Avatar of Sinerathin
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    1. Sinerathin 11 yrs ago


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When it comes to describing your character, it's pretty much complete free. Use as many pictures and much text as you feel you could possibly need. More is better.

Just nick Sherpa's template if you will, we are not so nazi on the template as long as you give us at least a rough picture of your character :)

And if you are interesting in the White Hand idea, I recommend checking page 1 of the OOC for some background on the organization.

Most of their memberbase is made up of humans and with some type of military background, particular within the navy, but they also hire gnomes and dwarves, but more for contracting work such as service, maintenance and construction. They might also have a few High Elves. They have no Draenei or Night Elven members of their organization.

They recruit from all social and economic classes, though have a tendency to use the lower classes as cannonfodder(such as vs Rae :P) while their higher classed members have generally more comfortable and safer jobs of protecting VIP & nobles in Stormwind.
They also love to recruit mages, and offer nice bonuses to people with a magical affinity who joins their ranks, and often accept young mage apprentices even if they have no previous combat experience.
I'm just happy Sherpa finally gets some screentime!

Until now, it's mostly just been team good guys who have gotten all the attention :P

Also, Sherpa has plans for a merry reunion! (followed shortly by indiscriminate bloodshed)

P.S Let me know what you come up with, Saltwater. if you want to, I might even let you start as a member of the White Hand if you want to make things interesting :)
"Impressive." Sherpa muttered when he saw the blade that Rae'liel drew in her fight against the bloodied death knight. The death knight she was up against however did not seem to even register the new blade, it's focus and hunger being solely centered on Rae'liel before it!

The fight continued, and as Rae'liel broke through the death knight's defense to strike down against it, her blade sliced down onto its left shoulder armor; penetrating through the heavy metal alloy to carve downwards through its torso and solid metal chestplate. But the sword did not go further down than just below its chest, the creature having reached forward with its left hand to grab Rae'liel's hands.

An ominous growling could be heard from behind the death knight's mask as its red eyes glared at Rae'liel from his visors.

With a sudden erratic motion of its right arm, it brought its runeblade up and slashed it across Rae'liel's torso, cutting into her armor and leaving a deep cut across her upper abdomen that gushed out blood! The strike sent Rae'liel backwards, but the Soul-Rending blade still remained lodged within the body of the death knight. The strike would have killed any living creature, but the death knight was much more akin to a marionette to the foul energies haunting its decrepit corpse.

"Such a powerful weapon you brought. I have seen demons cleave through legions with similar weapons.. " Sherpa commented as the High Elf walked forward towards the ground where Rae'liel and the Death Knight had fought. Rae'liel currently lay on the floor, tending yet another wound, while the Death Knight walked around erratically, seemingly pained by the demonic corruption of the blade, before it fell to its knees.
" ... yet it's completely wasted on you. You fought as much with the blade as you did your opponent, never embracing the true potential of its corruption."

Sherpa paused, kneeling down next to the dead Captain. Placing a hand on his chest, an ominous, green light began to appear around his touch and entered the kinks and openings of the Captain's armor. As with some unholy miracle, the Captain suddenly began to move once more, his body animated by the necrotic energies that now flowed through his body.

As he stood up, his gaze moved to that of the Blood Knight who had been standing behind Rae'liel. But he was no longer standing, instead, he lay flat on the floor with a bolt entrenched in the back of his armor. Further up, in one of the towers, stood a hideous figure; an old man carrying a crossbow, missing one eye, while his other eye was abnormally large and tainted by a yellow color. As he stared down at the chaos below, he gestured towards Sherpa, who nodded in return.

"You know... " Sherpa said as he gazed out at the carnage around him and Rae'liel.
"I never realized how much I missed war until you came to visit. The confines of the office space and dull meetings have taken up too much of my time as of late. And so far that, I suppose I should thank you."

Sherpa said as he gestured towards Rae'liel lying on the ground before him. Behind him, the now undead Captain walked over to the staggered death knight, to help him draw the demonic blade out from his body.

