain the submersibles to get to the ice caps and plant the explosives. Once the plan was made several discreet transports were send back and forth, using the backdoor to the weather station to pick the times the CIS would not be paying attention to bring down the explosives and supplies from the Illusion of Grace and also almost all the troops currently present on the cruiser to aid the resistance for the time to come.

Once all supplies were made goodbyes were said, Tohkran was going to remain behind as agreed to aid the resistance in any way possible while Thrall, Goddor and Marack would head out with the illusion and perhaps acquire assistance from their friends and allies to help liberate Antar IV.

But that was for later and the plan had been set into motion, commandos were send in to the submersible bay, their approach proved to be somewhat problematic as they were discovered when they had just managed to get the release codes for the submersibles but the droids present were no match for the commandos who eliminated the security forces and headed on their way to the polar ice packs to plant the proton torpedoes rigged to explode.

The teams were thankfully not discovered as they planted the explosives at the designated points where they would do the most damage and managed to make a clean getaway before they detonated. Thrall watched as the base collapsed, polar caps collapsing on top of it and then it began to sink into the sea, he could not resist letting out a evil chuckle seeing the clankers get destroyed this way, it did not distract him however and the gunnery crews had their targeting parameters set and fired as the ship decloaked. Their aim was accurate enough and it looked like most of the tidal waves that were generated by the destruction of the base were stopped in their tracks. Thrall quickly ordered a escape vector to be made but the damage had been done.

Tohkran and Quinlan were on the ground and received the word after Thrall had gotten the Illusion out of the system, the CIS governor had upon receiving word of a cloaked vessel in the system requested reinforcements from CIS high command, a request which would be honoured according to Quinlan Vos due to the governor's connections.

That were problems for another day though as Tohkran studied his lightsaber and ignited it, he had stayed behind to help the fight, he just hoped his friends would be able to contact the other jedi, Neia, anyone who would hear their please and send help.

Because this fight had only just started...
In the life of two Sith & Their Minions

Gra'tua was sitting in a Kalikir gunship, ready to be launched, listening to the chatter on the bridge between Kashiir, the bridge crew and Lena's ship captain. "Have you found us a suitable location yet?" He growled.

Kashiir's voice was curt as he replied. "Not yet, be ready to launch while we still search, if you Lena's vessel opening fire then we decided to make a landing zone ourselves."

Gra'tua blinked and let out a guffaw and smirked, "Very well, keep up the good work Kashiir." With that he just leaned back and heard the alarms going off as the signal was given for the ships to launch.

Lena had herself strapped in and was silently meditating, she hated dropping in with a combat force but there might not be another way, one of the CIS transports had survived so there might be quite a hostile force present still. "Verat." She suddenly said and waited for the Givin captain to acknowledge her.

"Yes my lady?" He asked, sounding a bit distracted.

"Scan the surface one more time if you cannot detect the CIS forces that survived the bombardment."

It doesn't take long to find a suitable landing site note even three kilometres from the ruins. Though it also seems to be the only suitable landing site within a thousand kilometres not occupied by wrecked CIS ships. The one potential worrying part was the large cliff surrounding the good landing site, perfect for artillery or armour though there were enough breaches in it to reach the site of the ruins, they would be exposing themselves.

When he heard that, Gra'tua went to contact the Kalikir Gunship with Bo. "Well you are up Bo."

Her voice came over, seemingly eager, perhaps Bo hoped that her somewhat abysmal performance during the battle with the former Black Sun vigo would be forgotten after today. "Acknowledged, we hunt." She grinned and slammed the bulkhead with her fist, a gesture that was followed by her commando squads as the gunship sped ahead of the others to inspect the landing site and scout the surrounding area.

As the gunship descended five walkers emerged from the trees. The pilot of the gunship was busy lighting a slightly narcotic cigarette when Bo recognized the CIS Flak Cannons for what they were, but it was too late, the shields took a massive pounding from the shots two of them being brought down entirely and the third cherry-red with the strain.

Cursing the pilot pulled up and away. "Well that landing site is definitely a hot zone." He muttered as he ignored the cursing and shouting from the back compartments and contacted the ships. "Kalikir one here, landing zone has at least five CIS flak cannons."

Kashiir heard those words and frowned, "Get out of there." He ordered and then turned to the holographic representation of Verat. "Our sensors are still fried, would you take care of this?"

Verat nodded slowly, his Givin skeletal features giving away no emotion as he looked at the data provided by the gunship belonging to Gra'tua. "Prepare to get us closer, down to the upper atmosphere of the planet and ready the ion cannons, let's not ruin the landing zone with turbolaser fire." In response the crew went to work.

