Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Hiroki Sakimoto


A heck of a thing to hear right at the start of the school year.

The short athletic kid with the flight googles and jacket did kind of stand out. He had blue skin for starters, bulbous forearms as if he’s wearing giant metallic pieces of plate armor, and he was LOUD!

Most would know the kid. When the evaluation first started, he literally blasted out of the gate, his quirk literally making his arms into jet engines, and woah to those nearby as a ROAR of the engines and a blast of wind was enough to knock several students off their feet. He had a combination of ribbons and robots since he could dash around them like a speedster, completely uncaring if another examinee was attempting to get it. ”Too slow Duster!” was a common phrase examinee’s would hear as he rushed by stealing their points.

Then his turbines got clogged. The intake ports needed for them to function suddenly got hit with a bunch of sticky slime. He spent a few precious minutes trying to get them to work, and failing that, his quirk was more or less nullified, and he had to spend the rest of the fight using his legs like a sucker. Thankfully he was athletic but he couldn’t compete against others quirks when he was handicapped. Over the rest of the exam, he just got more and more frustrated, and then he flat out attacked the one who happened to make the slime at the end of the exam when he saw them completely unprovoked.

To be honest, it was a wonder why he was even still here.

Needless to say, he didn’t have many friends, and to be quite frank, he seemed to be pretty okay with that. He puffed out his chest, hands on his hips as he stood in the middle of the field and walked towards the edge of the group. While Hiroki fought them, the particular person he hated went overlooked. ”Too scared to show your face!? I get it! I’d be scared too!” He just seemed to be shouting at no one now, until he pointed towards the bulk of the forming crowd. ”Just remember that before any of you losers decide to get in my way! Whoever thinks one their first in this class, watch your back, because I’m coming for you! My name is Hiroki Sakimoto!


Yes. Very loud.

Amy Adams

”Omigosh omigosh omigosh! I can’t believe it! I’m going to be a hero!”
To be completely honest, Amelia Adams was doing this cause of her family’s suggestion. She dreamed about being a hero, but it was just that- a dream. She knew she was going to be spending alot of time at home helping out around the house and doing her best to finish school or find a job.

When she got that acceptance letter, whe she got into the top 20 for her exam score, that’s when she realized that dream could become reality. Her quirk was stupid and made her look weird. She had 5 Snappers and a bit of stretching power. 5 dumb mouths that acted like dogs literally attached to her. She never even tried actually using them like that, and when she ripped off a robots aluminum paneling and dodged alot more hits then she thought she would, she felt cool. She felt really cool! She felt like this is something her dumb quirk could actually be used for than eating her family out of house and home.

She was nearly sprinting to the field, getting lost only once or twice before she arrived in her handmade hero outfit, basically a thematically cute long dress hoody. She smiled, her big eyes standing out against her black pigmentless skin, clefted mouth open in a huge grin. She was so excited, she knew she was going to make so many friends. She charged!

Then slowed.

Then stopped.

She had flashbacks of what happened in school. She thought of the stars, the mockery. She wanted to pull up her hoodie, hide her hands. She wanted to crawl away into some corner where she couldn’t be seen. Then she felt something brush her cheeks. Her head snappers, Munchie and Crunchie had licked her with their tendril like mouths before they panted like the dogs they were. Her snappers were dumb, had a mind of her own, but they were always there. She felt a bit better, nodding as she reached into her pocket for the little milk bone treats she had for them, tendrils reached into her pockets and she fed them, who crunched away happily. ”You’re right.” She concluded. ”These are heroes too. They’re different. They care about people. They want to help, just like me.”

Then she heard the claims of Hiroki and she made a face. Well most of them wanted to... she hoped.

Ozzy had expected things to continue to go poorly. Neil would be taken. Ada would get herself caught up. It was actually a real turn around. The map taken, the zombies still chasing the group at their slow pace, Ada showing off her more beastial instincts. After two-three days with Sensei Yang, he’d almost be surprised if a nice lady wasn’t secretly a bloodthirsty warrior. It made him thankfully they were on his side. With things coming together, and everyone clear and confirmation of their prize. “Great job Ada! Let’s go! Let’s go!” He shouted, giving her the option, following the group through the tunnel or going the ‘high road.’ Either way, meeting back up was pretty simple.

The first thing Ozzy did when he got towards them was take a head count, pointing with his talons. The joy that his friends safety made him forget the pain in his shoulders, atleast for a little while. The adrenaline was wearing off and Yang’s training was still pretty taxing on his beginner physique. He ended up running with the rest of the group to give his wings a rest. He was pretty sure they were going the right way.

They finally stopped, and Ozzy finally collapsed, his energy pretty much spent. He felt onto his hands and knees, sucking wind. Neil spoke before he could. Ozzy laughed. ”Neil, Ditzy if no one got hurt, I think we performed to perfection. Just a shame about the church. Kind of had a creepy charm to it.” He snickered, finding the bright side. He fell back onto his butt and looked to Ada, whom performed most admirably for her first job. ”See Ada. There’s nothing to it. You’ll be an adventurer extraordinaire.” He grinned happily. She could take care of herself. He didn’t need to worry. ”You deserve a whole bundle of flowers after that.”

He looked back towards the group. ”Settle here for the night? Find that gentle-“ He stopped himself as he leaned forwards, his fluffy eye brows twitching. ”Hey, just out of curiosity, how’s the map look?” He was a little interested about what was disguised, and it was obvious in Ozzy’s voice that there was a bit of mistrust as well. Their client did have some mystery about him.
Got hit with sickness and family troubles this week. Sorry if everyone is waiting on me.

I miss my water princess. XD
I miss my water princess.
I was in this.

Everything was going fine until there was a literal cave in. Good gods why did they build the church where it wasn’t structurally sound. So much for Ozzy’s grand plan. Atleast from the vantage and sound of things, his friends were okay.
He wasn’t effected by it, but he managed to look into the pit where all the zombies fell and noticed the commotion on the far end, the zombies were still swarming in one direction, well most of them. Some of them didn’t fall into the pit, but the big one did. That opened up an opportunity.

He shouted to his white long tailed friend. ”ADA!” He shouted. ”She dropped the map! Try to get it and run away! Ill hold her attention!” He hoped she would be okay. Hoped she was fast enough or strong enough. Hoped he could get her out if she did get into trouble. ”Please be safe Ada.” It was her first mission and he’d be crushed if he was the cause...

He swooped into the pit, trying to flap his arms and wings and keep his feet clenched in as he shouted towards the zombies. ”You okay ladies! I read about zombies! They aren’t undead, they are just... different life cycles! It’s prettiieeeee!” He said almost getting swiped but pulled up at the last moment. ”Interesting! I was gonna say interesting!” The only threat was the big one who had much longer reach, he tried to make sure the big one was in his sights.

Focus on him so Ada can get the map.

But alot of villain characters are inhuman looking. Take the attack on UA for example with villains being portaled in. A significant portion of those villains were inhuman looking.

There probably is some prejudice and ostracizing, even if its minor, but if you look different or scary, it effects you socially. Even small differences can have huge impacts. Just cause different is common doesnt mean people arent people. An attractive normal looking person would be subtly treated better than someone with scales or made out of sludge.
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