"For that, I will not kill you... not now at least." Sherpa smiled, extending a hand towards Rae'liel. As he did, it could feel as if she was suddenly grasped by a series of ice cold, invisible hands all around her that rose her up into the air; causing her to hang in front of him.
"I understand my brother and his lackeys are still running free in my castle. I think you deserve to see them die before the end. Just to realize that this plan never really stood a chance in the first place."

Sherpa cocked his head as he studied Rae'liel.

"I hate to give false hope, you see."
Posted. And good news for you, Feisty; the enemy has finally shown itself :) (or it can be totally bad news, if viewed from a survival-perspective)

And she went and dragged me with her.

<Snipped quote by Sinerathin>

It certainly has. I think I might PM you to see if an idea I had will fly once I get off work tonight

Feel free to do so, Saltwater. I'll respond whenever I can.

Just out of curiosity however, I wonder if you made any IC posts last time you were around in the thread. I'm unsure if we ever got to the point of finalizing your character.

As Rae'liel charged towards him with all her righteous hatred for what he was, Sherpa remained unphased by the aggression before him, merely standing there with his hands folded together.

As she brought her blade up to strike the mortal blow against the passive High Elf however, another blade suddenly intersected from the side; and blocked her sword mid air!

Now next to them stood a new figure who had just blocked the blow from Rae'liel. Initially it looked like a chevalier of some sorts, wearing the same polished plate and lamellar armor with white cloak as the rest of the mercenaries, except for a deep cut currently residing in the abdoment of his chestplate that he did not seem to care much about.

But what set him apart was the sword he had used to parry Rae'liel's attack.

It was a runeblade that had just intercepted the path of Rae'liel's sword, the stainless steel of the cursed sword littered along the blade with blood red runes that glowed in an eerie red light with unholy magic. The mere presence of the unholy weapon seemed to drop the temperature around Rae'liel by multiple degrees, inspiring a sense of emptiness, and dread. The runes glowed ever more brightly, seemingly being empowered by the death and carnage that was all around them.

The suffering wrought throughout the castle seemed to feed directly into the twisted and perversed magics that coursed through the blade, as the peculiar chevalier who wielded it stared back at Rae'liel from the emptiness of his blackened visors. There were no eyes to see behind his steel mask, merely a bottomless darkness that peered back at Rae'liel.

"I am no slave and no servant, I am a master of my own." Sherpa replied with a smirk, before his gaze turned to face the peculiar chevalier and apparent who was protecting him Rae'liel.
"That, is my servant however. And he has been waiting to draw the blood of a Paladin such as yourself."

Unlocking his blade from that of Rae'liel's, the peculiar chevalier swung his Runeblade at her in a vicious strike, again and again and again. The death knight's attacks seemed both overpowering and inexhaustible, as his blows rained down against Rae'liel from all sides without any pause or delay. Every time she blocked the Runeblade and it came close to her, it felt as if the mere proximity of the cursed blade caused her old wounds and scars to slowly begin to open once more across her body, seeping blood. The ravenous hunger of the Runeblade seemed to be what fueled the attack, an attack that was reminiscent to that of a starving beast in the wild!

Some of the White Hand knights in the back who had seen the new contender in the fight, actually began to back away from both Rae'liel and her Blood Knights, as well as the frenzied death knight whose attacks seemed to care little for friend or foe!

The ravenous attacks of the death knight forced Rae'liel backwards and kept her on the defensive. As one of her Blood Knights rushed forward to alleviate her from the constant barrage of attacks by attacking the death knight, it spun around with its blade to parry that of its new opponent! In a surprise change of fighting style however, the death knight instead channeled a dark kinetic spell, suddenly pulling the Blood Knight's weapon straight out of his hand! The Blood Knight barely had time to respond to the sudden loss of his armament before the death knight sweeped his blade around, and buried its Runeblade into his abdomen!

As the runeblade pierced through bone and flesh, submerging itself in the rivers of blood in the body of its victim, the blood red runes adorning the blade lit up even more!

An unnatural howl suddenly emanated from behind the mask of the death knight, as if the death knight was in as much pain as its victim. Violently twisting his runeblade around, he was about to pull it out from the Blood Knight, before Blood Knight suddenly exploded from the inside in a shower of blood and gore that flew in every direction! As blood rained down on him, the death knight let out yet another fiendish roar, partly of pain, part of maddening glee!