Kashiir frowned as he saw what the Shadow's Regret was doing but shrugged, "What sensors we have left... tell me what the Republic is doing. Assuming they are still in the system." He asked out loud.

The sensor operators on the Naast reported that there was little solid information, most being that the other Victory was still with its destroyed cousin.

The Regret meanwhile descended into the atmosphere without difficulty firing on the Flak Cannons with their ion cannons but the shots fell short of the mark as the Flak Guns continued to try and hit the gunship, though their fire went wide as the gunship extended the gap.

"Recalibrate the weapons, we are not firing at another ship in space, we are trying to hit targets on the surface of the planet, take your time, aim and fire when ready." Verat calmly ordered.

The shots land closer but the crew, still unused to firing on vehicles with such precise weapons are still trying to get their aim in.

Finally they manage to get their aim in and the droids are struck by the ion cannon fire, three exploding violently as their shells detonate from the discharge, the other two resting disabled.

The Kalikir pilot, sulking after Bo had confiscated his smokes, was told the zone was clear and returned to make another pass and to open fire and destroy the two disabled walkers.

The Gunship sweeps the survivors up in a curtain of flames. "Can I have my smokes back now?" The pilot asked.

"No." Bo asked icily. "I will keep them and if you survive this you will report to your duty officer or Andrieke for punishment." The pilot groaned and muttered something that sounded like 'Didn't ask to suddenly become a Mandalorian.' Which made Bo give him a backhanded slap to the head. "Just land the ship and let myself and my commandos disembark. We have a scouting party to organize."

The pilot brought down the gunship before suddenly killing power for a second deliberately causing a somewhat rough landing. "Woops." He said convincingly.

Bo cursed as she stumbled, steadying herself against a seat before landing with her face on the deck and cursed incompetent pilots and then gestured to the commandos as if nothing happened to head out and head towards the structure to scout for more CIS presence, the CIS were at least 5 flak cannons less. But who knows what else they got on the surface.

The landing area was however clear, the high sandstone walls smooth and eroded by the water, the passages leading towards the ruins were capable of being traversed by a couple speeders side by side, but the high sides made a perfect ambush point.

Bo looked up at the high sides and gestured to two squads of the commandos and pointed up ahead. "Go up, stay in contact while we move on the ground." The ten Mandalorian commandos obeyed and moved up, engaging their jetpacks to get to the high point. Once they were they moved out, while behind them more gunships and other landing craft appeared to touch down on the surface and disembark their troops.

All three of the groups move up without encountering any enemy forces, meanwhile the pilot sat there getting out the toy Nerf and Rancor. "Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land,
and we will thrive." He said animating the toy Nerf, "We will rule over all this land, and
we will call it... 'This Land.'" He continued.

Well there were no further CIS currently present after the first kilometer of scouting or so. "First click is secure." She reported while motioning for her squads to continue.

Back at the landing zone Gra'tua heard this and nodded, "Good, report back as we agreed." He said and then stepped to the side as several Mando'ade warriors march past, unloading crates of grenades and other weaponry, handing them out to warriors who approached.

He walked past his warriors towards where Lena and her people were disembarking, he frowned and looked at her troopers, her so-called 'Black Sigil' Troopers. They seemed competent, nothing like his Mando'ade but they would do. He approached Lena and nodded to her. "How are your preparations?"

The Lena figured turned to regard Gra'tua and then flickered as the holographic disguise was deactivated, Gra'tua was looking at one of Lena's assassin droids who seemed to look curiously at him. "My preperations are going smoothly, my troops are trained for this and are ready when you are." The voice of the real Lena came from behind Gra'tua and she smiled. "To me." She said and the droid joined it's fellow droid who was moving behind Lena, once it was both of them resumed their holographic disguise of looking like their creator and mistress.

He silently cursed and narrowed his eyes behind Revan's mask as he glared at the droids. "Didn't knew you liked to play with droids... with how you dumped those CIS ones with me."

"They had no use to me, these ones do." She smiled again, the holographic disguises of the droids doing the same. "Now then, I suppose we have to wait for your scouts to report, I can also send my own people after them?"

Goreamas looked around. "Her tin cans aren't that impressive." He remarked. "We getting on with this?"

Gra'tua smirked at Goreamas's words. "Up to you Lena, we move out, depending on what Bo has to report next. Of course." He said as he approached Goreamas. "You be patient... and get your 'pilot'." He said with a light scowl, Goreamas needed to activate the holographic filter that made it appear as if he had a pilot, so his troops, and Lena, wouldn't think they had a rogue Basilisk on their hands.

