Phindar Moon, Darth Lena's OperationsEyes closed Lena was standing over a crafting table, components and materials floating gently as they were manipulated by her power and control over the force. She was frowning in concentration as she pulled the components together in a long two meter long phrik alloy staff casing, opening her eyes she looked at her work, nodding as she reached for the violet lightsaber crystal, looking at it for a moment as she sensed the flicker of energy as it was attuned to her power, her passions, her drive and her ambitions. She tenderly put it in its place in the lightsabre pike's casing and closed it up, lifting the pike up with ease, but not with familiarity. It was not a weapon she was trained with but as she flicked it to life and watched the short blade extend from the top of the staff. Something she would need to correct in the foreseeable future as she did a few practice swings with the polearm weapon. The reason she was interested in this weapon was by watching the Morgukai warriors in her service fight with similar looking weaponry to give them more reach and flexibility, while her saber hidden in a cane works for her, it is good to have a backup, or to make people think the polearm in a sheath on her back is her main weapon while her true weapon is in fact hidden in her cane.
Calling for one of the elder morgukai who normally drill the other warriors to instruct her in the use of her new polearm weapon Lena spend the next few hours training the basics of her new weapon, ignoring the remarks of the Morgukai warrior, whom she instructed to not hold back in any way despite her status and rank. The Nikto warrior it seemed very much enjoyed obeying that order and put her through such a workout like she hadn't experienced in years, except maybe her sparring sessions with other sith. Gasping for breath she had collapsed to the ground, indicating to the old warrior that she had enough for now. From the 'hur' sounds the warrior was making she figured he was laughing at her but she did not make a comment about it, she would probably keep hearing that laugh till she mastered the basics of the new addition to her combat capabilities.
Finished she placed the lightsabre pike in a rack of other equipment used for training purposes, her personal section among the tools and equipment used by her disciples, she would take up the weapon properly when she knew how to wield it without hurting herself. Smiling she left the room to get a shower and refresh herself.
Once refreshed she sensed the presence before she actually saw her, therefore when she walked out of her chambers she did not show surprise at seeing Irys standing there, waiting for her. "Walk with me." Was all Lena said at first, walking in silence before she gestured to the Bothan. "You came to see me?" She asked, looking at the Bothan from the corner of her eye.
The Bothan slicer nodded, "You wanted to be informed when I might find signs of individuals you might find useful in your." And she raised her fingers and made air-quotes. "Organisation of business associates." She finished saying, ignoring the look Lena was giving her and got out a datapad, scrolling on the screen for something. "Here it is, reports of a Morgukai, visiting right here on our little moon, apologies, your little moon. In a local cantina." Irys added after a moment of thought. "According to what I learned this Morgukai is a travelling merc of some repute, could be a good addition for your ranks if you are interested?"
"From what I witnessed of the Morgukai I wouldn't mind recruiting a special individual, especially if this one caught your eye then it must be a interesting individual." Lena stopped and looked at Irys. "Assuming you think this one would work for me in the first place, these Morgukai have a particular distrust for force users after all, it is already a miracle I persuaded the ones currently working for me." She resumed walking, "Very well let's meet this Morgukai and see can be done about possible recruitment." With that she and Irys went to make arrangements to take them to the cantina where the Morgukai was currently staying.
Lena and Irys make their way to the cantina where the bothan slicer in Lena's employ had found out the morgukai was currently staying, as they arrived a small gathering was outside, getting closer Lena would recognize that it was a gathering of morgukai, in fact these were all in service to her she saw and they were surrounding a single, feminine figure, wearing morgukai armour and weaponry and none of the Morgukai in Lena's service were looking friendly. In fact as they get closer they saw one of the morgukai coming forwards with a snarl and bringing his staff weapon down at the female one, who parried the strike and kicked her attacker in the gut and on his back, which seemed to enrage the others as they reached for their weapons.
Hurrying her steps she got closer to this congregation that seemed about to end in a brawl and shouted to her Morgukai. "Stand down! Stand down right now!" She glared at them all, her hand tightening around her cane but doing nothing else, could not pull out her lightsabre, this was still a somewhat public place after all even if she was officially in control of this moon.
Some of the morgukai obeyed the order at once, others however... with snarls and war cries six warriors attacked the female figure, she was able to fend off three of them but she was brought down by the other three. None of these six seemed to have heard the order, or they did and are just ignoring it.
