Sir E. Brum
"Begin test in three, two, one..." Rumi counted down, typing in a command on his keyboard. In the testing chamber, behind a sturdy glass window, an automaton began to crouch down and raise an arm, lifting up its watch-like device. Several sheets of metal then unfurled from it, forming a circular shield. It began to expand and shrink in diameter several times at differing speeds, as well as fold itself in and out. Then a pair of turrets appeared from a wall and began to fire at the shield, one firing bullets while the other a high-powered laser. They stopped firing after 5 seconds, and it was clear neither of the weapons were able to damage the shield very much.
"Success... I guess," Rumi said, sighing. There was nothing wrong with the device itself, Rumi made sure of that. He was just quite bored with creating such a mundane device. It was only a durable and lightweight shield one could bring anywhere and deploy at any time. There weren't even any fancy bells and whistles added into it. It didn't provide a challenge to his intellect at all. Absentmindedly spinning around on a rolling chair, Rumi hoped for something exciting to happen soon. An alarm then sounded on his H.E.R.O device, and Rumi kicked a wall to roll his chair over to it.
"I fucking called it!" Rumi exclaimed, reading the news about Ambleweeds appearing. "I told them the increase in pollen was a sign of the upcoming arrival of the Ambleweeds, and they didn't listen. It's a good thing I had Polamor Inc. stock up on extra pyrotechnical supplies." He had no need to worry for his company headquarter's safety, but he had to answer the call of a hero... and also begin the field testing of his personally upgraded gadgets.
Sir took long strides with the aid of his nanomachines pushing him along, using their miniature size and powerful swarming capability to slice and tear apart any Ambleweeds he came across. The maneating plants had rather simplistic thought processes, so it was easy to avoid their more lethal attacks and lure them into areas where they could be more easily dispatched. Any citizens he came across, Sir quickly aided them and directed them to the nearest shelter.
Sir made his way to a street and found quite a sight to behold: the ever-so-famous Starbright fighting a robotic automaton. Well, maybe not so much "fighting" as opposed to "trying to survive against". And the automaton was not actually an automaton, but a person wearing the GEN1MKII Advanced Combat Suit. He recognized this piece of tech; it was of particular interest to him at the time he read the articles due to one mishap involving a "melding" of the suit to a human body. That very person had also betrayed the H.E.R.O organization due to a virus invading her brain. "Phoenix", he recalled the ex-hero's name, now renamed "Phantom". Sir smiled, realizing the potential challenges such a virus could give him. He couldn't pass up this opportunity to study it.
Sir snuck his way closer, hiding himself behind a large truck and sending his nanobots over in secret, keeping them near the two while having them stay hidden. First he would get a feel for Phantom's fighting style, and/or if he determined that Starbright was in danger, he would deploy to form a protective barrier around Mr. Lightshow while he would swoop in to create a distraction. A wave of nanomachines and a few tarbombs (small devices holding a very sticky substance that quickly hardened in the air) would serve as an opening.