Lena frowned and stared at the lumbering machine of death and destruction, Gra'tua had claimed that one was a experiment to give his Basilisk War droids more personality and sentience. But it seemed strange to her, even so she turned to Grom and Kwilnae. "Go after the Mandalorians, remember, use stealth." The two Noghri disciples nodded and went off in a run.

Goreamas used what force power he could manifest to begin circling small pebbles around his legs as he started preparing to move on the ruins.

The teams finally reach the ruins site, again without opposition and a new scene was revealed...

Hundreds of droids destroyed, the lower half of the CIS landing ship blasted open as a few B1 droids seemed bent of repetetive tasks, the fresh smell of ozone from a battle stinking up the air with burned plastic and metal...

And yet no sign of their attacker.

Bo blinked and looked at the scene of carnage before her, taking a moment and seeing that the CIS were not a threat anymore. "Alor Gra'tua... you can pack up the army and send them home I think... we reached the site of the ruins... whatever happened here, well it wiped out all the droids in a battle. And it seems the droids were unable to kill any of their attackers because I see nothing besides droid scrap. That or they clean up really well after themselves."

Gra'tua couldn't believe what he was hearing for a moment and turned to Lena, "I assume you heard the same. A shame, I was hoping for a grand battle against the droids, they did not even had the decency to withstand whoever assaulted them." He smirked, "Does mean who or what killed them is even more ferocious however, that I look forward to."

Frowning Lena considered the implications, speaking slowly when her thoughts were formed. "I suggest we keep the troops here, as backup. I don't know what happened the droids of the CIS but the information I have spoke of ageless terrors guarding their secrets or somesuch. Perhaps it is best if only a group of our must trusted and capable head to the ruins and investigate it."

"A challenge to be worthy of." Goreamas said as he charged his weapons.

She looked at the Basilisk again. "You have a rather... unique personality, even for a programmed one." She murmurs.

"You're not that pretty either." Goreamas replied.

He snorts but considered Lena's suggestion. "Agreed... you!" He said pointing to a pilot, who for some reason had a toy rancor which he quickly hid and turned around to face his employer. "Go prep your ship to take us to the site ruins." He then turned back to Lena, ignoring the pilot, but expecting him to do his job. "I'll leave Andrieke here with the troops, taking my command crew with me to join up with Bo and the others, can offer you a ride as well."

"I'm a leaf on the wind." The pilot replies with a rushed salute.

Lena almost didn't hear Gra'tua, she was studying the rather rude Basilisk droid but nodded slowly, she had gotten enough of his words to understand what he was asking. "I will take my command crew with me as well, along with my two droids."

"Excellent, we will leave shortly then. After I make sure that pilot was not high or something... Leaf on the wind? I really need Kashiir to check if the pilots are overusing the allowance of light narcotics..." He muttered under his breath as he strode away.

After some minutes the gunship is underway when one of the secrets of why the droids damage was revealed. Walls hinged open and turbolasers and ion cannons attempted to track the gunship but the pilot, a fellow named Wash, managed to avoid it all. "I'm a leaf on the wind. By the way, Bo stole my smokes boss." He said navigating the incoming fire.

Gra'tua let out a short bark of laughter as he heard this and was informed of the defenses. "See if you can take the defenses out and I will consider ordering Bo giving them back."

Lena looked alarmed at quietly informed her people to activate force protection bubbles or personal shields, if that would help in any way if they were about to crash.

Wash moved to engage the defenses unleashing some proton grenades, the salvo was not entirely on target, though it did destroy one of the turbolasers.

However Goreamas stole the show arriving on his limited engine and sweeping the defenses with firepower from his battery of weapons. The defensive face of the ruin was simply obliterated.

Gra'tua shook his head and grinned, he was glad Goreamas was on his side, for now at least. "You did adequately pilot, now set us down."

Setting down and dismounting near Goreamas it quickly becomes clear that Lena's orbital bombardment had been largely unecessary, though utterly ruined enough evidence remains to see that most of the other Landers had been gutted with shots similarly to the intact one. One shattered wing of a landing ship revealed how some of the Flak tanks had escaped.

Gra'tua looked around and surveyed the scene of battle, from the surrounding woods came Bo and her commandos. "I must say, if this was done by three defensive towers, colour me impressed." He said after a moment.

Lena also looked at the scene and nods. "Perhaps, but perhaps Irys can make sure if it was just those defenses." She gestured to the Bothan and then at some of the malfunctioning droids. "Perhaps you can see if their memories can be retrieved? Bodhicai you be there to protect her if the droids are still dangerous."

