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    1. SilentKnight07 10 yrs ago


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"Of course," he said, still grinning as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him, Espeon still at his side... though it was clear she was basking in the praise from Penelope. James merely shook his head again as they began walking. "I've never met Professor Sycamore, but I've heard good things about him," James told her. "Like I said, he's going to meet us in Aquecorde, which is only a short ways away." Sure enough, once they'd passed by the town gate, Aquecorde was already in sight at the end of an old stone road. "Once we meet up with him, he'll give you your first Pokemon."
Elizabeth listened quietly as both men gave their speeches, head still in her hands as she refused to meet the eyes of either. When they were both gone, she took a deep breath and lifted her head. She was glad for a moment to be alone. She leaned back in her chair, trying to make herself relax. "'Nicer,' huh?" she asked out loud. As she expected, no one answered her. Actually, with the night I've had, that's probably a really good thing. She hoped those two didn't have any spells that let them watch her from the other room, though she wouldn't have been surprised if they did.

Spells. She'd admitted it. They were really using spells. They really were Wizards. Wizards really did exist. Magic really did exist. Had she had those revelations a few hours ago, she would have been blown away. Right now, however, she was just tired. "I'll be excited later," she told herself, "when I'm not on the run and worried about everyone else." Speaking of everyone else... She fished her cell phone out of her pocket. Somehow - "As if by magic." She couldn't help but grin - she had a signal down here. A few buttons later, she had a text ready to be sent to her father and Rachel. But what exactly am I supposed to say? she wondered. "Uh... Got attacked by demon creatures, saved by a wizard, and I'm about to leave the planet in search of other wizards. Be back soon." She shook her head. She really couldn't tell them that. If they got involved in this, they were probably in as much danger as she was. Of course, whoever those things were working for - that Drakar guy - might decide that, if he couldn't get her, he'd go for them to get to her. "In that case, they're still in danger. ...Man, this sucks." She had to tell them to watch their backs while wording it so they didn't come looking for her. Of course, if she was leaving the planet, she doubted they could find her anyway. With a sigh, she began to type up a message.

Hey guys. I have to keep this short, because I don't know exactly what's going on and don't want to take unnecessary risks. When I was in the restroom, I found out I was being stalked by somebody dangerous, so I took off and went to hide. I would have told you if I could, but if I'd stayed at the restaurant, they likely would have taken me, so I'm sorry I couldn't tell you where I was going (Probably shouldn't mention they were frozen in time.). I'm with the authorities right now (Which technically isn't a lie - Seraph said he was a teacher, so he's an authority of sorts, right?) and they've promised to keep me safe until things blow over. The bad news is that I don't know how long that'll be. I love you both, and I swear I'll make contact again just as soon as I'm able to do so. Keep safe, and keep an eye out for any strangers.

Until later,

She sent it off, and watched until her phone confirmed that both recipients had their message. Then she tucked it away and sighed. "I really hope I don't regret this," she muttered. Just as she said so, Seraph and Seth emerged from the other room, both looking a little calmer than they had before. Elizabeth stood to say something, but Seraph spoke first. "We will set out when the sun is out. Wrath's are unable to materialize in direct sunlight, so it will be safest when it is light out. Once we make sure your family and friends are okay we must go and return to Wizard City."

Elizabeth blinked, then smiled slightly. It was an olive branch, and she fully appreciated his effort. "Thank you," she said, still smiling. She shuffled a bit, then added, "Listen... I wanted to apologize. It's been... well, a rough night." She couldn't help but grin again. "Give me a little more time, and I swear I'll be a lot calmer and more capable. And..." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm going to put my trust in you. You didn't let me down tonight, so I promise I'll try my best to do the same." She extended her hand toward him. "Friends?"
Elizabeth shook her head and laughed. It was not a humorous or happy laugh at all. "You say I went with you willingly, but what choice did I really have?" she asked, eyebrow raised in query. "Sure, I could have chosen at any time to leave you, because if you were trying to save me, I'd be killing myself, and if you were trying to kidnap me, I sincerely doubt a guy who can do what you've been doing would have any trouble stopping me in my tracks." She sighed and sank down into a nearby chair; she wasn't going anywhere tonight. That much was clear. Her eyes widened a bit as Seraph conjured a footstool for himself, but the limits of what was possible had been so thoroughly shattered for her that night that she didn't even care anymore. It was magic. Whoop-de-doo at this point, she mused fatalistically.