Turning back to Rae'liel and her last remaining Blood Knight, the death knight was now literally twitching sporadically rather than moving normally. The darkness that once had occupied his visors now played host to two burning globes of red light where his eyes were supposed to be, his haunted eyes focused solely on the remaining Blood Knights. Whatever power the runeblade bestowed upon its wielder, it seemed to make the unholy creature even more frantic and hysteric as well, its last kill having made him move even faster and erratically!

From further away, Sherpa followed the fight with a big smile on his lips as he paced around. It was quite clear that he found much entertainment in seeing his servant fight against the paladins.

"Impressive, is he not? Master swordsman in life, and now, an unbridled killing machine fueled by dark magic." Sherpa smirked as he looked at Rae'liel.
"But, I think that in death, you could make an even finer candidate than he."

I'm sure Sharon, Ri and Li will appreciate Rae's assistance.

Although I have to admit, it would be amusing if this turned out to be a double-rescue-operation.
They came to rescue Kathlin, and then had to go back and rescue Rae'leil later on :P
"You can be sure they're going to get locked away for a long time for what you did today!" The Captain answered in a stern voice as he stood over the Blood Elf with his arms folded across his chest.
"This wanton slaughter and unprovoked attack shall not go unpunished!"

Appearing from the sideline, the battlemage who had tipped the scale in the battle between the knights of Rae'liel and the White Hand stepped up behind her. Grabbing her arms, she tied her wrists together with a rope; leaving a solid knot!

"Mind telling me what's going on, Captain?" Suddenly sounded a much more smooth and calm voice further away from them, as the Captain turned to look at the chevaliers arriving on the battlements from the stairs. But one character in particular stood out from the rest; a High Elf walking alongside the chevaliers wearing some luxurious silk and black mageweave garbs adorned with silver and golden embroidery, and a black mageweave cloak hanging over his right shoulder. He had a slender yet strong figure, and his snow-white hair flowed back behind his head.

"Sir!" The Captain spun around to give a salute to the High Elf, who casually motioned for the Captain to return at ease.

"Take a deep breath, then tell me." Sherpa continued in his same cool and unaffected voice as the High Elf walked onto the level, passing over the corpses of both Blood Knights and Chevaliers that littered the now much bloodied battlements of the fortress. His gaze traveled from the bodies of the dead over to the damaged structures of the fortress itself that had suffered the explosive attacks from the gnomish attack copters. Although much of the surface of the fortress had been destroyed by the rockets and explosives, the main support and structure of the buildings seemed intact and relatively unscathed wherever the rockets had hit.

"I see the Mason Guild did a good job." Sherpa muttered with a somewhat satisfied voice, trailing around on the battlements before his attention turned to Rae'liel and the Captain.

Next to Rae'liel, the two surviving Blood Knights were brought besides her, all disarmed and with their hands tied behind their back, and each accompanied by a knight. Most of the knights were still alive, short of one who was lying further away and bleeding on the floor, one of the Blood Knights having succeeded in exploiting a weak point of his armor in the later stages of the fight.

Walking up to them with his hands behind his back, Sherpa casually inspected Rae'liel and the Blood Knights as they were presented before him.

A moment passed before his blue and grayish eyes eventually fell on Rae'liel, a flash of recognition passing across Sherpa's face as he looked down at her.

"Rae'liel of Shattrath." Sherpa commented with a faint smile, his gaze continuing on to the Blood Knights at her side.
"And her brave knights... yet so far away from home. I would almost begin to wonder."

Despite the grim display all around them, with the damaged fortifications and the bodies strewn about, Sherpa seemed remarkably cool and unaffected. A part of the elf seemed to suggest that he did not care at all. Perhaps even found the whole spectacle amusing.

"You have great skill. And your attack, however misguided it may have been, was most valiant." The High Elf spoke as his gaze returned to Rae'liel.

"Yes, you are with my older brother's little scheme, aren't you? I am impressed by the sheer number of women my brother seem to find in his company... you must be like two hundred and twentieth... "

Sherpa spoke, for the first time seeming genuinely unsure as he moved a hand up to rub his jaw.
And that's post nr.2 out.