Irys sighs, "Why couldn't we have done this somewhere more comfortable, I am used to my creature comforts now, ah well you are the one paying my check Lena." The bothan replied with a grin and moved to some of the droids, her slicing tools in hand while Bodhicai followed her.

Going over the memories of the droid Irys watches the Turbolasers gut the Landing ships as the droids had begun unloading, before the ion cannons unhoused and swept the droids, from there the memory becomes scrambled repetitions of the droid picking up and moving the same box...

"Well..." Irys says after a moment, "Seems it was just those cannons."

Lena nodded a little bit relieved but still wary as she glanced at the ruins. "Automated or operated by someone though?" She asked out loud.

"Only one way to find out." Gra'tua said, "But first, Bo, you and the commandos, eliminate the malfunctioning droids. Don't want them to recover their senses and go after us." He turned to the ruins. "Let's find a entrance."

"Or we could just go through that." Goreamas pointed towards a large deep-set door that had been partly concealed by dust and smoke, several blaster scores across its surface...

From the gunship those nearest it would hear the strange and enigmatic words, "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

Lena looked at the doors, noting the blaster marks and turned to Irys again, "See if you can find a access panel or some such to open those doors."

"There's too much walking for me I feel, can't we get some comfy chairs? No? Ah well, no harm in asking." The bothan said mostly to herself.

"I'd say use some enemy bodies for a seat," Goreamas remarked, "but all the dead enemies are arguably harder than the ground."

Bo frowned, recognizing the Kalikir pilot and snorts, "What are you doing here?" She asked while her people began terminating malfunctioning droids.

"He brought us here." Gra'tua replied as he approached, "Give him his smokes back, he did rather well."

Frowning still she complied and tossed the smokes to the pilot, shaking her head.

Though Irys can't immediately identify an access panel, Gra'tua being more familiar with ancient mandalorian systems thanks to Goreamas manages to spot a very very old style security access panel that would need to be removed to access the computer within.

Gra'tua nods, "Well it is of Mandalorian design at least..." He murmurs and then turned to the Bothan, who was staring at a wall. "Bothan, over here. Hidden in plain sight, you will need to remove the access panel to get to the wiring within, if it even works after four thousand years."

"The name is Irys, Irys Dza and not 'Bothan'." She muttered and went to the specified panel. "Give me a few moments." She said to nobody in particular and got out her tools to carefully remove the panel and then use her slicing equipment to see if she could open these doors and potentially learn more about these ruins and what it contained within.

"Odd. I thought it was moldy flesh popsicle." Goreamas remarked at Irys' indignation.

Lena frowned, "Gra'tua, refrain your droid from threatening or making such comments about my people."She said quietly.

If Goreamas' eyes hadn't been sensors he'd have rolled them at Lena. Meanwhile Irys managed to avoid electrocuting herself and the doors hissed open with, frankly, an unusual degree of apparent maintenance.

Gra'tua glared at the Basilisk Droid and mentally sighed, he had no subtlety whatsoever.

Irys frowned, looking at the panel and then the doors. "Ok that is just not normal, those defenses working, fluke. But these doors and this wiring working so smoothly as well. Even if they ahve droids doing it all and somehow get repaired and maintained over the course of history passing. This just feels wrong." She mutters.

"Your concern is noted Irys." Lena said, looking warily at the entrance. "The two of us lead? Gra'tua?"

Goreamas spoke up again this time... "No dust?" He remarked.

Irys looked at the droid. "The droid is making my point, this feels wrong."

"Let's find out by exploring it inside." Gra'tua said, eagerness evident in his tone of voice as he stepped forwards and into the build, smirking. "Care to join me Lena? Bo your commandos stay with Latesh outside, making sure the perimeter is secure and no battle droid stragglers surprise us."

Bo did not like going in without the support of the commandos but informed her squads they were now under the command of Latesh while she went inside with Gra'tua.

Stepping into the facility the group moved about a hundred yards before encountering a cross-corridor, there continued to be no sign of dust, worse, the word ruin didn't seem to have any real relevance here when suddenly guns unhoused themselves from the ceilings and aimed at the people of Lena's party. "Halt intruders."

Lena obeyed, looking at the defenses, frowning as she saw none of them were aimed at Gra'tua. "I think you need to do something about this... at least they haven't fired already..."

