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    1. Shorticus 9 yrs ago
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You must gather your party before venturing forth.
One more note before I start playing a vidya game about violence and stuff to get my peace-mind on:

I'm probably gonna be VERY busy over the next couple weeks. Two papers to write (albeit short ones), a post to make in another thread (I've stretched "tomorrow" into "a week or so" already), allergies from lawn work (I seriously think I'm allergic to grass), a final exam (or maybe two)... Yeah.

I SHOULD be able to update the thread this weekend, but it may be delayed 'til Monday like it was this week. I'll be shooting for Sunday.

And remember: if anyone finds themselves feeling really busy as well, you can miss a week without any pressure, easy. Your missed action will be carried over to the next turn.

As usual, I'd much prefer to receive your actions both IC and OOC, but if you can only manage to inform me OOC, I understand.
What this comes down to:

Having players you can trust to not be dorks, and having a group in general that's willing to agree when it's time to kick someone that's being a dork out.

As someone who plays and GMs both tabletop and offline games, I notice that people are much more capable of getting away with really dumb stuff when there isn't AT LEAST one of the players willing to call someone out on being a dork. Now, this is psychology at work, because people are more likely to voice their opinions when someone else voices the same opinion. It causes a cascade effect. But if nobody takes the first step and says "Hey, wait a minute," you'll have... yeah, people just running with the guy being tied to the railroad tracks.

Now, I'm not advocating for folks to keep protest signs handy and start a rabble whenever someone does something you even minorly disagree with. Being able to compromise and work together with other players is part of the roleplaying experience. But if someone is blatantly godmoding, or trying to fudge the rules, or otherwise being a general ass, it's probably a good idea to say "Hey, stop that."

...But then again, it sounds like the folks involved in this "secret note from bad guys" fiasco were all very silly people. Your friend has my condolences, @Tarquin.
Small note: I THINK my last Final is next Thursday. After that, I should be safe to start downloading and practicing and getting back into the groove and teaching people and whatevs.

EDIT: On the in-game battles themselves... How are we handling those? Text chat? Voice chat? Etc. I have no qualms against anything, but I know tons of people would much prefer not to use voice chat on the web. I bring this up because group coordination often hinges on communication.

Would we be RPing in-game once we're in the battles, or only using the battles to simulate the action side of the event?

If someone can't downloading the MW4 files (as in EvanCat's case) or can't get in the same timezone to play with us, do we have backup plans?
I will be posting some time in the next few days, methinks. I've got exams to cover and my own RP to run... and I'm behind on an RP I REALLY want to see kick off again...
Granted. Nobody reads it.

@Shorticus A quick question before I run back to work: has the sweetgrass taken effect yet? Giving us more cows and whatnot?

Wait for the next update to find out!

But certainly it means more births!

Of BROOS. Mwahaha!
By the way, I'd like to go ahead and show you guys how I'll be showing areas being conquered in a war. It's very much going to be done in Europa Universalis fashion.

Thick lines on the territory layer would indicate lands that have been conquered during the course of a war. If they are granted to the conquering realm in a peace treaty or by the total capitulation / domination of the enemy state, that territory becomes the color of the conquerors.
Well, if you insist...
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