Actually, @The Spectre, it's NO biggie at all for me to give you the rest of the territory in that region if you so desire. The empty territory, that is.
<Snipped quote by Shorticus>
Is it all desert? If so, then I want all of it.
Is the land between number twenty and sixteen available?
@Shorticus Dropping out, sorry got a lot to get done RL in the next month. I'm out of spare time sadly.
<Snipped quote by Lexicon>
Ah yes, after the update please set ups collab. I keep forgetting because I am very busy at all times ;P
Sigh* I'll obey the chief my character will be insulted by saying he isn't going because he is sick. Since I won't go talk to the orc I'll have my character gather materials and make spears. I'm no blacksmith but I think I could make quality weapons with my woodsman skills
@Shorticus sound good?
@Shorticus Wait...I thought you said that Maire's silverleaf sap would take up my action? Because I'm fine if it does lol.
@Lauder Also, don't forget about dinner at Maire's. After the raid, of course lol.