"Do not move." Gra'tua said at once and looked at the defenses, noting that none of them were aimed at his people. Recalling a certain base at Onderon and chuckled. "Well... it recognizes Mandalorians. Allow me to try something." He looked at the defenses and shrugged, "I am Alor Gra'tua, of the Mando'Ade. We fight and die for Mand'alor. Let us and the serfs who have not been worthy of the armour yet pass."

There was a very long pause when suddenly the guns retracted into the roof. Goreamas shrugged. "Well... that was too easy.."

He turned to Goreamas and shrugs, "That or it recognizes when a true Mandalorian announces himself, I suggest we continue heading deeper and look for any terminals or other devices that might tell us what this place is. Hell I will even take wall murals or books."

Lena relaxes when the guns resided back into the roof. "No idea what you said Gra'tua but it worked and I agree, keep a eye out for those... and other defenses, so far I get the feeling the people who built this really didn't want intruders." She glances at the people of Gra'tua wearing their mandalorian armour. "Except other Mandalorians."

"He said the Lions in the third house of the Raven and he had brought the ritual sacrifices for the second dawn." Goreamas remared mentally grinning.

Lena looked form the basilisk to Gra'tua questioningly. "I... I see."

He ignored Goreamas but could not help but smirk a little. "Perhaps, I am as eager to get to those secrets like you are Lena." He smiled behind his mask as he looked around. "This is a part of my people's history and I would love to uncover it's secrets." He squared his shoulders, "But that requires exploring, so let's have at it."

"Agreed, but I think I will have myself and my people stay close to your people, in case of more defenses." Lena said, urging caution in her people.

Proceeding deeper into the facility the team would notice numerous blast doors before finally reaching a round round chamber with a blast door in the floor. On entering the chamber the doors closed and weapons deployed. Then a voice boomed through speaking in ancient Mandalorian. "You claim to be an Alor of the Mandalorians. What is your purpose for seeking the Exile Clan of Toreth."

Lena said nothing and looked at Gra'tua. This was getting interested all of a sudden.

Gra'tua looked up in surprise, ignoring the weapons and thought for a moment before he replied in the same, ancient tongue. "My purpose here is simple. I was told of a ancient Mandalorian ruin, from the time of the great Crusades. To find out relics of that great time, so when we came in the system and saw the CIS, the battle droids, to desecrate it. I was going to wipe them all out for such a transgression against what belong to the Mando'ade. That there is an Exile clan of Toreth here... I was not aware. This clan... your clan, survived on this world, cut off from Manda'yaim for four thousand years?"

"You disrespect us by doubting." The voice took on a particular note of anger.

Gra'tua felt a pang of irritation and anger but let it shimmer, remaining calm. "No disrespect was intended, though it also shows no respect to not speak to fellow warriors face to face, but we clearly invaded your home. I was simply... surprised, expecting ruins and no-one living in them. I give you my word, as a Warrior of Manda'yaim that I came here only to seek signs of our glorious past."

She had no idea what was said but scanned the defenses they might possible be up against.

Seeing that there were about 20 blaster barrels pointed their she hoped that whatever Gra'tua was doing was working.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how one would put it the floor hissed open and a platform rose into view. A warrior stood there resplendent in his armour with no helmet upon his head. But the look in his eyes was one of distrust and hate. Within each hand he carried a long blade four feet long, appearing as a reflective blue steel, but Gra'tua recognized the Beskar for what it was.

Swords made of true Beskar were rare enough but as Gra'tua looked at the warrior he was simply stunned and could hear muttering form behind him as Magog, Canderous, Goran and Bo too seemed surprised and stunned at what they were seeing. Magog went as far to go down on a knee and bow his head.

Gra'tua was the first to break the silence. "You are... you are Dha Werda Verda, a Taung. How... how is that possible." He did not care if his wonder and surprise at this were evident. He went for his Mandalorian mask and released it, removing it from his face, speaking slowly. "While it is an... honour to stand in your presence warrior, may I request the honour of knowing your name as well?"

She still had no idea what was going on but when the warrior appeared the reaction of Gra'tua was.. disturbing, she had never seen the Mandalorian Sith act like this, well except those times with Azazel. She had not enough information to go on if this warrior was a threat or not so she kept her hands from her weapons and made sure her people did the same.

"Alor Al'verde Kyr'am." He said examining Gra'tua contemptuously. "You use the force?" He said moving around Gra'tua. Goreamas followed the warrior with his head his weapons fully armed.

Gra'tua blinked, this warrior was named like his daughter, amusing, and he followed the Taung warrior with his eyes. "I can use the force, yes. But in battle I prefer to use my blades, or since recently having been convinced of using it more, a blaster." He answered truthfully.

