Okay. So, a couple notes.
1. I think we have enough HUGE sized empires now, personally. I'm not the deciding factor, but in sheer land size there are three superpowers: 4, 8, and 19. I think we should keep new additions below this size.
2. Honestly,
@Isotope, I think you controlling that ENTIRE island is limiting in that it keeps a late entry player from having any kind of territory in the southeast corner of the map. A new player can get involved in the north-east, the south-west, and the north-west presently, or even get involved in the inner sea trade by settling between 9 and 16. I'm not the GM, though, and I could see an easy solution being something akin to a Norman invasion. A player that starts with no land but a fleet of warships could be a great way to grind some gears in this roleplay.
3. I added #23 and #24 to the map. I still haven't gotten a chance to talk more to my nation partner, but if he decides he doesn't want to be settled at #23, I'll just move us somewhere. There's land left to be claimed.
4. What should we do with nation #3? The player has left. I'm kind'a thinking that'd be a good spot for a new player to join in at. Do you want me to put a big (OPEN) tag beneath the number?

And now I need to go finish some writing for my own roleplay. BRB.