"And you're right: I don't understand the gravity of this situation, because my only plans for tonight were to eat a meal with my teammates, go home, spend a night online, and maybe watch a movie. Now I'm being chased by demons, running halfway through town and nearly dying with every step while my family and friends are apparently frozen in time with no idea what's going on, and according to you, my only hope is to flee the planet - flee the freaking planet - with you; a nutjob in a hoodie with a magic wand and powers!" She failed to notice how her voice was steadily gaining volume as she vented her frustrations out all at once. "But you're not a nutjob, are you? No, you're a freaking Wizard! And you're a Wizard, too!" she added, motioning toward Seth. "Wizards, magic, demons, and in the middle of it all is me, and I have no desire whatsoever to be a part of it all! But I'm stuck here, aren't I? Stuck dealing with you two who I have no reason to trust, except that my only other option is to go running outside and be abducted by those things!" She was shouting at this point. "So forgive me if I seem a little bit hesitant to go diving into Wizard Land with you and leave everything I've ever known behind because everything I've never known is apparently trying to KILL ME!"

By now, Elizabeth was standing up again, screaming the last two words especially loudly. She stood panting, her tirade of fear and frustration finally spent. She looked at Seraph as she steadily began to calm down. After her panting again became slow, deep breaths, she was able to sit back down. She simply let out a long, frustrated sigh, having realized even as she was speaking that she really did have very little choice in this matter. She put her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She didn't cry, to her credit - she'd let just about everything out in her screaming - but she was suddenly feeling very tired and powerless, neither of which appealed to her. She was going to have to put her life in the hands of this stranger and hope beyond all hope that he might actually want to help her. Well, at this point, I'm pretty much gone already, she said to herself. If he means well, great. If not, at this point, there's really nowhere else for me to go anyway. It was a long, long time before she finally spoke again, and when she did, it was in a very quiet, subdued voice.

"When do we leave?"
Elizabeth took a deep breath, eyes closed. She brought her hands to her face in her customary "processing pose" (as Rachel had dubbed it): fingers together, index fingers against her forehead, thumbs down on her chin. It almost looked as if she was praying. It was an odd pose, yes, but somehow, it actually did help her process things. She sighed. "...A Wizard," she said, her voice betraying no emotion at all. "You're telling me... you're a Wizard. From Wizard City. And you do magic. Frequently." She sighed again and shook her head. Normally, she'd call the guy loony and have him put in a mental asylum, but after tonight, she wondered if she might not need to join him there herself. Think it through, she told herself. Just like analyzing a bad play. Think it through end to end. She started.

Seraph claimed he was a Wizard. That was impossible. However, so were hooded nightmare beings that could freeze time and phase through walls, so "impossible" was not allowed in her vocabulary this time. So his being a Wizard was now possible. She had certainly seen him do some strange things this night: summoning fire and repelling those Wraths with that stick he was carrying; presumably that was his magic wand. It certainly seemed plausible... though still completely insane. Maybe she was going insane and talking to two figments of her imagination right now. Maybe she'd slipped and hit her head in the bathroom, and was laying on the floor in a delirious nightmare. She pinched her forehead and opened her eyes. ...Nope. Still here, she thought to herself. Well, darn. That would have made it much easier.

Next, the Wraths; if she wasn't insane, and she wasn't delirious, then those things were real. They were also a very real threat to her. There was no denying that they recognized Seraph, or at least recognized his power. The black one seemed to know him, but the rest seemed more... mindless. I probably shouldn't discount them as threats, though. They'd done a good job of hunting her all throughout the day, steadily nurturing her sense of fear until they'd cornered her in the restaurant. The pain in her back was certainly a testament to the reality with them: she hadn't been sent flying back by a stray gust of wind, that much was clear. Even if she tried to desperately hold on to that explanation, twice in one night? In two different parts of town? What were the odds of that happening?

She was glad to hear that everyone else would be safe, but she still hoped to contact them and tell them she was. This is assuming, of course, that I am safe, and Seraph here isn't trying to kill me himself. She'd hold on to that thought for now. She had her phone in her pocket, of course, so she could easily call or text someone to let them know what had happened. Unfortunately, she was sure if she tried to explain what she'd seen tonight, she really would end up in an insane asylum, so that plan was scrapped. Ultimately, she realized, I'm at the complete mercy of either Seraph or the Wraths out there. Both of them want me, and I'd really like to know why.

