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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
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I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
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Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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It seemed like Max's earlier assumpted was correct, the exercise went a lot smoother when Ashton was the one compensating for him rather than the other way around. Whether that was attributed to the other student's experience level or just their personalities clashing would be helpful information, though. Who was he kidding? No it wouldn't; he'd probably never be in this situation again outside this class. Eris was already nervous enough everytime he walked past an array of silverware, and if Feliks was any indication, his affinity had a certain type associated with it. The leech would have to be suicidal to consider inducting a second metal mage into his service.

Still, it was hard to feel pride in completing the task when he was pretty certain his partner had done most of the work. All that display had taught him was that he couldn't just power through the exercise as he'd hoped, which was a fact Max has fairly well aware of by now and at this point, he was really just testing his luck. His arms raised in front of him again in preparation for the next try, though the cube only made it about an inch off the table before Max abruptly dropped it at Ashton's outburst. It was a shock the collared loser even had it in him to be that assertive, and on Max's behalf, at that. The vote of confidence was nice, but the brunette couldn't quite agree. He fully expected another explosion if he had to hold the metal in place again, and technically the puzzle wasn't 'done' until he could do both roles. Sure, the whole thing was asinine, but Artiae made it sound like the entire class hinged on this concept.

Of course, it was a lot easier to side with the professor when he gassed Max up unintentionally. The bit about him tearing down a building with a stray thought was, naturally, flattering as hell.

The rest of the class was awkward, to say the least, but Max was hardly a stranger to tense rooms and wasn't particularly bothered. Of course, if Asston got snappy with him, that could change real quick. The professor's advisement just elicited a sigh from Max. He just had to get the exhausting classes first thing in the morning, didn't he? He used his first class to wake up, not put himself back to sleep. Maybe he could take a nap in Dowsing or something.

"The fuck was that...?" Max mumbled as Ashton vacated himself promptly from the room. That eager to run home to his master, huh? The mage spared a passing glance and a shrug back at Professor Artiae before he whipped out his phone. The 'Retriever' across the screen got a sly grin out of the boy, if only because Aaron's thinly-veiled clapbacks and deadpan remarks had to be at least more entertaining than whatever guilt-fueled response Salem lazily sent his way.

> Classy.

See, the worst part about that message was Max had no idea how to tell if the Retriever was kidding or not. His first instinct was, of course, to assume Aaron was being facetious, but for all Max knew, that could very well be a classy look in his circles. No; even if the collar was the peak of magely fashion, 'crayon factory explosion survivor' wasn't a look anyone would adore.

> Dude's a fucking weirdo, got in a spat with the professor that we weren't going fast enough 5 seconds after i almost killed us both going too fast
> How tf do you wear a whole ass collar and then be that idk, brave?

@Obscene Symphony
April 10th - ???

Daigo paid little mind to the rest of the room, as lost in his own head as he was. Anything to avoid having to face the reality - or whatever this was - in front of him. In a way, it wasn't that different from the gym they were just standing in; Hoshino was yelling at the cat - who may or may not have been a demon trying to eat him, Genki was trying to figure out what the hell was even going on, and the girl... well, Daigo was surprised she even followed them to the gym in the first place given how dismissive she was back by the lockers. Yeah, just like the gym. The nice, safe gym. There was a joke about curiosity and cats to be made here somewhere, but Daigo definitely wasn't going to be the one to make it while he was still panicked.

He needed to calm down, everything was gonna be fine.

No it wasn't. They were stuck there. He'd gotten all of them killed by virtue of being gourmet demon food. All the hyperventilation had him a bit lightheaded at this point; maybe he'd get lucky and be fast asleep while they ate him. The green-haired girl obviously blamed him, he could tell by her tone. Wait, when did she get so close? He hadn't even noticed her move.

Daigo winced a bit as she extended her hand upward, more out of nerves than any genuine horror in her direction - that was reserved for the purple thing and the catgirl. Still, she might smack him or something. His eyes followed her hand upward until it actually made contact with his fiery locks, then lazily drifted back down to rest on her face. For a moment, he was utterly transfixed on the girl in front of him; his breathing normalized and the tension gradually bled out of his frame with every tangle she worked out of his hair. The motion was weirdly soothing, like he was an animal being petted. It wasn't until she finished and a weight was dropped into his hands that he even processed what she'd been doing.