"Somehow I have feeling that female is the one that caught your interested?" She asked Irys who nodded and with a sigh Lena looked at the Morgukai disobeying her and with no other option left to her reached out with her hand and made a grabbing motion, intending to grab the disobedient Morgukai with the force and hurl them aside, away from the woman.
With a surprised grunt the morgukai warriors were suddenly lifted up in the air and then hurled aside, two hitting the wall of the cantina this scuffle was taking place next to, while the other four smashed and bowled over some of their fellows who were surrounding the scene. This seemed to rather displease all of them as they turned to their mistress with narrowed eyes. The female meanwhile jumped up, standing in a guarded defensive pose.
Lena glared back at her Morgukai with narrowed eyes of her own, walking towards them all with slow measured steps. "What.... is the meaning of this." She asked, looking for a squad leader among the Morgukai to address her.
One of them, a grizzled veteran from the looks of it of the number of scars on his face and a cybernetic hand walks forward and points accusingly at the female morgukai. "Hurr, she is a abomination, a insult to our honor and traditions. A... 'female' cannot value our ways, carry our weapons and armour. She must die." At this last part the other morgukai nod and tighten their hold on their weapons.
Lena rose her eyebrows at those words and responded, in a rather low and threatening voice. "If a 'female' cannot value your ways, then why follow me, hmm?" She gestured at the leader with her cane, "All of you agreed to follow my commands and I am most certainly female last time I checked, so either all of you disperse and let me talk to this woman or I start getting angry."
The leader frowned looking at you and then back at the female with a growl before turning back to you. "Why do you wish to talk to her?" He asked suspiciously.
She narrowed her eyes, "Not that it is any of your business, but I am thinking of recruiting her, especially after witnessing her holding her ground like she has to you all, holding warriors at bay while she is outnumbered and smart enough to not lower her defenses still." She said nodding to the female warrior who she assumed was still in a guard position.
The female was still in a guard position but her face was in your direction, obscured by a helmet, seemingly looking intently at you. The morgukai leader growled and the others with him were muttering among themselves at the decleration that Lena itnended to recruit this female. "You cannot, she is wrong, sullied. A disgrace to the Morgukai cult."
Lena calmly looked the leader in the eye, stepping forwards. "Are you challenging my authority?"
The leader snarled, "What if I am?" He said his cybernetic hand balling into a fist.
She kept looking at the Morgukai and let out a sigh. "Fine." With that she decided that this was reason enough to risk exposure and quickly unscrewed her lightsaber hilt from her cane and ignited it, stabbing the Morgukai dissenter through his heart. "Your service to me is no longer required." She then looked at the others, "Anyone else?"
With a shout of defiance and rage nine others rushed towards Lena, their spears staffs humming with energy as they were activated. "You die now!" Some of them shouted in unison.
Lena pulled her blade out, "What a waste, Irys, time to clean house." She said and charged towards the nearest traitor, shouting to the others. "Those who do not wish to defy, either assist me or stand down!" She snarled as she began her attack.
Lena killed two of the enraged Morgukai with ease, cutting down with quick, precise blows, three others were brought down by their fellows who felt that their duty lay with Lena, the female morgukai also stabbed one from behind. The remaining three kept charging, Irys shooting at them not stopping them in the least. Fending off two was easy but the third managed to slip past Lena's guard and cut open a gash in her arm.
She let out a hiss of pain and looked at the gash and then at the three Morgukai attacking her, "No one interfere, these three are mine!" She shouted to Irys and the other Morgukai. She decided not to use the force, her skill with the blade would prevail here and show these other Morgukai in her service that she was not to be trifled with or questioned.
At first it seems Lena was outmatched, three more times they cut her and perhaps they became too eager for the kill or in their arrogance let their guard down but Lena prevailed against the onslaught and with a quick parry opened one of the opposing morgukai to her blade and stabbed him in the chest, leaving two of them remaining. With a shout one raised his staff for a crushing blow. "YOU DIE!" He screamed and was unable to react to Lena who had used the force to enhance her speed to close in and with a decapitating stroke cut off his head. Leaving only a single opposing warrior remaining.
Breathing hard she looked at the last warrior, pointing her ignited blade towards him. "Do you yield?" She simply asked, staying on guard if he would not.
The morgukai looked at his dead comrades and then back towards Lena, shaking his head. "Only death now, or only dishonor." He said softly, almost as if whispering to himself only and then let out a battlecry bringing his weapon up.
"As you wish." She said, a sad note in her tone of voice. "Let's end this." She said and engaged the last of the Morgukai traitors. She was not going to make this a show of skill or expertise, she was going for the quick kill, execution of a traitor and be done with it.