Finally, she spoke again. "Alright, next question: let's assume I believe you, at least in part. a) Why should I trust you over them-" she jerked her thumb back toward the exit, "and b) What do you want with me? I'd rather not go out there with those things looking for me, but I'm not about to trade one kidnapping for another."
Espeon held her head up with pride. James rolled his eyes. "Oh, now you've gone and done it," he said, unable to suppress a grin. "Give her even the slightest compliment and it'll go entirely to her head." Espeon strolled casually to the front door, held still held high and James's comment decidedly ignored. He shook his head. "As for you, it's certainly not impossible. There are wild Eevee in Kalos, so catching one isn't out of the question. But be careful not to get focused on only one kind of Pokemon; you'll miss out on a lot of others!" He pushed open the front door and waved his hand in a mock bow. "After you."
I'm limited to really small posts right now, so sorry for the delay. I'll have the next post up tomorrow.
Everything was a confusing whirlwind to Elizabeth as she continued to follow this stranger. Why was she following him? Better a complete stranger than those... monsters behind them. She wasn't sure what it was, but something - perhaps a tumultuous mixture of fear, adrenaline, and confusion - was raging inside her mind, and she was only just barely able to comprehend anything that was being said to her. She understood one thing this stranger said, though: the Wraths could sense fear. So, while the stranger closed his eyes and did... something... Elizabeth took a moment to make several deep breaths. Slowly, her mind started to calm down. Alright, she said to herself. Focus. Just like before a game. The objective? Get through the city without being spotted. To do that, I have to stay calm and hold back my fear. ...Well, she knew one of those things was possible right now, but she did her best to keep herself in check. Suddenly, the stranger's eyes opened, and they were glowing a bright yellow. Lizzy almost took a step back; eyes didn't normally do that. Oh, yes, because the rest of this night has been so normal! "Hurry," the stranger said. "I don't want to keep this connection open for long." She had no idea what "connection" he was talking about (she felt like he'd told her earlier, but it was all she could do right now to keep calm). Instead, she simply nodded and followed his lead.

As they raced toward and then moved their way toward a playground (including a very uncomfortably tight playhouse), Lizzy's thoughts turned back toward her teammates in the restaurant. Were they all safe? Were her father and Rachel worried about her? Okay, that one's a dumb question, she scolded herself. As soon as they realized she was missing, Lizzy knew they'd search the entire city if they had to to find her. The fact that they hadn't called or texted - coupled with the fact that they hadn't encountered anyone else on the streets that night - meant they were probably still frozen. She really hoped they were alright.

So distracted was she by her worries and fear that she failed to notice when the man leading her came to a stop, and she unceremoniously rammed into his back. She was about to ask why he'd stopped when he put a finger to his lips. She kept her peace. She could hear the voices of those things up ahead, telling the others to take her alive. What the heck do they want with me?! I don't even know what they are! She didn't see what the stranger was doing, so when he suddenly dashed for it, it cost her half a second's hesitation. Of course, that may have been to her favor; the Wrath in black reappeared again and threw them both back. The stranger took the worst of it, but Elizabeth was still knocked to her back. "Did you truly think you could elude us, mortal...?" the creature taunted, hissing as it spoke. Elizabeth was no stranger to being knocked to the ground, but that was normally in grass and dirt, so being knocked to the concrete for the second time was a less than pleasant experience. The stranger was quick to get back to his feet, but she had to drag herself back to her feet. She almost missed the conversation.

Seraph. The stranger's name was Seraph. That was about the only thing she was able to keep up with, however. That and the cool tattoos. As the Wraths began to move in on them, sudden blasts of fire appeared out of nowhere and blew them all away.

"Professor! Quickly follow me!" shouted a voice. Elizabeth looked and saw- was that kid younger than she was?! It doesn't matter! her mind screamed at her. Just go! She needed no further persuading, and as Seraph took off after the kid, she did the same, not bothering to stop and look behind her. When they were finally indoors (as indoors as a cellar could be, at least), Seraph and the newcomer - Seth, was it? - greeted each other pretty warmly. Elizabeth, too overcome by all the night's events, barely heard what was said, but what she did hear was the laugh.