Suddenly something Gra'tua said seemed to reach the Taung. "What do you mean how is it possible I am Taung?" His voice dripped with contempt. "You dare suggest our race has failed?"

Gra'tua calmly looked at the warrior. "They have not, as evident by myself and my people, the Mando'ade still exist... your culture... still exists. But the last true Taung, according to our history, died in battle thousands of years ago in the great Crusade."

He appeared to engage in some internal conflict for some minutes. "Well then... I have also failed." He said low enough that only Gra'tua could hear. "I am no fit leader... challenge me." He said moving back towards the platform at the centre of the room.

Gra'tua watched the warrior and nods solemnly, gesturing for his warriors to clear the room and stick to the walls, going back to galactic basic he addressed Lena. "Get back and stay to the walls." He said as he placed the mask back on his face and reached for his sabers, igniting them and aimed one at the Taung warrior. "Alor Al'verde Kyr'am. I challenge you to a duel, may your blades strike true."

She wasn ow utterly confused but complied... the strange warrior and Gra'tua were going to fight? Mandalorians... so confusing at times.

The Taung readied his weapons and accepted the ritual challenge charging in for Gra'tua swinging his weapons in a manner that demonstrated time had not dulled the Taung's abilities at all.

Their blades met and yet the Taung failed with a swing and the Lightsabre delivered a punishing blow to his ribs, but not lethal, not yet.

Gra'tua decided to honour this warrior and this duel by not actively using his force powers, this would be settled by the blade as he pulled his two sabers back and started a flurry of movements to further wound and give this Taung a honourable death he deserved.

The Taung responded with a fluid series of movements of his own, each intended to deflect a sabre blade and nick the flesh of his opponent.

But each warrior manages no more than to keep their opponents blades from reaching their target.

He grinned despite the situation, he was fighting a Mandalorian legend! A real, living Taung, the creator species of his culture. That thought lasted a short moment as he felt his battle rush come over him and with a cry he lashed out once more.

The Taung moved to deflect the blades with his right hand coming in low with the left for a stinging thrust to the belly.

But once more the human Alor's blades managed to score his flesh while he failed to land his own hit. Doubt coursed through him, at his abilities and the words of the Alor before.

Sensing the doubt in the warrior before him he decided to become more aggressive and redouble his effort to attack, perhaps his arrogance and overconfidence would be his undoing but at this moment Gra'tua did not care.

The Taung slipped into another style as effortlessly as the breeze through the trees, each movement fluid and designed to deflect all attack away from the body followed by sudden thrusts.

He saw the opening now and pulled the darksaber back, time to end this, he would not make this warrior suffer. "For Manda'yaim!" He growled as he slashed, feinting so his true strike to the opening in the warrior's armour might end this.

"For honour!" The warrior responded his blades moving savagely.

Gra'tua's strike failed to connect as the Cortosis blades opened up his right arm, slickening it with blood in moments. While not lethal if treated it was going to slow down Gra'tua.

He let out a cry of pain and then chuckled, feeling the adrenaline pump through him. "A good fight!" He grinned behind his mask and went to attack once more, minding and testing how the wound would affect his performance.

The Taung moved to try and press the advantage despite his wounds.

But once more both warriors do little but manage to keep each others blades apart.

Gra'tua decided to push forward, trying to unbalance the Taung as he struck out with his blades, again and again.

The Taung moved to avoid the strikes as he swung his right to force the deflection and left for Gra'tua's legs.

This time the blade bit into Gra'tua's right leg punching through the kneecap damaging it badly.

He shouted out in pain and with a growl, viciously started attacking the Taung with both blades, weaving the blades in a blurry pattern.

The Taung looked for a moments opportunity and swept his blades to take advantage of it.

But it seemed the wounds of both warriors was dulling them and no blows landed home.

He shuddered, feeling his leg and arm tremble and gritted his teeth, moving his blades up in salute. Resuming his attack in the blink of an eye after he made a salute to a honourable warrior.

The Taung nodded and leaped to meet the attack with both blades.

The Taung's movements flung the Darksaber across the room Gratua forced to release his grip, or his fingers, as a Cortosis blade left a long angry red slice along the hands length the other blade holding the other sabre at bay.

He gasps, seeing his blade fly off, leaving him with Revans blade, holding it up en garde, breathing deeply as he stood ready. He been in worse situations... granted never against a Taung. Taking a deep breath he let out a cry and attacked, part fueled by anger, part desperation.

The Taung moved in as well roaring a call of fury as he moved to bash aside the blade and attempt to run through his foe.