"Y-yeah," Daigo responded, dumbfounded but far more lucid than he was previously. He turned the glasses over in his hands a few times contemplatively. Sure, seeing was great, but if everything around him was a nondescript blur, he could pretend he wasn't currently stuck inside a magic death mirror somehow. At least until he saw flashes of movement outside the ten-ish foot radius he could comfortably make out and stressed himself out even harder while he waited for his inevitable demise.

Fine, he'd look. He swore Hoshino mentioned a way out, which meant they'd be fine. Naturally, he should help them look for the exit so they could get out sooner. Nothing to worry about! Wait, how did Hoshino even know that?

The redhead slid his glasses back onto his face and immediately recoiled in surprise. Purple demon man looked way too much like Hoshino for comfort. And... Hoshino himself wasn't in the room. So the only explanation was...

"Um, guys. W-why does Hoshino-kun have a tail?" Daigo nervously asked. Unless Osaka was the secret tenth layer of hell, there had to be something else going on that Daigo himself wasn't privy to, even beyond the evil hands and transforming cats.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

Jorah's arrival at his side was unexpected but not unwelcome, though Goddess help him if the Deer ever heard he held that sentiment. Judging by the way he was still making light of the situation, his fellow House Leader hadn't been harmed yet either. Goddess willing, they'd all stay that way.

"I figured a formal invitation to duel would just confuse the poor simpleton," Auberon responded to Jorah's prodding, "Careful, he's faster than he looks." A sentiment promptly illustrated when the man outright knocked the spear out of the air. At least the arrow newly embedded in the muscle might slow his swings a bit. It certainly didn't seem to impact the way he moved to bisect Kellen while he ran past, but Michail had interposed himself in front of the blow before Auberon had even seen him move - before he'd even registered the danger of the situation, even.

The fingers wrapped around Auberon's axe tightened to the point of trembling. That was both his housemates targetted now, and Auberon had barely been spared a glance. Was he not worth the effort? Was this fat bastard mocking him? It didn't matter. Retribution would be written in the splattered chunks of brain that leaked from this fiend's skull, whether Auberon cracked it open from the front or behind. He could rush in right now and - no, this guy was smart enough not to fall for a diversion. Perhaps whatever peasant hovel he crawled out of contained a book or two. No amount of ferocity Auberon could put forth would monopolize this brute's attention if even Michail had to dance after him to keep him occupied. The blond would simply have to put himself in a position where the man would have to barrel through him to get to his objective. Somewhere like... right in front of Kellen. Even if he went for Imogen instead, the bandit would be forced to engage Auberon regardless once he and Kellen started lopping off wizardly heads.

"Strafe him and aim for his back while he's swinging at us, but don't be scared to take potshots at those mages if you see an opportunity," Auberon advised Jorah offhandedly before setting off. The fact that a Leicester had gotten the first notable hit on this guy irked his competitive side more than he would've liked to admit, but if it worked, Auberon certainly wasn't going to discourage it. He rushed in toward the bandit's side, axe low and drawn back to easily telegraph a strike. As he entered melee range, he kept a cautious distance and feinted at the bandit's hamstring to both draw some pressure off Michail and mask his true intentions before peeling off to put one more body between their opponent and Kellen. Once in position, Auberon slowly backpedaled to reduce the odds of Chief Pork Dinner flanking him to get to his target.

"You okay? You look like shit," He asked innocently without looking back at his housemate. Kellen hadn't been hit, Auberon was sure of it, but that was a lot of red. Either he was a messy fighter, or that burst of white magic earlier had saved his life. No time to dwell on it though; the boy took up a defensive stance and refocused on the bandit chief. "I'll stick close until he charges. Then he's dead." It was said decisively, with no room for doubt or skepticism. In Auberon's mind, the bandit may as well have already been bleeding out. His faith would see it done.

@Obscene Symphony@ThatCharacter
April 10th - ???

Three people. That would be enough. It had to be enough. This hand couldn't be that strong. And yet, with every passing second, the door in the distance grew further and further away. Daigo still wanted to scream, but he couldn't will himself to do so. His mouth simply hung open, petrified in fear. Focusing on anything except the floor right in front of him became a challenge, though the hint of blue that still lined his periphery told him it was merely another symptom of panic. Literally nothing he could do here would matter. It was over. As he reached the mirror and the arm saw fit to lift him upward, his mouth finally pursed into a lopsided grin. He wanted to puke.

