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    1. Shorticus 9 yrs ago
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Actually, @The Spectre, it's NO biggie at all for me to give you the rest of the territory in that region if you so desire. The empty territory, that is.
<Snipped quote by Shorticus>

Is it all desert? If so, then I want all of it.

Desert and desert mountains. If you want it to be that, that is.

Since you do, here you go. Someone else was contemplating grabbing more of the land (@Sigma), but I think it's fair to distribute it to you.

There ARE rivers there you should make note of. Use 'em wisely!

You are #29.

If you want to relinquish your coastal territory to Sigma, I can expand you further south and east.

Is the land between number twenty and sixteen available?

It is! How much of it do you want? ("All" is a 100% acceptable answer.)
I did some work on a post today. It's a-comin'!

Also, I think I found what the voices of beautiful saurian women sound like.

(The feminine chorus later is what male saurians sound like, obv.)
Undertale? More like UnderFAIL.
@Shorticus Dropping out, sorry got a lot to get done RL in the next month. I'm out of spare time sadly.

I'm sad to see you go, but if you ever decide to come back, I'll leave a spot open for you. I'll write that Domagoj is getting more ill in his old age and can't really afford to be on the Council.
<Snipped quote by Lexicon>

Ah yes, after the update please set ups collab. I keep forgetting because I am very busy at all times ;P

@Willy Vereb World map needs updating. Posting it again.

EDIT: Fixed the map.

Sigh* I'll obey the chief my character will be insulted by saying he isn't going because he is sick. Since I won't go talk to the orc I'll have my character gather materials and make spears. I'm no blacksmith but I think I could make quality weapons with my woodsman skills
@Shorticus sound good?

It's possible. That would take an action, yeah.

@Shorticus Wait...I thought you said that Maire's silverleaf sap would take up my action? Because I'm fine if it does lol.

@Lauder Also, don't forget about dinner at Maire's. After the raid, of course lol.

Maybe I did. There might have been a reason for that. If I don't see one, I'll --

Wait, I think I do remember.

Right: okay, just looked at my notes. Yeah, so, directly participating in battles doesn't cost actions. Preparing for them does.

Oops. Will edit.
@Jangel13 Your character can be insulted. That makes sense. He probably WOULD see this as a slight. Remember, though, no insult is intended OOC. It's an IC statement, and an IC decision.

You can always have Seoras choose to do what he pleases anyway. He'd be disrespecting the Chief, but it's something he can do.

Expect the usual turn update tomorrow. Everyone that still needs to say what their actions are, please tell me them now.

@Jangel13 Do you plan on having Seoras obey the chief or do what he pleases? If you obey the chief, you still have 2 actions remaining this turn.

@Tracyarmav @Lauder @Lexicon @Mardox @babbysama @Eklispe @Wernher

Remember, folks, that the raid DOES NOT use up your actions. Fighting in the raid = no action. Preparing for the raid = no action. Preparing costs an action, but anything that takes place during the battle does NOT. You've got more things you can do.

A few of you have already expressed IC or OOC what you plan to do, but I'm reminding everyone anyway.
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