I have to admit, Rae'liel's attack is starting to look more like an all out kamikaze attack :D

Oh, hey, this one is still going. Happen to have any room open up, by chance?

It's been a while Saltwater :P and this RP has been going on for years.(literally)

I do believe we have a slot.
In an impressive show of either stubbornness or resilience, the heavy knights leading the line were only pushed back lightly by the magic of the Paladins. What might have been lethal to their lesser armored comrades seemed to be little more than annoyance to the burly men, as they raised their shields again and charged against the Paladins who were now ready to meet them.

There was little finesse or tactics in the charge of the heavily armored knights as they slammed into the elves with their heavy shields, somewhere even simply running them over. Although the elves may have been the first to strike back at them when they came into range, their weapons seemed to only glance off their heavy armor, and even moreso their impenetrable shields.

The Captain, although he had been in a charge, suddenly became a lot more cautious when he saw Rae'liel coming straight for him. Stopping right on the spot, he instead raised his sword to defend himself against the first vicious strike from the Blood Elf!

However, rather than attempting to swing his sword in another strike against the Blood Elf, the Captain instead stepped back as he reached for his belt. Grabbing his officer's flintlock pistol with one hand while stepping back, he quickly whipped it up against Rae'liel and in a cowardly move snapped off a quick shot right below her midriff; penetrating her armor and leaving a gushing wound!

Behind them, a fierce fight was still going on between the heavily armored Knights of the White Hand and the Blood Knights of Rae'liel. The White Hand knights had succeeded in dispersing the Blood Elves, leading to the whole fight looking much more like a mush-pit of individual duels between the fast and furious Blood Elves and the slow but impenetrable White Hand knights. Whenever her knights struck a blow, it was easily absorbed by the armor and shields of the knights, but whenever they moved to strike a countering blow, it was easily dodged by her knights.

But what had looked like an even fight was soon interrupted as an arcane spell flew through the air, hitting one of her knights in the back and pushing him forward! This distraction was enough for his opponent, the White Hand knight, to raise his mallet and bring it crushing down upon his head, shattering the Blood Knight's skull and causing his body to fall limp to the floor. With one Blood Knight down, the White Hand knight moved to gang up on a lone Blood Knight already involved in another duel with another White Hand Knight. While the Blood Knight gracefully stepped out of the strike from her opponent, she did not see the other Knight approaching her from the back who sweeped his mallet into her lower leg, shattering her knee and causing her to flop around and fall onto the ground like a rag doll! As the Blood Knight cried out in pain, she was quickly shut up as her original opponent raised his heavy metal boot and stomped it down on her face, shattering her!

The fight was quickly turning in favor of the White Hand, the Blood Knights's numbers having been reduced to only three fighting a desperate fight against the five White Hand knights where they struggled to not get isolated and overwhelmed.
The only thing that really seemed to be in their favor was that further away, the rest of the White Hand chevaliers who had not been victim to the initial ranged attack from the Blood Knights had not joined the knights in the fight, and instead seemed busy tending to those of their wounded comrades who had not been immediately killed and dragging them away from the fight.

"You elves are all mentally insane!" Sneered the Captain from through his visors as Rae'liel reeled back from the shot, temporarily stunned. Lifting his sword, he stepped towards her, the Captain clearly more cautious than that of his men as he seemed hesitant to engage Rae'liel.
"I would be doing the world a favor by putting you down!"

Behind him, it was possible to see the battle mage who had fired the original spell that had tipped the fight between the knights of Rae'liel and the White Hand in the favor of the latter. The battle mage watched Rae'liel and the Captain from a safe distance of twenty feet, before she started conjuring on a spell that created a humming blue barrier around the Captain in front of Rae'liel. Emboldened by the newly gained magical protection, the Captain put his empty flintlock pistol away and pointed his sword against Rae'liel, ready to attack.

Below them, they gained a clear view down to the courtyard of the fortress. The main gate to the castle had been opened, and the bridge to the mainland fortifications had been lowered. Riding across the bridge at a thundering pace were two dozen chevaliers arriving as reinforcements at the courtyard below them. Although they did not seem to know anything about the immediate battle taking place over their heads, one of the stable hands could be seen running across the yard to approach the first rider and pointed up at the battlements. It was, however, a long trek up a series of stairs and buildings that would delay the reinforcements before they could join the fight up above.

