"I... hate portals."
Alissah grunted, the woman feeling like her guts had been completely rearranged - as if the Death Knight's work was not enough.
"T-thanks for the help." She would mutter under her breath, biting her teeth as she rose to her feet. But when she looked ahead, it became clear to her that her human escort consisting of Liaena's apprentices had already walked off and was meters ahead of her already.
" ... nevermind."
Clutching her side, she would walk with a slow and careful pace towards the steps of the Cathedral alongside the rest of the party, being careful not to exert herself too much. She hated showing weakness, but she had seen enough brave but stubborn fools ignore injuries and exert themselves unnecessarily until they literally succumbed to relatively minor wounds, some even dying!
But regardless, to walk in the backyard and gardens of the Cathedral, even if it was through the cemetery, was a comforting feeling.
Alissah was no stranger to the pious men and women of the Church of the Light, on both two continents, and the Cathedral was a hub which she had become very familiar to ever since she left the Crusade. Perhaps one of the greatest reasons being because the Church of the Holy Light were one of the few institutions that were able to find a somewhat noble use and pursuit for her unique skillset. And usually more exciting missions than merely investigating a superstitious farmer's well because he heard a weird splashing sound that would turn out to stem from a drowning cat!
But, on another note, the Church's missions were also notably more safe and less suicidal than those wild ideas of Sharon! Fortunately, requests from the High Elf were rather rare.
"I need to resupply. No, wait; medical ward first. I can probably get one of the apprentices to deliver a note of requisition to Brother Marcus while I heal."
But as Alissah was planning her stay at the Cathedral, her thoughts would be suddenly interrupted by a rather surprised gasp from one of the Night Elves!
Alissah would raise her head and gaze towards the gathering of Night Elves from under her large leather hat, just in time to see the Night Elven magi recover two, tiny women from Aleena's rear! Stopping on the spot, Alissah's jaw would drop down as she stared at the scene with amazement. It took a couple of seconds until she recognized Bella, together with...
"My prisoner?!"
"My prisoner... you got her!" Alissah gasped as she looked at Sathrielle, still gobsmacked by the whole thing.
Yet as she raised her hand, barely having mentally recovered from the surprise, Vashi had already decided on which little human it was that she wanted to keep apparently, as the Night Elven Magi would promptly ram her arm - alongside a screaming and utterly terrified Sathrielle - straight back up into Sentinel Aleena's big, purple butt!
Alissah merely stared blankly as her prisoner disappeared back up into Aleena's ass, before shaking her head. With what force Vashi had initiated the push, Alissah began to suspect that Sathrielle had gone beyond any recoverable depth!
"At least I won't have to worry about her going anywhere. I doubt she will be escaping that place anytime soon!"
Alissah began walking, but her eyes remained on Aleena's buttocks up which Sathrielle had 'escaped', at least until the woman finally managed to tear her eyes away and walked alongside the rest of the group.
As they entered the nave of the Cathedral, a place that was mostly deserted so early in the morning, Alissah would walk up next to Liaena and Rithrynn.
"I apologize for interrupting, but I would like to thank you for assisting me and Sharon on this mission. Your creative ability lady Rune, and the skills of you and your battle sisters, Night Elf, were absolutely essential for our success tonight. Regardless of what you might believe, it is clear that you are blessed by the light." Alissah would finally speak as she looked between Liaena and Rithrynn, smiling for the first time, until the woman's eyes landed on the latter.
"But, if possible, I would like to have my prisoner back; the one who is still in your battle sister's butt, the elf with the Runeblade and... head."
Alissah would say, before staring awkwardly down at the human head of the Death Knight that was hanging by Aleena's hips!