Then everything was gone, replaced with cold and vertigo and darkness. Did he die? That wasn't so bad.

Daigo's fears weren't assuaged when his body flopped against the cold floor of a new room, mainly because the creepy hand had followed him into the afterlife. It was still there with a vice around his leg like a shackle. He couldn't catch his breath; why couldn't he catch his breath? Dead people didn't breathe. He was alive, but... somewhere new. Even as the hand finally saw fit to release him, his limbs wouldn't stop trembling. Strangely, the other grips remained. Purple. The thing staring at him from the other end of his arm was purple. That wasn't natural.

The redhead pulled his arms away from the two grabbing his wrists with the last bit of strength he could muster, still hyperventilating. He propped himself up just in time to witness some giant figure spear the hand that had harassed him. That new girl did it somehow. Her eyes looked like the cat's. She looked like a cat. Daigo was wrong; he had seen that yellow before. William had the same shade. Maybe a good sign. But why lead him to the hand and then ward it off? Nothing about this was right, he couldn't even think straight. All his thoughts came out choppy. Worse, his glasses probably fell off in the gym. Dazed as he was, the boy didn't have the presence of mind to realize they had simply gotten tangled in his bangs when the hand briefly dangled him upside down as they entered the mirror.

"Who are-" Daigo panted. No, that wasn't appropriate, "What are-" His words failed again as he sucked in another frantic breath. The potentially evil catgirl called the thing with the purple eyes her devil. Devils weren't good. But... she helped him. Was she just warding off another predator when she attacked the hand so she could eat him? "Think... 'm gonna throw up."

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
April 10th - After School

So this was just the next part of his dream. Daigo had been half-kidding when he entertained the thought earlier, but the sudden shift in atmosphere confirmed it. The butterflies, the blue light; Daigo did miss the melody that had been playing though. It had been an enchanting tune, and it really livened the - what was it called? Silk Room? - up. The silent gym was just ominous. It still felt oddly real for a dream; he had a sense of lucidity that shouldn't have been present through the usual haze of sleep, but he supposed he could say the same about the other visits to the blue train car.

The second shift of lighting quickly turned the dream into a nightmare. Hoshino's warning registered just enough to convince Daigo to hesitantly back up a few steps, though the undulating black mass emerging from the mirror stole his attention far more effectively. It looked like a hand - was a person coming out? Maybe William, he hadn't made an appearance yet. Rather than a man in a blue suit, the ginger was greeted with more hand. And even more hand. And it was fast. The hand cleared the room before Daigo even noticed it was coming for him, and once it seized his leg, Daigo realized he was decidedly not in a dream.

The hand ripped him off his feet and caused him to slam hard on his back, promptly knocking the wind out of him. In lieu of screaming, the ginger sucked air and flailed his arms, clawing for something - anything to grab onto. When he failed to get a firm grasp on either of his classmates' legs, he started to kick futilely at the vice around his ankle. The hand didn't flinch or falter; whatever had grabbed him was either very committed or didn't even notice the sensation. As he slid toward the mirror, Daigo continued scrambling for a handhold, though the smooth floors of the renovated gym offered little in that regard. Wait, Hoshino seemed knowledgable about all this; maybe he knew something.

"Wh-what do I do?! What is this thing?!" Daigo cried frantically, now kicking wildly like a child throwing a tantrum without a better option in sight.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
April 10th - After School

The cat was understandably popular, but Daigo was a bit worried all the commotion would spook her again and she'd dart off. Though, one of the onlookers seemed to have stopped more for Hoshino than their new feline companion. She looked familiar somehow, so the redhead assumed she was in their grade or maybe even their class, given her familiarity with the new kid. Or maybe Hoshino was just catching girls' attention everywhere. Figures. The other kid was definitely in their class, though - Mori-kun, if he remembered right. More importantly, he was asking the important questions.

"She was looking for something earlier, but she ran right to Hoshino when she saw him," Daigo explained, "I figured she might be a mother cat looking for k-" His voice trailed off once he registered Noriaki... angry grumbling at the cat? So Hoshino did know her, but then why was he playing dumb earlier? Kinda hard to forget an animal with eyes like that. Evidently, he and the mystery cat didn't get along, though the cat certainly didn't seem to agree with that assessment given how she had acted. Or... maybe he really hated her owner, if he so charmingly referred to them as a 'demon bitch'.

