Avatar of Sinerathin
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    1. Sinerathin 11 yrs ago


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so much lies ----> Insert Doge Picture

Also, I'll skip the next post. All my characters are either unconscious or not doing anything atm ;)
Think I'll give you at least a few turns at most before another plot or scheme appears.
"Ohhh, little bitch! Gah!" Astrid snarled as she desperately defended herself against Liaena's frenzied attack! Liaena had taken the rogue by surprise, and been quite talented at locating her weak point which was her shoulder - a weakness that Liaena had not taken for granted in her hysterical assault.

Yet past the first barrage of assaults, the fight began to go considerably better while Astrid stepped back and blocked most of the girl's attack. Past the original surprise, Astrid quickly recognized that there was little form or rythm to Liaena's attack, as Liaena seemed to switch between angrily slapping to overly telegraphed attacks that the assassin easily countered. The worst she could do past Astrid's defense was pulling her hair and wasted kicks that, while uncomfortable; did not do much actual damage.

As Liaena tried to send yet another kick into her side, Astrid suddenly reached out and snatched Liaena's left foot mid air. Her other arm was still weak however, and could not do much more than merely block Liaena's flailing arms as the rabid girl hammered her fists down at her as if she was some sort of anvil.
Latching her still healthy arm properly around Liaena's foot that she had grabbed, Astrid began to suddenly walked forward - pushing Liaena off her balance and eventually tipping her over; as both of the women landed on the snoring body of Ashei!

Landing on top of Liaena, Astrid immediately followed up with a headbutt right into Liaena's template; an exchange that while painful ultimately ended with being worse for Liaena.
Yet to her surprise, Liaena still fought back! Although she was definitely not a professional fighter of any kind, Astrid was thoroughly impressed by the little girl's sheer resilience and endurance! One would have thought that she was a part-time boxing bag for the Night Elves in her spare time!

"Why won't you just cooperate you stupid cow!" Astrid railed furiously as she snuck her arm past Liaena's guard, giving the girl a short but firm hit in the side of her jawbone!
“Thanks so much. Um…were you going this way?”

Astrid merely stared back at Liaena, keeping a smile on her face as the Night Elf was still watching.

"No... "

"Okay then, have a happy season!" Liaena said with a provocative sweetness that left Astrid's seething with fury behind her happy mask. Choosing to remain idle and not make any sudden moves, she watched as Ashei and Liaena walked away, the little girl leaning on the Night Elf's hips with her arms around her waist as if Ashei was her big protector or something. If it hadn't been for the fact that she knew the surrounding context, Astrid could imagine that she could otherwise easily have mistaken Ashei and Liaena for being in an intimate relationship or something judging by how close they walked.

This was the moment that most rogues would view as failed, and would leave.
However, there was just something about the human girls' attitude that stabbed at Astrid's professional pride. Not to mention the frustration from potentially losing her only clue as to Donald's whereabouts!

As Ashei and Liaena had walked a few feet ahead, Astrid suddenly took a step forward behind them. Retrieving a blackened bamboo blowpipe from her cloak, she raised it up to her mouth before blowing; sending a tranquilizer dart the size of a small needle flying through the air towards the Night Elf! Liaena, who had been throwing frequent looks behind her, saw Astrid with the blowpipe; but by that time, it was already too late!
The dart found its mark, hitting the back of Ashei's neck above her collar and beneath her helmet, where it dug its way through her hood, hair and eventually into her skin.

"Now you are mine, bitch... " Astrid muttered to herself as her eyes shifted towards Liaena, throwing the human girl a devilish grin.
So much for progression and tolerance among Azeroth's oldest and wisest, Rithrynn :)
"The bitch!"

Astrid's head snapped to Liaena, just as the Night Elf's gaze fell upon her. The dagger behind Liaena was already gently squeezing its tip against Liaena's back, needing only the slightest force to push through and penetrate through her clothes and skin. That damnable girl was trying to set her up!

But stabbing the girl wouldn't do much good now. She was currently the center of attention for a big Night Elf towering in front of them. It would probably only make the situation worse.

"Where had she even come from?!"

Astrid groaned mentally at the fact the elf had surprised her. She had spent hours charting every patrol pattern and point of interest around the house. This Night Elf had seemingly come out of the blue from nowhere!
What had begun as a brilliantly easy and managable kidnapping had quickly taken a turn for the worst as her luck had failed her yet again!

"Noooo-no, no no no... " Astrid was quick to answer, patting Liaena endearingly on the top of her head.
"You are mistaken, I don't know Sharon at all."

With eyes shifting between Liaena and Ashei standing in front of her; Astrid suddenly realized that she was still wearing her mask, something that didn't help her make herself look any more inconspicuous. Quickly moving one hand up to the shroud around her lower face, she pulled it down so that the Night Elf could see her face, conjuring up a broad smile.

"Though, I think you will find his house if you continue that way... "

Astrid said as she raised her available hand up into the air, pointing with her thumb back at the street behind them from where Liaena had originally come from. Throwing an almost pleading look up at Ashei, the rogue prayed that the Night Elf would accept the direction and just move on!
"Oh, I have a place nearby where we can talk." Astrid explained with a smirk as her right arm moved up beneath her cloak to a piece of cloth hanging on her leather vest. Within the blink of an eye, there was little more than a glimmer of a steel blade before the rope around Liaena's legs had been severed with one quick motion by the assassin who was now holding a clean, curved pointed dagger, a weapon she had seemingly conjured out of nowhere.