Her entire world was just torn apart, demonic who-knew-whats were trying to kidnap her, her friends and father were halfway across town frozen in time, and these two - who had no small part in tonight's events - were standing around laughing!

She finally just snapped.

"Okay," she said, perhaps louder than intended, "that's it! I am not going another step, not one more step with you, until I get some answers!" She stabbed a finger at Seraph. "Who are you? What are you? What the hell were those things, and why do they want to take me? Is my team safe? Am I?" Okay, maybe not the best question. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm not doing anything else until I get some answers! Now start talking!"
Everything happened so quickly, Lizzy barely had time to consider them.

She felt her kick slam into the hooded figure, and she was actually quite surprised; she hadn’t expected that to work. She didn’t stop to congratulate herself, however; she tore across the parking lot as fast as she could, trying to get somewhere, anywhere that wasn’t here. A glance behind her showed the hooded figures phasing through the walls of the restaurant, but they were still a good distance behind her now. Good, maybe in the open, I can outrun-

She never finished the thought, as suddenly, yet another hooded figure appeared out of thin air in front of her. Having caught her completely by surprise, Lizzy had no time to react as the creature suddenly sent her flying back. She landed on her back with an audible “Oof!” as all the air rushed out of her. How had it done that? That creature hadn’t even touched her! She hit her head as she landed, stunning her and making her vision go hazy. She saw the one creature in front of her slowly reach out toward her, the horrifying hand sliding out of the fabric that hid it. She brought her arms up in a feeble attempt to defend herself. “No… don’t…”

Suddenly, something stepped in between them, cutting off her view of the creature. She looked up, blinking her eyes a few times to try to clear them. Slowly, the back of a man came into focus. He was saying something, but she was still somewhat dazed. Suddenly, he was pulling her to her feet and pushing her behind him. She shook her head to try to clear it, and the world gradually came back into focus around her. It was then she realized that the… things were talking.

“We’re here for the girl. Move aside, Wizard, and give her to us. Don’t make us kill you…”

Me?! Lizzy thought. Why do they wantme? I don’t even know what these things are! She glanced around the stranger’s shoulders. He was pointing… was that supposed to be a wand? Well, whatever it was, he was pointing it at the creatures, which were now gathering together in front of him.

“Not a chance, Wrath,” the stranger suddenly said. “This girl is mine and she will come with me, far from your clutches and your master’s, whoever that may be.”

Um, excuse me, she thought to herself, but when exactly did I agree to this? And next time you call me yours, I’m gonna kick you again. She thought about saying it out loud, but in the present situation, she figured it was best to wait. So she waited. The things… Wraths, was it? The Wraths waited. The stranger waited. Lizzy could have sworn she could hear the tension mounting, and she most definitely heard it when the tension finally snapped. The Wraths roared with enough force to send cars flying, and Lizzy ducked behind the stranger’s back, trying to keep her head down. Somehow, however, the shockwave never reached her, and she realized that she and the stranger were now surrounded by a large bubble. That bubble didn’t last long, however, and suddenly the Wraths were all around them, surrounding them in a circle and rushing at them, screaming their terrifying war cries. Just as suddenly, however, they were all gone. With a loud “Back off!” the stranger suddenly sent flames exploding from his wand that caused the Wraths to vanish. Before she could say anything, however, the stranger was suddenly running with her, his hand tight on hers as he took off with Lizzy in tow.

No questions? Nothing could be further from the truth, but if the stranger was right, they needed to get away fast. “Fine!” she shouted. She tore her hand from his, adjusting to his speed and running on her own beside him. “But I expect answers once we’re clear!”
Hit or miss is up to you, but her plan is to simply get past you and continue running. Do with that what you will.
Bringers Inn was an old-timey-themed restaurant in the middle of downtown. While it wasn’t the most popular restaurant around, the food was always excellent and the prices were in reason. Best of all, the manager was a Hornets fan, so the team got preferred seating and even a small discount! The team was seated around a long table, Lizzy between her father and Rachel, and everyone was chatting excitedly about one thing or another. Once everyone had been served their drinks, Coach McKaren stood and raised his tea. “To our victory today, and our victory at State!” A round of “Here here!” echoed as the girls all lifted their various waters, teas, and sodas in salute. In all, everyone was having a good time.

