<Snipped quote by Server>
That is rather cute... honestly! I can't say exactly how does getting a good job makes you best friends with the boss... but then again, i haven't seen all aspects of life yet... probably never will.
*Speaks from decontamination*
Yeah, she said the same to us. We spotted what looked like an anomalous source of energy in her metaphysical being right at the heart of her being that turned that place into a bottomless pit... almost like a black hole. Orthrus tried to interact with it, but it reacted very hostile to him!@Melodious
It shows I can trust her, right?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
So you say.
*My voice comes in through an intercom speaker inside the decontamination chamber, as you're both sprinkled in a shower of a liquid that steams on contact with your body without feeling hot at all, and evaporates within seconds of being on your body, leaving you completely dry*
I do believe what I'm seeing corroborates that observation. Well done, you two.
<Snipped quote by Server>
And how do you feel normally, compared to that?
Usually just hungry. But not this bad.