Avatar of Sikako J
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    1. Sikako J 10 yrs ago


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Her head felt little off balance as something was struck in the container. Then the figure appeared...not a mistwraith. This creature was in far worse shape, repulsive yet strangely alluring. A chill etched up her spine as the eyes faded from view, a haunting quality that spoke of eons of knowledge. The smell was stronger here, like putting a honey covered boxing in her mouth and rolling it around.

Her mind wandered as she took a step. What is this thing and why is it here? Another step. Maybe it is a new mistrwaith species? A final step to close the distance to five feet. Could it speak?

It was a mixture of her childhood horror and condition training against Soothers and Rioters that halted her.

"Wait.." she spoke aloud. "What am I doing? I don't even remember my last few steps." She quickly started to burn more steel and angled her arm towards the hole.

"Come out and talk to me. I don't want any trouble."
Alright guys we have a few players interested so far. Any concerns or questions?

Name: Scalesert Kazik

Race: Cursed Iksar

Allegiance: Seit the Necromancer

Abilities: Shadow Knight Training, Curse of the Tar Skin

What...why...I didn't... chilly daggers stabbed at her heart.

Fear radiated through her body sapping warmth as it went. With each of his steps forward she took one back until the last. This was crazy this feeling of dread. Her chain belt jingled driving memory's of her late mentor to her mind. No! Was he a Rioter, able to amplify a certain emotion? Surely this was the source of the crushing panic that threatened to bend her will. She would have none of it!

Digging down to her metal reserves she started to burn Brass, the power of a Soother. With a small burn it could dampen certain emotions. She instead sough to eradicate them. Flaring her Brass in her stomach the powered increased tenfold at the expense of burning the stockpile much quicker. Her mind was a little foggy as result and her stomach radiated heat.

Stomping her foot down fear drifted from her like a stubborn fog meeting the heat of a sun blaze.

"Stop! You lunatic" She bellowed, fire in her eyes returning as her stance become more aggressive. "You will not halt my progress."

Anger drifted upward now as she burned steel throwing the knives through the air. Once they reached about a foot away she pushed, throwing her weight against the left projectile causing it to move much faster than it's twin. The intent for the left to speed forward to strike the foe somewhere in the midsection as the right moved further to the right of the foe in case of a dodge to the right.

Hoping that was enough of a distraction her hand fell into her front pockets gathering goodies for this maniac.

As Scouti made her way towards the tower she stopped in place. Her eyes flickered to the figure that stood not to far away. He wore a mask with little detail, a blade of some length was covered in blood. The mountaintop of enthusiasm the young Allomancer had been riding was quickly replaced with a sense of gathering dread.

Was he a Hazekiller, some one specialized in killing Alloamcners, from another mercenary company? Something at the core of this figure was unnerving. Focusing her attention on the brandished weapon her heart fluttered. It was treated to resist her abilities, the thin blue line blinking as the connection was connected and reconnected. This one was dangerous, unmoving, and in the way.

She pulled another vial of metal flask and hastily swallowed the contents. A new group of metals flooded her stomach as burned tin. The smells of the slums hit her like a physical slap to the face as she forced herself not to retch. Her eyes concentrated on the figure, taking in the keen details. Shallow breaths could be heard from behind the mask, only adding to his shudder some aura. The sheathes of her throwing knives came into focus as she felt their weight, calming her if only slightly.

The scrap of two throwing knives grinded in her ear as her right hand drew the dual weapons.

"What is your business here? What do you want?" she tried to project the confidence that her training should give her.
"There..' she said to herself, finding a container with something spilled outside of it.

Sniffing in the air she was brought back to the ash mounds and factories of her childhood. She winced remembering the beatings she received when a cart was spilled. Coal was a scent she would never forget.

But this was different, a hint of copper and something sacchariferous. Turning her attention further down she noted a strange opening almost tore open. A mistwrath perhaps, they were known to travel about and displace goods. Their outter membrane was gooey and slightly corrosive, which would make sense. But why would they come to such a supposedly populated place. They enjoyed their solitude.

She called out, "What are you doing here?"