So why was Lizzy still so terrified? Ever since she’d seen that hooded figure, some nameless terror she couldn’t identify had settled into her stomach, and it had been slowly growing stronger ever since. She smiled and chatted with Rachel and the others, but she still couldn’t shake her fear no matter how hard she tried. Even as she spoke to others, she was often sweeping the restaurant with her eyes for anyone wearing gray hoods. Finally, Rachel asked her, “What exactly are you looking for, Lizzy?”

“Oh, uh, just… wondering where our food is,” came her weak reply. Rachel looked doubtful, but decided to let the matter go, instead talking one more about the various boys that were available for dating. Lizzy barely listened to her. What’s going on with me? she wondered silently. Am I going insane? Did I really see that thing back in our locker room? And why am I so terrified? I never get terrified! It was true; even as a small child, Lizzy had always been a tough child. With the death of her mother, she’d had to grow up strong and independent, even with her father there. By the age of 5, she was the one checking her closet for monsters! So why now? Why was she suddenly so terrified?

“…Lizzy, are you sure you’re okay?” Rachel asked, breaking her out of her own thoughts. She was looking at Elizabeth with concern. “Your face looks a little pale.” Her father, too, was looking at her. Lizzy waved them off.

“I’m fine,” she assured them. “Just… a little tired from the game.” She stood up. “I’m gonna go to the restroom. Be right back.”

“I’ll go with you,” Rachel offered, starting to stand up, but Lizzy shook her head.

“I’m fine, Rachel. Really.” Again, Rachel didn’t look convinced, but she finally sank back into her seat.

“Just don’t take too long,” she told her. Lizzy smiled and walked toward the back of the restaurant, pushing open the door to the women’s room. It was actually a nice-looking restroom; it even had an air freshener that smelled like fresh flowers. Lizzy made her way to the sink and ran some cold water, splashing some on her face. It felt good against her (she now realized) surprisingly hot face. “Am I getting a fever?” she asked no one in particular. She glanced up at her reflection. Same blonde hair. Same blue eyes. Same small nose. Same rounded ears. Same Elizabeth McKaren. So what feels so wrong? After a few more minutes, she wiped her face off with a paper towel and headed back out to the dining area.

When she got back, it was definitely not right. Everyone had stopped talking. Everyone had stopped moving! Lizzy walked around, head turning this way and that as the sense of fear in her threatened to overwhelm her, but it was clear: she was the only thing moving in that restaurant. She made her way back to her table. Sure enough, everyone there was also frozen in place, her father’s mouth open in mid-conversation, and Rachel’s drink at her lips. No one moved. No one spoke. It was like time itself had frozen around her. “Guys?” She waved a hand in front of Rachel’s face, but the girl neither moved nor took notice. Lizzy turned around. “Alright, whatever’s doing this, this isn’t funny!” Even she realized that whatever was doing this was more than likely not remotely trying to be funny, but as scared as she was, she couldn’t think of anything else to say. “Come out!”

She got her wish. Sure enough, from within the walls of the restaurant emerged the same hooded figure that she’d seen prowling the locker room. She saw no eyes, but she knew it was staring at her. “Who are you?!” she demanded. The creature gave her no answer. Instead, it lifted its hand – which was hidden within its sleeves – and held it in the air. Slowly, three more figures emerged from the wall around it, each identical to the being in front of her. Each of them was hidden beneath their hoods, but each was clearly staring directly at her. Slowly, as though they were floating through the air itself, the creatures converged on her. Lizzy took a step back, then another. The lead creature lowered its hand to point directly at her, and a blood-chilling moan poured from its hood.

Finally, the dam burst inside her. Lizzy ran for her life.

Over tables and around waiters, Lizzy simply turned around and ran for it. She could see the double doors that were the entrance, and she raced toward them. She quietly thanked whatever one called fate that her father had introduced her to soccer instead of dolls, because at that point, she needed to run. The creatures were slower than her, but their ability to phase through solid objects let them keep an even pace with her, and even slowly start to gain. After what felt like minutes (though in truth, it was a few seconds at best), she was almost at the front doors, when suddenly they were pushed open. A lone figure, hidden in a black hood, was stepping inside. Lizzy didn’t take time to note the difference in this person’s appearance and that of the creatures that now chased her. She also didn’t bother considering that this person was able to move when no one else was. In her terror, she knew only that this person was now standing between her and the front door. She leapt at him with her heaviest flying kick. “HYYYAAAAAAHHH!!!”
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