Avatar of Serum
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 170 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Serum 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Absolutely everything is going my way. There's gotta be a cosmic balance sooner or later, but for now I'm just riding the high.
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*pops out of the slide to the commons, falling on his face and rolling forward a short ways before coming to a halt, red from both embarrassment and pain*

Jeez, today is not my day. The tardies, the pranks, the slides. At least it'll all be over soon. Summer's just around the corner.

*gets up quickly and dusts himself off, trying to look as dignified as possible, then surveys the large room, abundance of pink nearly causing him to cringe again*

What's up with this school, anyway? All the pink, the fuzzy stuff...okay, the beanbags and the slides are pretty cool, but I really don't think schools are supposed to be like this. Not normal school, at least. ...are they?

*spots one of his friends lounging in a beanbag, but on the other side of the room he noticed the girl he bumped into yesterday, and walks over to her*

Uh, hi. I told you I knew we went to the same school, heh. I just wanted to apologize again for yesterday, so I'm terribly sorry if I caused you any inconvenience or anything.
@SepticGentleman As though he'd let the first person he sees go so soon. He'd insist on bringing him back to his house and giving him food and a place to sleep.

James is smart and all, but he doesn't really understand that betrayal is a thing. I anticipate that he's going to get burned early on.
Good thing we all just naturally gravitated to NYC. Don't have to bullshit my way across a few states to get in the meat of things.

I saw a few of you were starting off going to NYC, so I put myself in the middle of the action. James is pretty well hidden, but if he sees anyone he'll probably run up to them immediately. He hasn't seen ANYONE in basically ever. It's a miracle. As far as he was concerned, he was the last person.
@Xilaw Can I be you? I assume the writing is actually of good quality, but you never know. All I know is that writing backgrounds gets so boring for me. Personality and appearance I could write for days, but there are so many interesting things you can fit in someone's life, and I never know how to make them sound noteworthy without being over the top.
I feel as though I may like to join this as a doctor but I'm not sure how much I can trust myself to do that without falling into cliche. Worth a shot, I guess, right?
It's nice to be back, though I can't deny I had fun while I was gone. Saw some people I hadn't seen in a while, had a party or two, enjoyed the company of a couple very special people. Now I'm getting back into the swing of writing.

So. Did you have fun while I was gone?

Whew! I'm back, so hi again. I'm told I'm going somewhere else later in the week, but I'm back for the time being. I'll get started on an IC post pretty soon, now that I'm feeling a little rejuvenated.
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