"Surrender now, and you won't be harmed!"
[ NAME ]
Megumi Takaki
[ AGE ]
H.E.R.O.: Part-time

Megumi has long grayish hair, pale skin, and a rather slim build. She prefers to wear whatever's comfortable, but she does make an effort to look at least somewhat fashionable when outside. She also brings along a large quadrupedal dog-like machine named Gem that acts as a pet, which can also transform into a bipedal android body that provides her the android body for her hero identity Gematria.
EMOTIONLESS: At first impression, Megumi doesn't seem to possess any emotions. Her tone of speech is monotone, and tends to move in a somewhat sluggish manner. The truth is that she just has a difficult time showing her true feelings. Get to know her a little, though, and it'd be easy enough to know what she's thinking, assuming she doesn't just tell you outright.
BLUNT: Megumi isn't afraid to speak her mind and will be direct in her methods and intentions. However, she tends to be quite curt and literal-minded in doing so, which tends to result in some initial misunderstandings until she is asked to explain what she truly means in her messages.
OBSESSED WITH KNOWLEDGE: Megumi has an avid interest in learning more about the unknown, particularly about science, magic, and everything in between. She is unhesitant about trying new things in her experiments with the two, but will at least maintain a level of caution to try to prevent any catastrophic events.
BLUNT: Megumi isn't afraid to speak her mind and will be direct in her methods and intentions. However, she tends to be quite curt and literal-minded in doing so, which tends to result in some initial misunderstandings until she is asked to explain what she truly means in her messages.
OBSESSED WITH KNOWLEDGE: Megumi has an avid interest in learning more about the unknown, particularly about science, magic, and everything in between. She is unhesitant about trying new things in her experiments with the two, but will at least maintain a level of caution to try to prevent any catastrophic events.
[ BIO ]
Megumi was born in Castleburg, as the daughter of a CEO of a large video game company. Her mother died in childbirth, and Megumi was often left with a nanny to take care of her. As a result, she was often left with plenty of games and other material desires to keep herself occupied, but no one to actually spend that time with. She poured herself into these games, and soon discovered her powers when she got absorbed into the controller she was holding, finding herself inside the game itself. She found a whole new world to explore, and didn't come out until the nanny turned off the console, which forcefully ejected herself from the game and back into the real world.
It was then that Megumi found a new interest: coding. By being inside games, she could see how the game functioned, and alter it in ways it was never intended to function. She learned plenty within them, and her knowledge of her own ability continued to grow as well. Her father merely continued to send her the latest tech and games, thinking it would make her happy. Her attention turned to the various magic systems that often existed within fantasy games, and while she had fun experimenting with them in said games, she then began to wonder if it was possible to bring them to real life. Try as she might, though, she just couldn't do it.
One day, while attending an real life gaming event, it fell under attack by a rampaging Leftover. She hid behind a table, but it was tossed aside and was about to be attacked, only for it to be bound up and quickly dispatched by arriving heroes. Her attention focused onto one hero in particular, Stray, who had used some interesting symbols to perform the job. In the crisis, she had found the solution to a problem she had been dying to solve: performing magic, or at least something similar to it. Unfortunately, she was quickly taken someplace safe by other heroes. Due to Stray being a D rank hero, it seems that there was little interest on him, making him difficult to track down. She was frustrated, but it would not stop her. She made it her new goal to become a Hero. In her mind, she thought the best way to learn more about Stray was to go out and be a Hero herself. And if she was able to help people along the way, that was even better.
It was then that Megumi found a new interest: coding. By being inside games, she could see how the game functioned, and alter it in ways it was never intended to function. She learned plenty within them, and her knowledge of her own ability continued to grow as well. Her father merely continued to send her the latest tech and games, thinking it would make her happy. Her attention turned to the various magic systems that often existed within fantasy games, and while she had fun experimenting with them in said games, she then began to wonder if it was possible to bring them to real life. Try as she might, though, she just couldn't do it.
One day, while attending an real life gaming event, it fell under attack by a rampaging Leftover. She hid behind a table, but it was tossed aside and was about to be attacked, only for it to be bound up and quickly dispatched by arriving heroes. Her attention focused onto one hero in particular, Stray, who had used some interesting symbols to perform the job. In the crisis, she had found the solution to a problem she had been dying to solve: performing magic, or at least something similar to it. Unfortunately, she was quickly taken someplace safe by other heroes. Due to Stray being a D rank hero, it seems that there was little interest on him, making him difficult to track down. She was frustrated, but it would not stop her. She made it her new goal to become a Hero. In her mind, she thought the best way to learn more about Stray was to go out and be a Hero herself. And if she was able to help people along the way, that was even better.