As Hoshino coldly turned away, Daigo reached out to comfortingly scratch the cat's back while it yowled in indignance. Who the hell moves to a new town and immediately gets into beef with a cat? He could at least be nice enough to tell them who the cat belonged to if he was evidently so familiar with her, demon owner or not. The ginger's earlier qualms of the cat not reciprocating the animosity were swiftly dashed, however, when she pulled away from Daigo's hand and snatched Hoshino's shoes. Maybe she liked to steal things and he'd been the victim of her antics once before?

Either way, Daigo moved to stand and offer help retrieving Noriaki's shoes, but the other boy barreled over him before he even had the chance to open his mouth. Hoshino really hated this one cat in particular - maybe if he'd been nicer, he wouldn't be missing his shoes right now. He'd still probably need help cornering the cat, no matter how spirited he gave chase, and Genki seemed a bit too... lethargic to help, if his attitude in class was any indicator. Plus, Daigo absolutely had to know what the new kid had against this cat.

"What was that about?" The boy mused rhetorically as he righted himself from the awkward position Noriaki had shoved him into and stood at last. He shrugged back at the other two students, heedless of the butterfly that had made itself known around the lockers. It wasn't until he'd trotted off in pursuit of the fleeing cat that he noticed it fluttering overhead. Daigo blinked a few times and, still unconvinced, took his glasses off to rub them fruitlessly on the front of his hoodie. It rarely made them any cleaner, but it never stopped him from repeating the futile gesture everytime he saw something weird. Once they were back on his face and the inconspicuous teal dot in the distance had sharpened into a butterfly once again, Daigo was fairly certain he'd be checking in to the insane asylum right alongside Hoshino later. Hallucinations from a recurring dream had to be ranked higher on the crazy scale than desire to fight a cat.

Worse, it was headed right for the gym. The closed gym. Principal's office for trespassing, then insane asylum. So much for going home early. He glanced around to make sure the coast was clear, then slipped into the gym as quietly as the doors would allow. The scene that greeted him was, naturally, Hoshino brandishing a shoe at the poor kitty. And the butterflies. Plural now, apparently. And why was it so cold in there? He would've heard if the new gym had A/C. Clearly he had somehow fallen and knocked himself out on the floor when Noriaki shoved past him.

"Um, Hoshino-kun," The ginger called sheepishly, on the off-chance he could still get in trouble in his dream, "We're not supposed to be in here, so you should probably hurry up..."

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

Auberon never figured the urge to turn away from his objective and look back would be so strong. Not out of fear for himself - he was armored in faith that no pathetic sword of the wicked could pierce - but with the intrusive thought that he'd only be met with one of his classmates skewered on a pike when he next turned around. Normally a good thing to be aware of, but he knew the sight would only make him hesitate, and hesitation was a flaw that turned strong men into weak men and weak men into corpses. The frontliners beside him were doing admirably, he only needed to have faith that the others were just as capable and that the Goddess would shield those who weren't.

When the wave of magic washed over him, the blond only grew more resolute. Knowledge that everyone behind him was protected by something of that magnitude soothed his heart in equal measure to the aching muscles and bruised flesh. At Michail's call to charge, Auberon obeyed despite not having caught his breath yet. Probably for the best; if he started breathing through his nose again, he'd have to smell his surroundings, and he didn't need to be experienced in war to recognize the carnage around him couldn't have been pleasant to any of the senses.

They didn't get far; something came hurtling at Michail that Auberon briefly mistook for some type of siege weapon, though the projectile was shaped far too much like a woman to be a ballista bolt. The source may as well have been a siege engine, given his size - the boy wasn't sure if it was a man or a demonic beast they'd trained to hold an axe. Though with the way he was dressed up in regalia fit only for a dirt-eating peasant that thought himself a king, the man before them was obviously the leader of the band of sinners. Emphasis on was, with the way Derec smoothly maneuvered in for the attack. Auberon foolishly allowed himself to relax, only to watch the scene before him play out in a likely repeat of what had occurred when Euphemia first attacked him. He just grabbed Isolde and threw her like a pebble. His head snapped to where the duo fell, mind screaming at him to rush over but legs too tense to move. He hadn't seen any splashes of red - the axe missed, and the scene playing over and over in Auberon's mind confirmed it. Being hit with a girl as small as Isolde wasn't going to be fatal either, but then why hadn't they gotten back up? Should he go to them? What would he even do? Watch Derec die? Or run for the mages? Kill that overfed bastard that hurt his classmates? Anything except freeze up like an idiot?