Noticing the reinforcements as well as he glanced down into the courtyard, the Captain's head quickly returned to face Rae'liel; and this time his smile could almost be seen all the way out of his helmet!

"You have lost this fight! Stand down!" The Captain called out to Rae'liel as he held his sword out threateningly, still not having dared to attack. Another cry could be heard behind them as the White Hand knights succeeded in ganging up on a third Blood Knight, reducing their number to only two who now fought back to back against the incoming knights.
"I want those copters down NOW!" Called a White Hand Captain who was overseeing the battle below from the taller battlements, as he pointed towards the copters in the sky.
Standing next to him was a battlemage, who quickly complied with his Captain's orders. Turning to walk towards the edge of the fortifications to look out across the harbor to the nearest mainland fortification of the Stormwind harbor defense, he began to flash towards them with a spell.

Hundreds of feet away from the battle, on top of the fortifications surrounding the harbor, soldiers from the city guard had long become aware of the assault that was going on against the fortress of Honor's Watch.
Rushing out of their barracks and watchposts, a band of soldiers ran with all haste towards one of the heavy bronze forged flak cannons that dotted the top of the harbor walls. Wasting no time, they adjusted the long barrel to face the gnomish copters that were engaged with the defenses of Honor's Watch.

"Take them down!" The sergeant of the men shouted, before all across the walls of Stormwind harbor, flak cannons began to spew forth their deadly salvos in unison! Their heavy munition glowed through the night as it traveled across the harbor and towards the fort, before detonating on and around the copters swirling around honor's watch. Explosions filled the air, shortly followed by a rain of deadly flak and fragmentations from the explosions that flew anywhere!

Although the shots of the first salvo did not have any direct hits, the lethal fragments that were thrown about in the air following their initial explosions did not miss. Shards of metal flew into the sides and bottoms of the copters, some ripping straight through the metal plating! One of the flak detonations happened close enough to one of the gnomish copters, causing their volatile goblin weaponry to prematurely detonate as one of the copters went up in an spectacular explosion! The two others were harrowed from every other side by a nightmarish hail of constant flak and shards flying through the air, some even penetrating the cockpits of the pilots and threatening to turn them into mince-meat!

But as the pilots entered evasive maneuvers to avoid the supporting fire from Stormwind's own defenses, the White Hand also responded with their own attack against the air. On top of the battlements, some battle mages had bound together to summon a flurry of spells that they threw up against the attacking copters, conjured to do everything to blind the pilot with searing displays of light magic to causing them to explode with ravenous shows of deadly fire magic!

Back on the battlements, where Rae'liel and her knights were advancing, the White Hand had reorganized following the initial confusion.

As they advanced across the heavy stone walls and ramparts, the seven knights were suddenly met by at least twenty White Hand mercenaries as they appeared up from the stairs in front of them. They were armed with everything from muskets to staves to heavy halberds, with battlemages, heavily armored knights in full plate from top to toe and more agile marines making up their rank. Running on their right was the White Hand Captain, wearing a complete set of heavy white and silver armor from top to toe, and an enchanted sword in his hand.

"Halt!" The Captain suddenly yelled when he saw the seven knights in his path, and the white hand mercenaries immediately stopped.

"Present!" He yelled, as at least a dozen muskets were pointed at Rae'liel and her knights. Not even bothering to raise his sword, the Captain immediately gave the order to fire.

In front of them, a volley of musket fire, accompanied by a series of spells from the battlemages, were unleashed by the small platoon against the elves! The heavy mithril infused shots flew towards them with great speed, and although some of them may have glanced off their shields and shoulder armor, some of them hit as well; punching through their armor with great force! Two of the knights fell as they were victim to the deadly volley, and another one found himself caught on fire as one of the battlemages launched a smoldering fireball over him!

With the knight's numbers diminished, the Captain raised his sword to issue the charge.

"Attack! Do not let them escape!" He called out, as all twenty of the chevaliers now charged forward in unison; lead by the Captain who was accompanied by five other knights clad in super heavy armor, wielding crushing hammers and massive kite shields that formed the iron fist of the charge!
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