On tactics: you don't need to get super detailed about your tactics in the OOC. I'd MUCH prefer you guys be able to summarize within a paragraph or two at most what your battle plan is and save longer text for the IC itself.
If it can't be summarized within two paragraphs, it's probably too complicated. I think what you wrote CAN be summarized within a paragraph, but from now on that's my rule on tactics. Please make it clear and concise.
So, with that said: this plan sounds perfectly reasonable to me. You're going to hide your archers in tall grass, taunt the Nightfell warriors, then fall back and let your archers do their dirty work. And then you'll charge 'em if they don't break, or retreat if that fails. (Someone yelling "RETREAT!" at the top of their lungs is enough to manage a retreat order.) However, the bulk of your forces are trying to overpower the Greenfeathers with sheer numbers.
Yeah. Sounds reasonable. It could end VERY badly for you as the leader of the smaller group because Nightfell warriors aren't pushovers. They're highly experienced. But if it were to work, it'd work very well.