This last warrior fought like he was possessed, probably recalling all his teaching and the honor of being a morgukai as he fought to his last dying breath against Lena. He let otu a cry of victory as he stabbed her in the leg and then gurgled, coughing up blood as Lena stabbed her saber into his chest. He gasped and smiled weakly, "Hurr.... a good.... fight..." He muttered as life left him and died, collapsing to the ground.
The female morgukai and others who had not decided to attack Lena looking at the corpses and then at Lena, waiting for whatever happened next.
Biting through the pain she felt from the wounds she had suffered, she opted to ignore the pain and discomfort for now, if she could, to stand upright still and continue what she intended to do. She gestured to the corpses and then addressed her still loyal Morgukai. "Remove them from my sight, while disobeying me, they fought with the honor of the Morgukai cult, so they have my respect for that still, have them buried according to your rites and traditions." She then turned to the female warrior, "I was hoping we could talk, that is why I came here before this... distraction."
She seemed to study Lena and then looked at the Morgukai dragging corpses away and finally, after a hour and half of her being on guard seemed to relax in her pose as raised her staff and deactivated the device, leaning on it casually. "Well, consider me intrigued." She then looked at the lightsaber hilt in Lena's hands. "Surprising to see fellow morgukai fighting for a force user. Sith or Jedi? Or something else entirely?" She asked and Lena could tell that this female Nikto Morgukai was, seemingly at least, more intelligent and well spoken than she was used to be around.
Lena attached the hilt back to her cane, thinking for a moment before deciding to be frank about it. "Sith, does that matter? As you may have heard, I was thinking of trying to recruit you actually, according to my intelligence." She nodded to Irys. "You are apparently a capable person of many talents, also able to take care of yourself well enough. As I witnessed upon my arrival."
"I get by, but I usually avoid other Morgukai for a very good reason, they do not appreciate women getting into the cult. I was raised into it becayse my father had no sons, only a daughter and wished his legacy to survive." She shrugged, "So I took up the traditions of the morgukai and lived by them, the not caring what any of the males think of me, I will fight them as honor and tradition demands of me." She fixed Lena a stare, "And I suppose it doesn't matter that you are a force user, or a sith even, you have persuaded some of my kind to follow you that is clear enough, that and you showed some skill in martial arts there. So you have plenty of warriors, why would you want me?"
"Another warrior is always welcome, but I also need a leader who can command others, are you such a person?" Lena asked in response instead.
She let out a bark of laughter, "I might, but your morgukai wouldn't follow me, that is clear, so why would I join you only to keep watching my back for them to challenge me at some point?"
She allowed herself to smile, "I think those that disagreed or were thinking of disobeying me if you were to join me and I name you a commander have just died and those that still live know what happens if they wish to stick to their traditions in that regard."
She snorted and shook her head, "So if they challenge me you expect me to run to you so you can handle it?"
She kept smiling, "Oh no not at all, I expect you to smash their heads in to make them apologize and respect you, if you need to keep running to me then clearly you are not worth my time recruiting. I expect you to handle yourself and be worthy of the position I would give you, make them respect your authority by who you are. If you accept my offer to join me and they don't obey orders, that means they disobey me and can be considered deserters and traitors, deserving their punishment."
The female nikto was silent, thinking it over and then slowly nodded, gesturing to Lena with her staff, "I accept your offer, I can lead troops for you and as you said, if any of them challenge me... I will have free reign to do with them as I see fit, if that means bashing their skulls in and execute them I shall do so, is that understood?"
"Understood, does that mean you accept my offer then?" She smiled and extended a hand, wincing in pain, she could use some medical attention soon. "If you do I expect you to give me a name however. I am Darth Lena."
The female nikto let out another bark of laughter and clasped the hand, squeezing, "Bodhicai, morgukai warrior, my body and weapons are at your service."
She shook the hand and then let go, quickly gesturing Iryz forwards to help her stand upright, "Good... now I need some medical attention, follow me to my base of operations and we shall have you settled in..."
Lost ten Morgukai warriors
Gained a new minor named
Physical Traits:
Armour Proficiency 2
Cortosis Staff Proficiency 3
Blaster Proficiency 2
Tech & Skills:
Tracker 2
Orbital Support 1
Personal Shield Proficiency 1
Army Command 2
Flaw: Morgukai Shunned, unless she proves herself, any Morgukai Troops she commands have a chance of disobeying her orders. As in they will outright try to kill her.