Vanth, Archon of Lightning
Sorry for the late post guys... work has been rough so I haven't been in the best state of mind to do justice to this glorious Archon in training. The basic flow events are as follows:
A Mortal's Slumber
-Escape Death, and guards
-Grieve for his Parents
-Given a Purpose and a Destiny
-Practice and perfect new powers
An Archon's Awakening
-Grief holds Vanth back from controlling his powers properly or moderately
-Plan to overthrow ruling class
-Scouting trip!
-Punish? The Corrupt Leaders
-A New Era... And Acceptance
Rift Walk.
A Mortal's Slumber
-Escape Death, and guards
-Grieve for his Parents
-Given a Purpose and a Destiny
-Practice and perfect new powers
An Archon's Awakening
-Grief holds Vanth back from controlling his powers properly or moderately
-Plan to overthrow ruling class
-Scouting trip!
-Punish? The Corrupt Leaders
-A New Era... And Acceptance
Rift Walk.
The voice echoed in Vanth's mind as he began registering the environment around him. A sharp intake of breath brought the scent of iron to his senses. No.. that's blood. His eyes snapped open. Blood, his mother's deathly alabaster hand; memories began to flood his mind, forcing Vanth to relive the events of the night before. They're... no… they can’t be… Yes, they are dead. Vanth knitted his eyebrows together as this foreign voice completed his thought.
"He-hello?" he looked around to see if someone was there.
Yes, hi, I hear you.
“Who are you-“
I’m sure you have plenty of questions, but for the time being you must leave this place. You have been here too long: those that murdered your parents are after you as I speak.
This voice’s logic made sense. Especially when the end of his sentence was followed up with a loud crash and the sound of heavy boots tromping over the fallen front door. It took all of his willpower, but Vanth pulled himself together, grabbed his discarded glove and pack, and dashed out the backdoor. Not a second after the spring-loaded backdoor swung back was there a gruff voice shouting commands to, “get that kid!” but he was already gone.
The voice echoed in Vanth's mind as he began registering the environment around him. A sharp intake of breath brought the scent of iron to his senses. No.. that's blood. His eyes snapped open. Blood, his mother's deathly alabaster hand; memories began to flood his mind, forcing Vanth to relive the events of the night before. They're... no… they can’t be… Yes, they are dead. Vanth knitted his eyebrows together as this foreign voice completed his thought.
"He-hello?" he looked around to see if someone was there.
Yes, hi, I hear you.
“Who are you-“
I’m sure you have plenty of questions, but for the time being you must leave this place. You have been here too long: those that murdered your parents are after you as I speak.
This voice’s logic made sense. Especially when the end of his sentence was followed up with a loud crash and the sound of heavy boots tromping over the fallen front door. It took all of his willpower, but Vanth pulled himself together, grabbed his discarded glove and pack, and dashed out the backdoor. Not a second after the spring-loaded backdoor swung back was there a gruff voice shouting commands to, “get that kid!” but he was already gone.
High upon a rusting water tower, Vanth stared out at the world. The world he ruled by the rich and uncaring. The world that only hurt him. The world that hurt the ones he loved. The ones that were now dead. I know it hurts that they’re gone- Of course it hurts. It was my fault that they’re gone. Vanth shifted his gaze off to the side, to where a dried up tin paint was squatting. During his blind flight from the corrupt guardsmen, futile thoughts of plans to save his parents skittered though his mind. Up here, those revised plans filtered out with the warm polluted breeze.
I’m pretty sure that is smog. An indifferent shrug was Vanth’s only response.
Out of the corner of his vision, a small speck of bluish-purple light materialized from the dust of the tower’s catwalk. Lumps and bulges grew from the speck into a rather humanoid shape until it metamorphosed into that of a male in his 40s.
Arcs of energy rippled across this crouching form as he continued to take on a well-rounded, yet lithe form, pure white orbs each with dark white circles to display virtual pupils. They stared at the same lonely paint bucket before turning to gaze up at Vanth. The same alto voice that spoke within his head emanated from this illusionary being before him.
All that is happening is for a reason, Vanth. Your parents raised you some, but because of this limiting environment you raised yourself as well to surpass the adversity presented to you. The apparition paused. Call it fate, call it chance, but you now have the power to prevent other individuals from suffering. Let’s take it easy for a bit and discover what you’re capable of. Another pause. I get it- this sucks. If it helps, I’ll train you to focus your power into protecting others.
Slowly, this information sunk in and Vanth turned his despair into a motivation. He stood and faced this ghost.
“Where do I start?”
By taking a step back. Aaand you’re falling. Lesson number one: find a way to not die from this fall.
I’m pretty sure that is smog. An indifferent shrug was Vanth’s only response.
Out of the corner of his vision, a small speck of bluish-purple light materialized from the dust of the tower’s catwalk. Lumps and bulges grew from the speck into a rather humanoid shape until it metamorphosed into that of a male in his 40s.

Arcs of energy rippled across this crouching form as he continued to take on a well-rounded, yet lithe form, pure white orbs each with dark white circles to display virtual pupils. They stared at the same lonely paint bucket before turning to gaze up at Vanth. The same alto voice that spoke within his head emanated from this illusionary being before him.
All that is happening is for a reason, Vanth. Your parents raised you some, but because of this limiting environment you raised yourself as well to surpass the adversity presented to you. The apparition paused. Call it fate, call it chance, but you now have the power to prevent other individuals from suffering. Let’s take it easy for a bit and discover what you’re capable of. Another pause. I get it- this sucks. If it helps, I’ll train you to focus your power into protecting others.
Slowly, this information sunk in and Vanth turned his despair into a motivation. He stood and faced this ghost.
“Where do I start?”
By taking a step back. Aaand you’re falling. Lesson number one: find a way to not die from this fall.
A few months later, Vanth had finally mastered the arts of wielding electricity to form a shield of shrapnel and effectively weaponize metal in the environment around him. Although it took much convincing, Virgo convinced Vanth that the remainder of his training would take place with other Archons in the pocket dimension where they would meet. Thus, Vanth took the first step, and left the realm he had spent the first two decades of his life.