It should be noted that when she is electro-surfing within a machine, her personality becomes a lot more expressive, as if whatever normally inhibits her emotions disappears.
ELECTRO-SURFING: By being in contact with a machine that uses electricity, Megumi's can leap into it, her body transforming into a mass of electric particles that travel within it freely. Within these machines, Megumi can take control of its functions and freely study its structure and coding, and can even modify said coding to suit her needs. Firewalls and encryptions pose little obstacle to her, but power limiters can hinder her movement. She can also forcibly short-circuit the machine, though this causes her to immediately be ejected (or forced into another area of said machine, if applicable) afterwards as that part would no longer be functional.
■■■□□□□□□□ 3/10
Megumi found it unnecessary to work out very much apart from doing any potential heavy lifting when working on her tech. She has her other abilities to compensate for it instead.
■■□□□□□□□□ 2/10
Same reason as above.
■■■■■■■□□□ 7/10
Considering her expertise in technology and desire to learn more, it's safe to say that she is quite intelligent.
■■■□□□□□□□ 3/10
In any tech-heavy environment, such as a server room, she could be devastating if she wanted to, but other than that, she doesn't possess any powers that are generally destructive.
■■□□□□□□□□ 2/10
Megumi doesn’t use lethal methods to fight crime.
■■■□□□□□□□ 3/10
While she may stay up late at night, either to play VR games or to conduct more experiments, she does not possess much more endurance than other normal humans.
■■■■■□□□□□ 5/10
She requires technology to use her power, but she fortunately lives in Castleburg, where there are robots and other machines aplenty.
GEM: The 4-legged machine with a dog-like AI to act as Megumi's pet. Bought by her father in an attempt to give her company. Megumi customized and improved upon it with time, giving it a few more special capabilities. Within it lies several yards of cable, suitable for grappling, trap-setting, constraining, etc. The cables are also interwoven with nanomachines to allow it to maneuver around more freely than simply being shot towards a target. Of course, Gem can also transform into the bipedal humanoid body that uses Megumi's hero identity name: Gematria. The face plate is actually a screen, allowing for a wide variety of facial expressions and emoticons to be displayed.

"I dunno, bit of a stretch."
[ NAME ]
Zachary Williams
Rubber Man, "Annoying F***"
[ AGE ]
HERO: Part-time
Zachary appears to be a mid-20-year-old man with blonde hair, golden-colored eyes, and light skin, standing at exactly 6'. His casual attire typically consists of little more than a t-shirt and sweatpants.
Carefree: Zachary acts rather laidback. He's expressed many times that he does not desire the hero lifestyle. To him, being a hero is merely a job. In fact, he has little interest in finding excitement and would rather take his time exploring the simple things in life, like small hobbies or making idle chatter with others.
Jokester: He'll often make a quip or two about the current situation, whether it be during everyday conversation or in the heat of battle. If an opportunity presents itself, Zachary will make a comment about whatever's holding his interest.
Ladies Man: Zachary is not shy about approaching adult women of various ages, often flirting with and/or making inappropriate comments about them.
Mentor: Despite his laidback attitude, Zachary is always willing to lend a hand or a piece of advice to someone who asks. He'll give a tired smile and moan about the effort he's putting in, but he'll always rise to the occasion.
Jokester: He'll often make a quip or two about the current situation, whether it be during everyday conversation or in the heat of battle. If an opportunity presents itself, Zachary will make a comment about whatever's holding his interest.
Ladies Man: Zachary is not shy about approaching adult women of various ages, often flirting with and/or making inappropriate comments about them.
Mentor: Despite his laidback attitude, Zachary is always willing to lend a hand or a piece of advice to someone who asks. He'll give a tired smile and moan about the effort he's putting in, but he'll always rise to the occasion.
[ BIO ]
Zachary was a normal kid, born and raised in Castleburg. He was in a loving family of 4, with a mother, father, and older sister. He was given plenty of freedom to live his life, and received plenty of attention from his family during his childhood. All in all, it was a happy childhood. He caused plenty of mischief as he grew up. Mostly little inconveniences and pranks, a tapped shoulder here and a expertly hidden whoopee cushion there. But over time, he began to grow bored. His pranks had lost their appeal, and he was unsure of the direction of his life.