Deep breaths. He was the heir of Daphnel, not some blubbering child.

Logically, Auberon knew that he should leave the monster of a man to the professors. The oaf couldn't chase him and fend off someone as swift as the Kalonic siblings at the same time; it would be trivial to slip past if he kept his wits about him. This man was clearly a cut above the rest and Auberon was but a child playing at war for the first time; he had no business trying to contend at this man's level if he didn't have to. But this bastard had too much to answer for. An entire village lost their homes, their families, their very lives; Derec and Isolde laid in a crumpled heap in the dirt; Kayden had apparently been hurt; clearly someone was injured enough to warrant that massive splash of white magic - all through no fault of their own. There wasn't even a method to this madness - it was malice for the sake of it. Merely spitting on this apostate's corpse after Michail had cut him down wouldn't satisfy the rage in his soul. Auberon wanted to feel those flames in his veins again, to illustrate decisively that whatever pinnacle of mortal might this fool may have attained was nothing before the Goddess. Maybe he'd realize his folly in the moments before Auberon sent him to his eternal judgement.

The blond traded his axe to his non-dominant hand and knelt down to rip the spear out of the grasp of his last victim. The rear guard could handle the mages - Auberon wouldn't know what to do with a fireball coming at him anyway. An axe, though; he knew axes well. Like, for instance, that they were unwieldy enough to give a big man like that a problem when faced with projectiles, no matter how unassumingly fast he could move against Derec. Auberon hoisted the stolen weapon over his shoulder like a javelin and, after waiting for a clear shot, hurled it at the bandit leader while his axe was following through from a missed strike at Michail. It wasn't balanced for throwing, but at this range he figured he could at least land a hit that would get the brigand's attention.

"Is beating on women your only talent, fatass?! Maybe your manners will improve once I've trimmed you down to a healthier weight," Auberon goaded, his axe held outstretched in challenge, "Or should I cut down the rest of your subordinates first to give you time for a snack?" This man was the one thing between them and their objective. If he burned brighter than anyone else and all eyes rested squarely on him, there was no more danger to his friends or the village.

April 10th - After School

Huh, Daigo managed to get her attention. More than the basketball lineup that had assembled in front of his locker earlier had done, anyway. He paused in his efforts to open his locker as he looked up at the cat, offering slow, exaggerated blinks to the feline while her interest was still captivated by his face. To his surprise, it seemed like he'd coaxed the cat down somehow, and Daigo let out a delighted gasp as she began rubbing against his legs. See? All they had to do was stop messing with her.

"Aw, good girl," The boy lilted. He was about to bend down and pet the thing, but once on the floor, the cat apparently found her quarry. The ginger's gaze followed her trail as she let out a sharp meow and darted off, expecting to see a kitten huddled under one of the lockers at the end of her path. Confusingly, the kitty had only decided Hoshino's calves were a better surface to brush against. Sure, it wasn't that odd for a cat to seek attention from multiple people on a whim, but she didn't have to look so excited to ditch him...

The only explanation here was that Hoshino actually was the bad boy that was secretly good with animals. That, or he smelled like her kitten somehow. He did say he was popular with cats lately, so maybe he ran into it earlier. Maybe both - Daigo could help the handsome new kid with a hidden soft spot for cats reunite a mother and her kittens and Hoshino would bashfully ask Daigo not to tell anyone and- okay, this was unrealistic, he wasn't a girl. He had weird enough dreams about sharply-dressed mystery gentlemen at night, he didn't need more dumb fantasies in his head.

"Aw, she likes you!" Daigo abandoned his locker and made his way over to crouch down next to Noriaki and the cat. "I think she's looking for her kittens though, did you see another cat on the way here?"

April 10th - After School

Well, the weather certainly put a stop to any plans Daigo had that afternoon. He'd intended to stop by the Cooking Club room and at least see what was up after no small amount of painstaking deliberation the night before, but Daigo certainly wasn't going to risk getting soaked over an experience that he may not even enjoy. He'd probably be anxious to the point of nausea afterward regardless; no need to make the experience even more unpleasant. Hoshino took off the moment class let out, probably on account of the weather as well, so an encore of their afterschool adventure from the day before was off the table even if Daigo had an indoor activity in mind. Would they even want to? Asakura had made it sound like that wasn't a one time thing yesterday, but maybe that was just how popular kids were.