Gra'tau turned the blades of the Taung and destroyed one of them at the hilt with Revans blade removing the Taung's hand in the process. "Well struck." The Taung said with respect.

He grunted with pain but could nto help but smile at the praise. "Same to you, let us end this. Honour in death!" He shouted the last part as he attacked.

"Death is honour." The Taung replied moving to strike once more.

Again their strikes were skilled to the point no meaningful blow landed.

With a growl Gra'tua tightened his grip around the hilt of Revan's blade and pulled it back to thrust it forward as if to impale the warrior upon the blade.

The Taung mirrored the gesture, a last gasp perhaps?

The Taung avoided the lightsabre and rammed the Cortosis blade through Gra'tua's midriff missing the Sith's heart by less than a thumbs breath before he sinks to his knees. "You fought well Alor. You are worthy and so I spare you a fatal blow." Though no doubt Gra'tua wasn't feeling too grateful about a sword so close to his heart. The Taung began whispering to Gra'tua imparting the command codes of the facility.

"Protect my people Alor. Or I will haunt your soul for eternity."

Gra'tua gritted his teeth, reaching up and removed his mask as he started coughing up a little blood but managed to spit out the words. "So I swear, on my life... however long it will last." Which he admitted, right now, he was not sure how long it was.

Staring into Gra'tua's eyes the Taung nodded before the light within them went out.

Gra'tua groaned and grabbed the hilt of the sword, "Magog... Lena... assistance, please..."

The Mandalorian medic rushed forwards to assist his Alor.

Lena also walked forwards, shaking her head. "I do not claim to know what that was about but it seemed foolish to me. You, Magog was it, lets get this sword out of him and treat him as best you can."

Magog is able to remove the blade, but not without causing considerably more pain to Gra'tua than putting it in had revealed. Goreamas watching let out a low chuckle. "No need to wiggle it so much on the way out, didn't you get a raise you asked for or something?"

Gra'tua groaned and shuddered, "Be silent, do not try and enjoy this so much, this had been a honourable fight, a good fight, I shall wear the scars with pride."

"If I thought otherwise do you really think I wouldn't have just smote him with my weaponry?" Goreamas sniffed offendedly.

"It was foolish in my eyes, but I suppose you would know better." Lena said, shaking her head at how Gra'tua now looked.

"You make a excellent point I suppose." Gra'tua said and then looked worried at Magog as he pulled out his medical tools and started to hum a little bit too happy for the task he was about to do.

Unfortunately, as it went on Magog it seemed couldn't do anything about the knee, either Gra'tua would need surgery to replace it with a prosthetic kneecap, or take a chance and hope the Bacta alone is enough to repair the damage.

Though most fortunately, it seems the Taung had been true to his word and Magog was able to patch up the chest wound without any problems. "This will make a fine scar." He even intoned.

"Good, someone help me up so I won't put too much stress on my leg. He gave me the command codes for this base before he passed... and revealed certain things." He was eager to get moving and see if the words of the fallen Taung leader were true. "Canderous, give him the last honours and guard his body. Lena... I think you will be very interested in what lies hidden here..."

Not caring if he would protest she gestured for her assassin droid to pick Gra'tua up and if need to carry him or support him. "Well, glad the fight wasn't for nothing, and I will see about that, whatever it is you are talking about."

They got on the elevator the Taung warrior had used and managed to get down to the lower levels of the base, coming down into a large chamber with sections of the wall filled with pods. Gra'tua looked at them with a look that bordered to reverence. "He was speaking the truth before he died... A lost clan that has survived." He laughed and turned to Lena as the elevator stopped. "He told me, his clan was exiled by Mandalore the Indomitable for cowardly tactics. Those are stasis pods, containing the last of the Taung."

She blinked and looked at the pods. "I see... well clearly not a superweapon then." She noticed a terminal and gestured for Irys to work on that to retrieve whatever information they could. A moment later, when Lena was thinking the fawning of Gra'tua over these pods and their contents was getting tiresome Irys called out to them.

"Good news and bad news... well depends really. Good news, those are indeed stasis pods containing, what were they called, Taung? But yeah those, bad news after four thousand years even the strongest power source fails. That guy muscle guy there fought was their leader and he came out of stasis every few hundred years or so to perform maintenance on the defenses, he discovered that over time the power supply of the stasis pods failed and began shutting some down. Only 90 have survived, the other pods, roughly 10'000 or so, are all dead."