It seemed fate had a plan for him, however, when he and his family were listening to the news on the radio. The story was about an interview with a hero, who was telling a grandiose story about him taking down a high-threat villain's secret lair and all the henchmen stationed there. It was a story they'd heard many times before by other heroes that claimed to perform similar feats, but it still gave the family entertainment. For Zachary, however, it also gave him an epiphany. To be a Hero... It seemed like the obvious choice. It gave him the chance to find excitement in his life, and to save lives in the process as a bonus.
Along the way, he would come to learn that being a hero was more than just a job or a means to find the biggest bad guy to punch. It was a role people looked up to, an example for people to follow. He would make mistakes, but learn from them and continue the fight. He would fight alongside other heroes and even forge bonds with them, even grieve for them should they pass on. But despite everything life would throw at him, he would always remember the reason why he became a hero: to have fun.
Fast forward some decades or so, he was performing a low-level job of catching some small-time mugger. After catching him and turning him over, he noticed that there were plenty of new faces around him. Newer heroes that had entered the workforce. At the same time, the old heroes, the ones he grew up with and fought with in his line of work, were mostly gone. They had either found other work, retired completely, or even died. He was still in his physical prime, so hadn't noticed the flow of time until now. It hit him hard as he realized that he would still be alive, but the others around him would move on. He still loved being a hero, but he thought to himself, "What's the point now? Where's the fun if there's no one to share it with?" With those newer heroes, it wasn't the same. They weren't the ones he fought side-by-side with, nor the ones he shared drinks and chats with.
He pondered this for a time, having finally realized that his lifespan may exceed those of everyone around him. He thought about his family, remembering the funeral for his parents and how he hadn't even spoken to his sister in quite some time. He tried to call her, but quickly learned that she was bedridden and expected to pass on soon as well. He thought about how he had lived his life, and thought that it wasn't so bad. After all, he lived to have fun, and that was what he did. He believed he had already reached the peak of his life, and it'd just be downhill from now on. So Zachary decided that after attending his sister's funeral, he would die too. The world was moving on, and he figured no one would miss a guy like him.
As it turned out, however, it was a little more challenging than Zachary thought to kill himself. He used various methods, from hanging to poison to even cutting himself up into pieces. Each and every time, though, he would just get back up. After his seventh attempt by sticking his fingers into a wall socket, only to feel little more than a tingle, he gave up on his attempts to end his life. He grew low-spirited, realizing that he had no purpose in life anymore. To him, life was now just... existence. He couldn't see the point of it, but he couldn't die either. To him, it seemed he would be condemned to a life of boredom with no escape.
So, he wandered the streets, hoping to find a source of inspiration, a sign of what to do from now on. Then, he came across another young hero taking on a rather menacing-looking but low-level villain. She seemed to be having trouble, so Zachary's first instinct was to leap into action and save her. After catching the villain in one large rubbery hand, the female hero was rather pissed that he intervened, yelling about how it was her job to take down the big bad. He stared blankly at her for a time, but then an idea began to formulate in Zachary's mind. He released the villain, and gave the hero three chances to take down said villain. With a little advice and a few pointers, the hero did eventually manage to complete her job on the third chance. When the hero reluctantly thanked him, he thought he felt a spark of joy in his chest, reminding him of his younger days. He was still directionless in life, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. There was still the rest of his life to live, after all, so why not live it? You never know what might come your way.
It seemed fate had a plan for him, however, when he and his family were listening to the news on the radio. The story was about an interview with a hero, who was telling a grandiose story about him taking down a high-threat villain's secret lair and all the henchmen stationed there. It was a story they'd heard many times before by other heroes that claimed to perform similar feats, but it still gave the family entertainment. For Zachary, however, it also gave him an epiphany. To be a Hero... It seemed like the obvious choice. It gave him the chance to find excitement in his life, and to save lives in the process as a bonus.
Along the way, he would come to learn that being a hero was more than just a job or a means to find the biggest bad guy to punch. It was a role people looked up to, an example for people to follow. He would make mistakes, but learn from them and continue the fight. He would fight alongside other heroes and even forge bonds with them, even grieve for them should they pass on. But despite everything life would throw at him, he would always remember the reason why he became a hero: to have fun.
Fast forward some decades or so, he was performing a low-level job of catching some small-time mugger. After catching him and turning him over, he noticed that there were plenty of new faces around him. Newer heroes that had entered the workforce. At the same time, the old heroes, the ones he grew up with and fought with in his line of work, were mostly gone. They had either found other work, retired completely, or even died. He was still in his physical prime, so hadn't noticed the flow of time until now. It hit him hard as he realized that he would still be alive, but the others around him would move on. He still loved being a hero, but he thought to himself, "What's the point now? Where's the fun if there's no one to share it with?" With those newer heroes, it wasn't the same. They weren't the ones he fought side-by-side with, nor the ones he shared drinks and chats with.
