Name: Arae
Their Sphere: Spekatha
The land is a seemingly endless grassland, with ponds and lakes (henceforth referred to as Familial Lakes) appearing and/or disappearing to spot its surface. Various saplings and/or shrubs (henceforth referred to as Familial Trees) grow on the edges of each body of water. In the center of Spekatha is a Familial Lake much larger than all the others, with multiple full-grown Familial Trees growing nearby (due to its significance, it possesses its own name: The Pantheon). Rather than a spherical Sun, there is a band of light stretching from both sides of the horizon that provides illumination, while the night is starless. However, the bodies of water will each glow a different color, providing a kaleidoscope of colors to illuminate the night.
These Familial Lakes are linked with the various families that would exist throughout Galbar, with the largest keeping track of the gods. Specifically, the saplings track the well being of each member of a family, ranging from full blooming flowers/bright foliage to completely dead, while the water level and/or purity keeps track of the amount/strength of their familial bond(s), respectively. An image of a certain family member(s) can also be called upon on the water surface of the respective body of water.
Most of Arae's power is intertwined with her Sphere. By keeping the plants well-maintained, as well as the water clean and full, family members linked to them are blessed with Arae's essence. Properly pruning the plants and keeping them healthy will bless the respective person with luck, and their faith in the family is strengthened. Keeping the water healthy will provide the family with strength to endure hardships and stay together. Similarly, any attempts to purposefully damage the trees and/or pollute the water will respectively affect the general well-being of any connected familial bonds. If a tree is damaged, their ability to feel familial love will be weakened as well. If the water is drained and/or polluted, the family's familial bonds will weaken as well.
One can easily tell if a family is completely destroyed (whether by the family breaking apart or all members dying) when the lake is completely dried up and all plants around it are dead. When that happens, Arae is capable of erasing the remains as if they were never there, and another body of water will automatically reappear to take its place once a new family is born. What is noteworthy, however, is that the lake Pantheon cannot be drained or polluted as easily any other lake, nor can its trees be damaged as easily; both aspects are simply too resilient to damage for any single god, even for Arae.
Location of Sphere: Celestial, near Galbar (finer details might get worked out)
Portfolio: Family: To Arae, a family is a group of beings that hold feelings of companionship and love for one another. Together, they tackle their hardships together, and support each other through them all. It does not matter whether your alignment is Good or Evil, Lawful or Chaotic, or whatever entropic state of alignment you are in. however. It does not matter what your species is, whether human, demon, elf, dwarf, elemental, undead, eldritch horror, or even a god. All that matters are the people you share a bond with, as well as the people who care about you in return. This chain of bonds is what grants people the power to go on with their day and live happy lives. Perhaps not all familial relationships may be the best or closest, but as family, it is one's duty to support the other, no matter how entropic.
- Sense Bond: By having Family as her source of power, Arae is capable of instinctively sensing these familial bonds, to the point that individual ones can be pinpointed from leagues away, provided she has already recognized it first.
- Power of Faith: Through these familial bonds, Arae can provide a certain amount of assistance, depending on their level of faith in their family. A burst of strength in a critical second, a bit of luck in a troubled time, or even just a moment of clarity in an uncertain moment are all things she can do to provide aid. However, she will not solve peoples' problems for them; merely, provide what is needed for them to solve it themselves.
Persona: Neutral Good. Arae is a seemingly kind soul, soft and gentle on others with an equally soft and gentle smile. She will become a friend to those who ask, and will also play the mother role for those she considers children. However, while she believes in second chances, she is not afraid to harden her heart when someone proves to be too much of a burden for a family and cast them out of it. She is also insatiably curious about the universe the Architect has summoned her to, and may perform whimsical acts for whatever catches her interest. It ultimately depends on her mood, as well as how much it would bother the other gods, to determine what her next course of action would be.
She is mostly concerned with how the gods and goddesses of this world treat each other. They are the only beings she considers to a part of her own family, and she will do everything in her power to keep them together. That being said, she does keep a close eye on mortals as well, finding enjoyment and contentment in their bonds with each other that hold them together. In her eyes, Arae does not mind when a being would play heroics or commit atrocities, although she may utter a simple bit of praise or reprimand in response. When it comes to the bonds between friends and family, however, she punishes those who would try to tear them apart, as well as provide aid to those who treasure those bonds.
Appearance/Form: Arae takes on the form of a snake-like dragon similar to that of a Chinese dragon. She is about 3 meters long, with a pair of leathery wings. Her body is covered with sky blue scales, with thin dark blue stripes every foot along her body. Her underbelly is a pale peach color. She has four legs, each with 4 short claws, with her front limbs capable of acting as short arms. Her jagged crest, which stretches from her head to near the tip of her tail, is a light purple with the jagged tips red.
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