As the classroom instructor started speaking he could feel the confusion in her tone, that's when he remembered that piloting training always began in the gym, no gathering in the classrooms or anything of that imagination. He launched himself out of his chair before the instructor could finish and walked rapidly towards the gym, if he remembered the layout correctly he would be able to perform a right turn... here and buy him a couple minutes.
This is disgraceful... he thought to himself, maybe he was overreacting, or thinking in a far too logical manner but he wasn't proud of his rather small error, not proud at all. Left and done, he'd arrived,, thank the gods for his long and quick legs, not breaking his authortiarian, elite like pressence and still going fast. Putting aside his hand-me-down ancient book into his chest pocket he walked up to the instructor realizing that he'd only been late by a couple seconds, a minute at worst. He stopped just in front of the instructpr and remained still. ''Ma'am, sorry for my late arrival.'' He then turned around and stood in line with the others, his tall stature very present.
His reuinion would begin shortly, the time to reveal what HawX Dynamo had been working on in the shadows all these years, the B.A.I. system. A way of compencating for the high push on the human body made by the machine, even in a piloting suit, therefore the MF0017 would need a specialized piloting suit, all of HawX Dynamo origin. And not even this suit can fully compencate the power of the machine, that's where the B.A.I. system comes in, however it's abilities would be revealed when the reunion would come and he would meet the mechanics team.
I feel a new age dawning. He thought to himself as he glanced over the gym, seemingly seeing through the walls and eyeing the greatness that is the MF0017-MX ULTR.