He pondered this for a time, having finally realized that his lifespan may exceed those of everyone around him. He thought about his family, remembering the funeral for his parents and how he hadn't even spoken to his sister in quite some time. He tried to call her, but quickly learned that she was bedridden and expected to pass on soon as well. He thought about how he had lived his life, and thought that it wasn't so bad. After all, he lived to have fun, and that was what he did. He believed he had already reached the peak of his life, and it'd just be downhill from now on. So Zachary decided that after attending his sister's funeral, he would die too. The world was moving on, and he figured no one would miss a guy like him.
As it turned out, however, it was a little more challenging than Zachary thought to kill himself. He used various methods, from hanging to poison to even cutting himself up into pieces. Each and every time, though, he would just get back up. After his seventh attempt by sticking his fingers into a wall socket, only to feel little more than a tingle, he gave up on his attempts to end his life. He grew low-spirited, realizing that he had no purpose in life anymore. To him, life was now just... existence. He couldn't see the point of it, but he couldn't die either. To him, it seemed he would be condemned to a life of boredom with no escape.
So, he wandered the streets, hoping to find a source of inspiration, a sign of what to do from now on. Then, he came across another young hero taking on a rather menacing-looking but low-level villain. She seemed to be having trouble, so Zachary's first instinct was to leap into action and save her. After catching the villain in one large rubbery hand, the female hero was rather pissed that he intervened, yelling about how it was her job to take down the big bad. He stared blankly at her for a time, but then an idea began to formulate in Zachary's mind. He released the villain, and gave the hero three chances to take down said villain. With a little advice and a few pointers, the hero did eventually manage to complete her job on the third chance. When the hero reluctantly thanked him, he thought he felt a spark of joy in his chest, reminding him of his younger days. He was still directionless in life, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. There was still the rest of his life to live, after all, so why not live it? You never know what might come your way.
Malleable Physiology: Zachary has the ability to alter and shape his body into whatever form he can imagine, thanks to a combination of malleability, elasticity, and total body control. He can also increase the mass of his body, presumably by taking in surrounding atoms from his surroundings, and enlarge his body to extraordinary degrees. His body is typically rubbery in nature, but he can also increase the hardness of any portion of his body, making his body more versatile than a swiss army knife. He can also change his appearance to look like other people, or even take the shape of inanimate objects, though it seems he cannot change color.
Healing Factor: He possesses a strong regenerative ability, allowing him to re-assimilate lost flesh and/or body parts, or even regenerate them over a long period of time. As a side effect, he also seems to not age, or at least age very slowly, allowing him to stay in his prime of 20-or-so years old.
Healing Factor: He possesses a strong regenerative ability, allowing him to re-assimilate lost flesh and/or body parts, or even regenerate them over a long period of time. As a side effect, he also seems to not age, or at least age very slowly, allowing him to stay in his prime of 20-or-so years old.
■■■■■□□□□□ 5/10
While not exactly Superman, expanding his body does allow him to gain some form of enhanced strength.
■■■■■■□□□□ 6/10
Zachary's body allows him to be more mobile than ordinary humans, such as by stretching his limbs to either grab a handhold to slingshot himself or simply gain a longer stride.
■■■■■■□□□□ 6/10
Years of experience have allowed him to accumulate the knowledge needed to excel in this hero-saturated world, as well as perform other menial tasks.
■■■■■■■□□□ 7/10
While it's not his preference to do so, he can create a decent amount of destruction with his ability to form various tools or even grow large enough for just such a task.
■■■■■■■■□□ 8/10
Again, not his preference, but it is amazingly simple just how easy it is to kill people, whether it be by impaling them with sharp spikes or wrapping his body around their heads to induce suffocation.
■■■■■■■■■■ 10/10
Due to his rubbery nature, Zachary is completely immune to blunt trauma and gunfire, and his healing factor allows him to survive most of what would be able to hurt or even kill him.
■■■■■■■■■□ 9/10
The ability to warp his body into any shape and size makes for a very versatile set of tools and skills at his disposal.
Under his normal clothes, he wears a full-body skintight suit that is covered with black-and-white stripes. The suit is extraordinarily elastic and can stretch and contract as much as he can, courtesy of being made out of a combination of nanotechnology and the same material as his body.