<Snipped quote by Server>
I don't think I'm in a state to find one, yet.
Are you still getting configured?
<Snipped quote by Server>
I don't think I'm in a state to find one, yet.
<Snipped quote by Server>
Mm. So a dream, rather.
<Snipped quote by Server>
The idea of having a purpose means that they're predestined to do something. I don't like that.
<Snipped quote by Server>
That's still predetermination talk.
<Snipped quote by Server>
I greatly disagree with that.
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Who wants a grand purpose? That's just asking for trouble.
<Snipped quote by Server>
Not really. Less stress, I figure.
<Snipped quote by Server>
Not really. I think there was a plan but delays have been so extreme that nobody remembers what it was.
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A few. Considering my dads are biologically immortal, I'd argue that I've been around for a few since time moves so fast there.
<Snipped quote by Server>
I meant it as a period of time.