Jeez, he sounded like such a loser.

No use dwelling on it now. The obnoxiously bright yellow hoodie he kept stuffed under his uniform in the winter months was hardly a proper defense against the rain, but at least he was a slight step above most of the student body. He wondered how hard it would be to stuff an umbrella in a shoe locker in case another freak storm came through. Still, better to get home sooner rather than later and possibly avoid the downpour if at all possible. Daigo exited the classroom with a bouncy, frantic haste; weaving through the mass of kids eager to outrun the weather was a challenge, but he was small enough and slippery enough to bypass any traffic jams while mumbling apologies like an anxious machine gun. And of course, right when he was almost home free, a couple tall kids had decided to huddle around his locker for some reason, with a few shorter girls lingering close behind. Fortunately, the assembled roadblocks all had their attention focused on the ceiling for some reason, so Daigo figured he could slip in subtly rather than ask the intimidating giants to move and get told to fuck off or something.

"Um. 'Scuse me," Daigo muttered while he squeezed inbetween the gathered onlookers, who gave up on their endeavor shortly after with the knowledge that they were in people's way. Once their looming heads were out of view, the ginger finally managed a peek upward at whatever had caused such a ruckus. A cat! A kitty cat! Probably a stray that snuck in through an open door somewhere. Though, it wasn't any neighborhood cat he recognized. The heterochromia was unique enough, but Daigo was pretty certain he'd never seen that particular shade of yellow on any type of cat's eyeball ever. That must've been the source of the gym closure rumor he'd heard. If everyone kept trying to mess with it, it was never gonna come down; the thing was probably scared. Still, it looked pretty calm, even looking around like it had a purpose. The head was too small to be a boy, maybe she had lost one of her kittens in here and was on the hunt.

"Here kitty, they left, wanna come down?" The boy cooed as he fiddled with his locker, followed by a tsking noise to attract the feline's attention further. "They're gonna catch you eventually if you don't jump, y'know."

April 9th - After School

Ah, yes, Hoshino had to lead them not only to crappy konbini food, but quite possibly the sketchiest store in town. Unless 'shot in the leg' and 'missing kidney' were euphemisms for something, which judging by the look of the manager, Daigo doubted. The only disgrace to his uniform here was allowing himself to be led inside in the first place. Not only that, but Noriaki seemed so unfazed by the whole display that he actively sought employment there. Was this the norm in Osaka or something? Daigo had always viewed it as a charming city with excellent food, yet here before him was this neanderthal that ate FamilyMart grease patties inbetween shifts at an embezzlement scheme. What kind of place hired a teenager on the spot like that if they weren't planning to pin some crime on him? Not even an interview - hell, this guy didn't even know his name yet! At this rate, Hoshino would be moving drugs for the yakuza by the end of the week.

"Can we get real food next time?" Daigo whined at Kazu's mention of Lawson's rather than dare voice his opinions about the integrity of the establishment with the scary manager present. That was hardly an improvement. If this type of venture happened again, he was absolutely putting his foot down the moment they were in the vicinity of passable cuisine. Then again, any reputable establishment would probably kick them out; he swore Asakura looked like he was about to keep eating that floor-seasoned chicken he'd accidentally dropped. The act didn't do any favors to the appeal of the half-finished sandwich in Daigo's hand either. One look past the crispy false promises of flavor peddled by the breaded outer facade revealed nothing but greasy despair and low-quality meat.

"And no, Lawson's is not real food either," He specified before anyone got the wrong idea. Asakura seemed to think he was on Team Lawson with him, which had troubling implications if he thought a Hinari would ever consider that trash a quality meal. "That store even sits in full view of the best karaage stand in this half of town. It's insult to injury, mocking your bad decision through the window like that." Daigo faked a shudder and devoured the rest of his sandwich in as few bites as possible. Nothing worth savoring there. After the boy finished, he went to push his glasses up on instinct, only to end up with an oily smear at the bottom of one of the lenses from the leftover chicken grease on his fingers. Even from beyond the grave, the famichiki taunted him. Daigo begrudingly granted the poor excuse for a meal a final resting place in his revered stomach, among culinary achievements no mere konbini food could ever match, and it reciprocated with only spite and malice.

"I hate this place," Daigo mumbled, mostly to himself.

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