Avatar of Searat
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    1. Searat 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
7 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
7 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
7 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

Good stuff people.
I'll go make the update post within today or tomorrow.
So I suppose we're going bow and arrow so we can keep the convenience of discord image/map posting while we keep RP guild for fairness of play by post?
Won't make an extra post but know that Edgar appreciates the gesture of buying the group drinks.

Edgar Fischer

Edgar frowned slightly at the merchant, not because the lack of respect shown towards himself or those who would be protecting him, but from his lack of disclosure regarding what cargo he carried. As Vandernman left with the wench he hired for the night, he turns to face the new addition to the group, a cleric apparently. Edgar didn't consider himself a religious individual but he knew of the usefulness of a cleric...well, magic users in general actually. "Do you perhaps know how to cast Greater Restoration?" He took a moment to consider something for a moment. They were strangers but he was desperate. Not even their town's priest could do anything but stave off the sickness with Lesser Restoration. "My name is Edgar. Address me as you like. I am a hunter by trade of a quiet town a day's travel by carriage to the North of Harken. I do not have much to my name but if you can heal my daughter's sickness, consider anything I can give yours."

Edgar Fischer

Edgar returned the sorceress' nod of acknowledgement with a quick but respectful bob of his own head. The younger man seemed well versed in his negotiations with potential employers and made it clear that their lives were not worth the gold if things get too hairy. The boy was wise. More so than when he was a sell-sword in his youth. He'd just took whatever job he could. From picking up herbs for an alchemist that was too busy to do it themselves, to clearing out giant rats that infested sewer systems; if it paid him coin, he took it.

Though looking back on it, many of his jobs underpaid him for the most part. 5 giant rats for a silver coin? Ludicrous.

The merchant then tossed the bag of gold to the table. The heft of the coinage hitting the wooden surface got his full attention. The man was dead serious about getting his wares across the Darken forest as soon as possible. Whatever Vandernmann was transporting must be very valuable, very important, or perhaps even both to warrant a spending of a small fortune. Well at least a small fortune to his standard of living. "The young miss has some good points, Mr. Merchant. Would you kindly answer her questions?" Edgar said as Fay mentioned that she wouldn't accept full payment but was unsure how he or the far younger man felt about it. "I will be taking my share of the initial pay." If by stroke of great misfortune struck, he could at least have enough coinage to ensure that he and his daughter would spend their last remaining months together in relative comfort.

But that will not come to pass.
He will simply not allow it.

Edgar Fischer

The old man let out a long sigh of disappointment as his brows knit together with worry. He had arrived at Harken a day ago in hopes that this town would be better than the last. But sadly, he was wrong. Most of the well paying jobs required a group and the ones that didn't only paid a pittance compared to what he needed.

His eyes wandered down towards his hands on the bartop, clasped tightly. He couldn't bear the idea of loosing his little girl. Maybe...maybe this was a sign that he had to go back to his old ways to save his adopted daughter. The gods know that he could make that money in a couple weeks in his prime.

He left out a soft but bitter and mirthless chuckle. What a cruel twist of irony.

But it seemed that maybe some of the gods pitied the elderly father. A merchant made himself known and said sought able men and women to protect his caravan from the perils of the roads for nearly 25% of what he needed to treat his daughter's sickness. He couldn't let this opportunity pass up. Standing from his seat at the bar, he scanned the room for the merchant.

He saw him being led to a seat by a woman, seemingly interested with the merchant's offer as well. Throwing aside any reservations with working with others, he made his way across the room to where the two sat. "I'm interested in the job if you'll have me." He takes a seat at the table. "I'm a hunter by trade," He gestures to the longbow and a little bit less enthusiastically to the light crossbow. "Shooting a buck 80 paces away and in between trees is no problem to me."
Due to the holidays coming up, we gonna be pausing this for a bit until the first week of January 2023.
Happy holidays.

Eyy thanks.
Edit: I dont think the sharable link from DnD beyond shows the extra details of Edgar. Just for reference here they are:
  • He is LN with the soldier background. Around 178 cm tall and 158 lb with fair skin and greying hair.
  • He's haunted by his memories of his days as a marauder. Decades later he still has nightmares about it and desperately tries to hide that part of his life.

His backstory goes as follows:
Edgar is a gruff grizzled veteran that has had a hard life but mellowed out somewhat in his twilight years. As the illegitimate son of a burgomaster and a poor servant, life was tough. His biological father never supported him as his mother worked herself to the bone just to support Edgar and herself. It was no surprise that she got sick so easily, forcing the teenaged Edgar to take up the proverbial blade and become a mercenary to earn coin.

It was unfortunate that by the time he accumulated enough money to purchase the medicine to treat his mother, it had developed beyond treatment and died before the year ended. Embittered and spiteful by the tragic loss of the sole figure in his life that he loved, Ed turned to banditry in an effort to strike back against fate and, more importantly, his uncaring father.

It led him to a dark path. A very dark path that still haunts him to this day decades later. But that's a story for another time.

His hard and unfair life never prepared him for the biggest hurdle in his life. Fatherhood. He would have never expected himself to be one in his advanced age nor that he felt that he wanted it. But fate has a funny way of turning out. He found his daughter during a cold biting winter four years ago. He had gone out to hunt for deer for his new livelihood in a far far away town.

He heard the weak cries of what he assumed at the time, were auditory hallucinations of his wrongs haunting him again, but fortunately he gave it a second guess and followed the noise to its source. It was from a baby. Barely hanging onto life, but fervently clinging to it regardless. In the hands of two frostbitten corpses huddled within a small alcove, he assumed to be her biological parents, desperately trying to protect the baby from the cold. He had little choice on the matter and was forced to take care of her. He didn't know at the time, but she would become his world. His sole pride and joy. The one person he felt deserved the honor of bearing his mother's name. His most beloved daughter, Beatrice.

Though it would seem karma would come back to bite at him one last time. Earlier this year, Bea got sick. Same sickness that took his mother was now trying to take her away from him. Maybe he deserved it, but damn it all if Edgard didn't try harder this time around. Leaving her under the care of the closest thing to a healer they had in town, he took up the proverbial blade one last time. Hellbent on getting the treatment his adopted daughter so desperately needs.

He will not fail this time. Never again.
Ah don't worry about melee much. I got a rapier and shield on hand if things get too hairy.
Also sorry for using DnD beyond. Would you prefer if I used another site?
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