Gra'tua widened his eyes and cursed, stumbling away and groaned, he had already been imaging to return to Mandalorian space in triumph, bringing the Taung species back to life. But it was just a failure. He clenched his fist, no. No he would not allow that, he turned to Magog. "Bring your crews down here and check the stasis pods... revive the still surviving Taung. Those that died, will be honoured." He quickly switched to a private channel in his helmet and then spoke directly to him. "Collect genetic data from the dead Taung... specifically to perhaps clone them." Magog turned around at that, staring at Gra'tua but then merely nodded and went to the surface to contact the ship to bring down medical crews.

Lena meanwhile had been going over other data Irys had found and called Gra'tua over. "Irys found a storage list of some kind, they had some ships but apparently they degraded over time and were destroyed. Some stacks of weapons and armour, more useful to you I imagine... some artifacts and other plunder that could be sold for quite a sizable amount of credits. Seven Basilisk war droids, of the rather ancient design. But more importantly, you said they were exiled for cowardly tactics? I assume that is where the Stygium cloaking device comes in, the only piece of technology they found worth salvaging of their cruiser."

Gra'tua looked at Lena and thought she would begin drooling, he snorted. "I don't mind keeping the ancient Basilisks, they make good ornamental pieces... you keep the Stygium cloaking device. I have no use for such a device, at least not now."

Lena beamed, "Excellent, my thanks Gra'tua. Let's have our people transport the items to the surface and prepare to leave, don't want to stay too long for the CIS to return or the Republic to ask more questions than we want to answer."

Gra'tua was about to reply when Magog approached, "We revived the Taung alor... they are demanding answers, I think the only reason they haven't started to fight us is because we wear Mandalorian armour but they are getting to a boiling point."

Gra'tua nodded and turned to Lena, "Do what you must, I will address some people of my heritage." He grinned and with the help of Magog and another Mandalorian warrior was brought away to were the Taung were gathered, they were muttering and talking to each other but went silent as Gra'tua approached. He took a deep breath and looked over them all, "Warriors of Manda'yaim, Taung... the Dha Werda Verda. Your clan was exiled, your Alor Al'verde Kyr'am told me so, much has changed in the years that have passed the Taung species... have died out, at least in the known worlds but your culture, your legacy lives on still. When your leader heard this he said he failed in his task, I challenged him to honourable combat and defeated him, the strongest prevailed, I. Which means your clan is no more, you are now all part of clan Gra'tua, my clan. I am alor Gra'tua and I will keep you safe and together we will show the clans of Mandalore and the galaxy that the Taung... are still very much alive and able to fight.

What say you all?"

The Taung looked at each other and then at the stasis pods they and their clan went into so long ago, one of the throng stepped forwards. Speaking slowly, "We will fight for you, for ourselves, for glory, for honour and for Manda'yaim, our home."

"Excellent, follow al'verde Bo who will take you to the surface and our ships that will take you to my ship. We are heading to Mandalorian space, to home." At those words he saw some of the Taung relax, perhaps even anticipating to see their home even if it had changed. "Well then, Magog, take me to my ship... I have a appointment for surgery I believe."

Magog nodded and gestured to the warrior to now help Gra'tua back on the ship. After a moment Magog talked to Gra'tua on a private channel. "Alor, I have done as you asked, I and my people have gathered the genetic data you requested... I am afraid only 5831 samples are suitable for cloning."

He stiffened and turned to Magog, "I do not care... over five thousand... those samples Magog, have just become more important than anything to you, you will guard them with your life and keep them optimally preserved."

Magog nodded, "As you wish, alor." He then turned off the private channel. "Now then, time to cut you open and see how your insides are alor." He laughed and Gra'tua just let out a indignant growl.

She watched from the sidelines, shaking her head and then turned around, raising a brow as the two noghri disciples stopped using the force to conceal themselves. "What do you have to report?" She asked quietly.

Grom looked at Kwilnae who shrugged, her first Noghri apprentice bowed his head. "That doctor of his, did more than reviving those living Taung, he and his people, they took something from several hundreds of bodies of the dead Taung. We do not know what or why."

She frowned and nodded slowly. "I see, thanks. We will be heading to the Regret soon enough." She put on a smile, "All in all this mission was very fruitful for us all." She looked at Gra'tua and raised a eyebrow. "Though for some reason, even if I got the cloaking device, Gra'tua seems to be the one who seems happier about what he got." She shrugged, "At least he bled for it." She kept smiling and ignored the odd looks of her disciples and walked to the elevator to also get out of here. Gra'tua had said he was heading to Mandalorian space before heading to Korriban, she was considering offering to give him a ride or just travel along.

But that would have to wait...
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