Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
4 mos ago
You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
7 mos ago
Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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I'm down, I like the idea of chars being second years.

"Better not be a clue written in astronomy trivia," Max mumbled halfheartedly back. He was tempted to try the magical approach again, but he had no idea where Eris' hand was in relation to the vampire's own star, or if he was even using the armored arm. The mage would just have to hope they were close enough on timing that the... illusion? This had to be an illusion, right? - recognized it as 'tandem'. Quite frankly, he didn't have high hopes. They were alright at mutual complaining, but any synergy beyond that was out the window.

He sent a narrow-eyed glare up at the blue moon out of spite. The moon, unsurprisingly, did nothing to defend itself. Coward. They were missing something here, and Max didn't like it. It wasn't anxiety about failing, either; it was far worse - if they fucked up here, whatever smug chucklefuck designed this test would get the satisfaction of knowing it tricked them. Max certainly couldn't allow that

After a few too many moments of silence and deliberation, Max let out an annoyed huff and started the countdown, "Whatever. Three. Two. One. Go."

He barely restrained himself from batting at the star like an angry cat, figuring that Eris would've likely gone for a softer approach and their timing would've been way off if he'd smacked the shit out of the little light the way he wanted to. Instead, he gingerly tapped it, already squinting and turning his head away in anticipation of a coming explosion of light. At least, he hoped it would only be light.


Huh, that was actually a good thought on Eris' part. Couldn't hurt to try it, at least. As for the riddle, Max was out of ideas. It seemed to explain how to get into this... wherever they were, but nothing suggested what to do once actually inside. Did the stars spell out another set of instructions and they were just too dense to notice?

"All it said was something about siblings in tandem and choosing your fate. Stars and fate could be linked, I guess," The mage grumbled, vocalizing his thoughts in case Eris had an idea how to make sense of it. Barring that, they'd have to play two halves of a whole idiot and hope they could bullshit their way out at this point, because Max himself was certainly out of ideas. Thankfully, the sudden glow of yellow caught his eye in contrast to the earlier blue, prompting Max to swivel his head back and forth from the moon to the star.

"Hang on, there's a yellow star now. Is there anything blue on your end? Maybe we're switching colors. Or... maybe I'm supposed to touch that star at the same time you touch one of yours." But then what the fuck was the point of the moon? Was it just misdirection? There was some asinine symbolism in this somewhere, he was sure of it. The constellation had to mean something, but Eris didn't seem like he had a clue as to what it was. Maybe the exam designers had assumed a vapid celebrity would be an astrology expert. An easy mistake; Max could totally see Eris blaming his faults on his sun sign being a tortoise in retrograde.

Fuck it.

"I'm touching it, any objections?" Max called as he crouched down and extended his hand. He kept his fingers hovering near the star, but not close enough that it might brush the glowing orb should it suddenly grow in size or something.


Totally forgot to post this. Lemme know if you want anything changed/clarified.

Max was expecting some kind of magical bullshit to happen, so the initial mist elicited little more than a wary glance around the area from the mage. He couldn't tell if the disappearing bird was a clue or a warning, and that was a bit worrying. He doubted they would've included anything dangerous, so touching the stars probably wouldn't blink him out of existence, but if it expelled him from the illusion when he still needed to be in it, they'd have a problem.

He lifted an arm as his vambrace unlocked in preparation to shoot one of the stars, when he was suddenly thrown off balance by the ground's sudden shifting. After stumbling his way back into a less precarious stance, he glanced around for Eris. No sign of him, just... the moon?

Max swiveled his head around as he heard Eris talking. He sounded like he was above him, but... was he behind the moon? Eris clearly wasn't seeing the same thing he was, and it looked like the illusions matched the images on their respective blocks. Wait, Eris could see? Max doubted that would last for the rest of the test, but he wouldn't complain if it did - less work on his end.

Whatever, it didn't matter. Right now he needed to focus on that riddle. Blue moon and - daffodil, what a pedantic jackass; it's fucking yellow, Eris - stars. Something about solace in others or mind or whatever. He certainly didn't see any others around, and his mind just thought this was bullshit.

"All I see is a moon," Max called blindly into the abyss, "There's a blue light that looks like it's getting brighter on my end too. I think they match the blocks we were carrying, but fuck if I know what the riddles had to do with this. Maybe we're supposed to touch it when it gets close enough like that bird did."

@Dead Cruiser Pyromancer it is then. In a rough political oversimplification, are Lions generally more supportive of the Red Orders and the Eagles more supportive of the Cults given their values or do those groups have no correlation?
What lumps aeromancy in with the more forbidden stuff? Lack of understanding or is this some big brain Amun reference where 'air' entails way more than just air?

Either way, I was thinking either that or pyromancy. Maybe a Sekhmet aspirant.
I am a simple man. I see Egypt, I click.

"The riddle says the game starts when they're whole again, so I'd assume something stupid is gonna happen after we do this, but it doesn't give any directions we can go on otherwise." Max responded as he switched his own block to his armored hand. Better to just guide both in magically to be safe; he wasn't quite sure how perfectly syncronized they'd need to be for the test to consider them 'in tandem'. The vambraces moved of their own accord, raising both their limp arms upward and, after a quick glance by Max confirming they were aligned with the holes, tugged their hands forward to fit the blocks snugly into their assigned slots.

"Okay, now five paces back," Max instructed as he followed his own advice, all the while watching Eris' movements for confirmation. Ideally, even their steps should be syncronized, but that was a lot harder to do when Eris couldn't see and he didn't have nearly enough metal present to just puppet the vampire's legs like a marionette. When they were both in position, Max turned his gaze back toward the magic bird feeder in front of him. Best case scenario? This opens a neat little portal to the finish line. Worst case? He didn't even want to guess; the only thing this school had really taught him is that even his most pessimistic predictions could be exceeded at any moment.

"Alright, ready? Three... Two... One. Oceleusi Picon."

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