Pulling a coin from her front pouch she tossed it in front of her face. Burning steel in her stomach multiple translucent blue line jutted from her stomach to other sources of metal visible to only her eyes. Focusing on the coin she used the power of steel and 'pushesed'. The coin was struck by her weight and flung forward into the shipping container with a volicty of a bullet slicing through the air. She antipcated the clinging ricochet of metal on metal or the -plop- sound of the mistwrath. Hopfully that would be enough to chase the creature off.
Scouti's mouth was slightly ajar from the sight in front of her now. It was partially the grand size of the towers of this ruins, they reached upward to the sky like the hungry spires of the Krendsaw from her homeland. It was daunting. How did people live in such a place on top of each other. But those thoughts fluttered away as the utter number of possibilities ran through her head. She dared to hope...quickly she grabbed a vial of metal flakes suspended in distilled water and drained the contents.

To most this would seem strange, but then Scouti was strange. She was an Allomancer, one of her heritage that gained special abilities by consuming metal. Currently there were only sixteen known allomantic metals, but with any luck she would find more on her journeys. The metal reserves hit her stomach, wrapping her in the all to familiar heat like a warm fire after a heavy supper. Picking the metal she wished to burn, she slow burned iron flakes.

Instantly transparent blue lines began to just from the iron in her stomach to the myriad of other metal in the area that only she could see. Her heart began to swell as if a new playground had been opened just for her. Her frantic smile must have spooked the nearest local slum dweller as the cloaked figure gave her a wide berth. She paused to account for her appearance as well.

She had no less than sixteen throwing knives visible on her person, glimmering in the bath of sunlight between the towers. Her dull red banded leather armor did also bear the Redwolds mercenary mark. They were not well known for their upstanding nature. A steel chain belt around her waist also appeared quite strange to most she assumed. Her hair was still an odd purple hue from the nircosil she had attempted to burn. That alloy was not to be trusted, the strange dreams and sickness was awful.

Working on her tip form the last hot spring she had stayed, a new allomantic metal was supposed to be in the large tower in front of her. Taking in the full view once more she began her journey to the monstrosity.

Name: Elande Slums

Size: Large tower(s) and surrounding area.

Description: An ancient city of slums that has been build and rebuilt over centuries. The houses stacked together so high that you can barely see the sky. Made of scrap metal, half rotten wood, and poor quality mortar and bricks this arena is actually quite destructible. However much is destroyed will simply be "repaired" in time by the countless slum dwellers. Many wires connect the multileveled buildings like zip lines, but it is anyone's guess as to if they will hold.

Few slum dwellers are in the arena scattered throughout the towers and area. They are a race of human like bipeds with little ability to speak. It is unlikely they will interfere in the fight, but might attack feebly if confronted.

Player Capacity: 2 to 6

"Hello!? HEEEELLLLOOOO!?" Scouti called out with to avail. Kicking an empty tin can she listened to the tell-tell ping of the metal and calmed her self with a few deep breaths.

While most of her destinations were merely a coincidental stop made on her unguided journey, this one had been purposeful. She had recently dealt with a trader speaking of a massive port complex. Here surely she could find an allomantic metallurgist to replenish her stores and hopefully find a new metal. However this trader was in for an earful the next time she found him, not a soul could be found in the place. She paced forward catching her reflection in a plane of glass.

Her hair was still a strange purple from the nircosil she tried burning a month back. Her almond shaped eyes narrowed as she remembered the cramps of sickness and the strange dreams. Her banded leather outfit creaked ever so lightly before the oils caused them to slide in place. The four clawed emblem of her former mercenary company the Redwolds was clearly marked on her chest. Her gloved hand checked her throwing knives to make sure they where in place and patted the vails that contained the source of most of her powers, little metal flakes floating in distilled water. It might have seemed underwhelming, but she was after all an Allomancer able to draw powers from ingesting metal.

Taking a small vial she popped the cork top and drained the contents. It took only a few moments before she felt the heat of the metal in her stomach. A slight grin crossed her face, this was the heat of the metal reserves slowly burning as her powers clicked into place like a warm safety blanket. Picking the right metal she began a slow burn on the tin in her stomach. The effects were instant.

The cool air blowing over the water fitting her face felt as if it had dropped a few degrees as the feel of leather on her skin became more noticeable. Her sight sharpened as the container numbers from one hundred yards came clearly into view, the flicker of a strange flameless lamp caught her attention that she hadn't noticed before. The salt and stale taste of fish filled her mouth as she spat to the ground. Turning her ear she listened as the wind blew through a few of the shipping containers.

She huffed again.

'Where the hell was everyone? Even drunks and vagrants make some noise' she thought.

Something wasn't right here. Time to find out what. She hooked her thumbs into her steel chain belt and walked on, careful to ensure her new enhanced senses were prepped.
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