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<Snipped quote by Server>

Ah.... I mean i hope you can! She seems to like you a lot! She even went out of her way to help you and find ways to heal you... However, in reality, most bosses don't mean they are trustworthy just because they hire you. But you had a lucky hand given to you with this one it seems. Make sure you don't loose it! *Speaks through the intercom*

*Flashes two weak thumbs-up*
She's done a lot for me since I started working there.
<Snipped quote by Server>

That is rather cute... honestly! I can't say exactly how does getting a good job makes you best friends with the boss... but then again, i haven't seen all aspects of life yet... probably never will.

*Speaks from decontamination*

Yeah, she said the same to us. We spotted what looked like an anomalous source of energy in her metaphysical being right at the heart of her being that turned that place into a bottomless pit... almost like a black hole. Orthrus tried to interact with it, but it reacted very hostile to him!@Melodious

It shows I can trust her, right?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

So you say.
*My voice comes in through an intercom speaker inside the decontamination chamber, as you're both sprinkled in a shower of a liquid that steams on contact with your body without feeling hot at all, and evaporates within seconds of being on your body, leaving you completely dry*
I do believe what I'm seeing corroborates that observation. Well done, you two.

<Snipped quote by Server>

And how do you feel normally, compared to that?

Usually just hungry. But not this bad.
<Snipped quote by Server>

I'm happy that you trust someone this much! *I smile* How come did you wound up with such a close friend?

She gave me a really good job.

<Snipped quote by Server>

*A couple of metallic arms descend from the ceiling once the space is cleared, each possessing a scanner, that spin around you in tandem with yet opposite each other, analyzing you up and down, sending data on your anatomy to my own computers*
How are you feeling?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Eyes on the goal, champ. In fact, why don’t you and your pal go ahead and head out through decontamination?
*Tilts my head in a gesture to a small metal bulkhead doorway*
You’ll still be able to watch but I will likely need the room clear.

Mostly hungry. Hungry and tired.
<Snipped quote by Server>

*Smiles a reassuring smile* You'll be fine Jade!

If Miss SideSlash says it's going to work out, it's going to work out.
<Snipped quote by Server>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*You step through into a sterile white room*
Greetings, family of three! Pleasure to meet all of you. Will each of you please step away from Jade for just a moment. Everyone except for Jade, that is.

I, um, hope I don't count in that.
<Snipped quote by Server>

I don't think you should do that either, least if it is in your current condition... But alas, all i can recommend is get yourself a strong network of friends who care for you as much as one cares for their own family. If worse comes to worse, make sure it is REALLY hard to get you down first, and then worry whether the reality you're in gives you such a trump card.

You're saying to make myself unlikable somehow? Find allies?
<Snipped quote by Server>

Right... there's the problem... it really depends where you die... i think. Some realities have afterlives, some don't... and some... well some are in-betweens? At least it is the little i gleamed from Prism the time we spent together adventuring...

Really? That seems complicated. I don't want to worry about that.
<Snipped quote by Server>

Nope, despite the fact that they are out of their heaven, even back there, they would measure a creature's value on their deeds and hearts rather than their powers, biology and needs. Also did i say they are out of their heaven? They no longer care so much about who gets into heaven or not... since... well.. no longer in heaven. *Chuckles*

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

And if you're not, we do our best to fix and conquer whatever comes before us. *I smile stoically yet warmly*

*I say as we cross the threshold and we find ourselves in Claire's ship*

I don't think I get some kind of heaven if I die. Maybe they know.
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

Hahah! You are right!

<Snipped quote by Server>

Well... maybe you get to meet my guys, they are an awesome bunch, trust me... and have no problem with so called 'monsters'

It really won't bother them?
<Snipped quote by Server>

It was a joke! But... come to think about it... i've cot a couple of archangel friends who might just have such an ability. hmmm...

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I don't know SideSlash. I'd rather only watch how things develop moving forward.
If that piece of cow dung reels his head in again for another bite at Jade, then perhaps i might just pull those resources up...

I've never met an angel. They seem different.
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