Name: D'yavol
Nickname: Volka/Volki/Volk
Age:"Older than your grandma for sure honey!" Appearance: 25
Gender (not necessary): Male
Sexual orientation: Anything to pass him by
Personality:On the Good Side: Amusing, often funny, after all, he likes amusing. A bit of a dark streak, sometimes ruining the mood. Bad Side: Manipulative, kind of being an asshole to the person. Neutral: Easy to talk person once meeting him. It's very easy to gain his trust.
Emotion preference: Confusion
extra powers:Illusions: Can make people smell, see, or hear something that isn't really there. He could make some things physical, only for a limited time, also only demon's could touch it. He could change himself and/or other things around him.
Things they are easily affected by: Hand sanitizer, Pure Water,