Pulling the now expended bolas up from the ground and latching them onto her belt, she reached down to grab Liaena by her arm to pull her back up from the snow; letting out a slight grunt of discomfort as she had to use her shoulder.

"Don't worry, child. I won't take much of your time." Astrid said, attempting to reassure Liaena as she gave the human a pat on her shoulder. Positioning herself behind Liaena, her right arm with the dagger was right behind the girl.
Turning Liaena away from the main street, the assassin began to lead the girl towards the side alley.

"Astrid, is that you?" Suddenly came the muffled voice from the disheled Donald from the sock.

This immediately made Astrid pause for a moment, as the rogue looked instinctively from side to side in the street for the source of the voice; but there was nothing but empty windows and more falling snow for her to see.

"Did you say something? ... "

Astrid cast a curious look to Liaena, before smiling. Kathlin' merely turned her head halfway around to look back at her, the girl shrugging her shoulders.

"What did you say?"

"Hm, nevermind." Astrid muttered, shaking her head a little before she continued to lead Liaena towards the back alley.
"Who's your mom and dad? Are they rich?"

She asked, eyeing Liaena's necklace with a look of deep curiosity. Although it's exact origin eluded the assassin, she knew more than enough that the necklace far exceeded the wages of that of a common servant girl. It was a piece of jewelry she would not have expected to see anywhere else but on rich aristocrats, nobles or in the shelves of jewelry shops. The fact that it seemed to be of elven design was interesting, which in itself could add to its value.

Had she just kidnapped an Upper Class girl?

"If so, it would be some nice ransom money even if she has nothing to tell me."
If Astrid was playing warm & cold hide'n seek, she'd be literally on fire right now!
As Liaena, disguised in the form of fake Kathlin, was running down the street; the blizzard outside was picking up. Yet through the loud wind, a faint, abnormal whistle could be heard, as a pair of bolas came flying out of nowhere from the thick storm!

The twin metal balls tied together by a rope hit Liaena's legs right below her knees, where they stopped and wrapped themselves around the girl's legs; finishing the whole entrapment with a painful finisher as one of the metal balls smashed up into her knee cap.

As Liaena fell to the ground, hamstrung and tied up at her feet; a hooded figure appeared in the corner of her eyes. Walking out of hiding from behind a wall was a black masked woman, with a black shawl around her neck and up to her nose beneath her hood. She was wearing some ragged leather vestments over some simple cloth and wool clothes, and a thick, gray cloak around her.
Carassing a blackjack in her leather gloves, the woman walked towards 'Kathlin' lying on the ground before her.

"Well, well, well.... aren't you a stroke of good luck? All by yourself on your lonesome?" The woman said, as the wind suddenly blew her hood back. The woman had a long, blonde hair running down to her neck, and bright, crystal blue eyes.

It was Astrid Blacklake.
Her right shoulder was still aching from the wound she had received earlier, but it had recovered to the point it was functional again. Yet the moment she had heard that Donald had been captured by the despicable High Elf, Sharon, and his crazed Night Elf companions, Astrid had wasted no time to get out of bed and rush spy on Sharon's house.

Kneeling down in the snow next to Liaena, Astrid grabbed her by the back of her head to pull her face towards her to look at her. Studying 'Kathlin's' features, it was a brief moment of curiosity in Astrid's eyes before she spoke again.

She had not seen this girl before... was it one of Sharon's servants?

"She came from his mansion so she obviously must have some kind of connection!"

"You are going to come with me, and we will have a talk; little girl. And then you can go home." Astrid said with a cold voice, gently moving some strains of Liaena's hair that had fallen in front of her face to the side with her blackjack.
"But if you try to scream, or resist me in any other way; I will send you to the magical land of fairies and rainbows with a medium brain concussion. Do you understand?"

Astrid sneered as she gave Liaena a warning look. Ideally, she would have just knocked this servant girl out to begin with and dragged her off the street. But she would rather avoid having to carry the girl with her to the nearest shelter, with her arm still weak and vulnerable. It was a pain she would rather avoid!
She didn't know how long it would take for Sharon to notice that he was missing one of his girls. From what she had heard, he always had plenty. Surely it'd take him some extra time to notice if one of them were missing? Either way, all she needed to know was Donald's whereabouts and condition. Anything else was optional, so an interrogation shouldn't take long!
I think I will wait with posting until after your post, Liaena.

Sharon is pretty much far out of the picture, and Donald isn't exactly in a position to do much anyway, unless I plan on having him do an Esmeralda'esque escape attempt. :)

And oh boy, it seems being tasked to do anything by Serphia tends to be fraught with bad luck :O
"Not again!"

Donald cried out as he was suddenly snatched away, and stuffed into a glorified sock. Tumbling to the bottom, the assassin spouted out curses and swear words on his way down.

This was the third time he had been captured. In just one day! For a supposedly masterful assassin, thief and rogue like himself, it was nothing short of outrageous! Professional had standards, yet now, any level of quality or professionalism that Donald had established throughout his career was quickly being abolished by one stroke of bad luck followed by another!

"This can't be happening, grrrllwwll!" Donald sneered to himself while grinding his teeth together, before shuffling around in an attempt to sit in a somewhat upright position in the stocking. He had no idea who his captor was this time. The stockings were partly see-through, but they were moving in a dark corridor, with the stocking jingling from side to side which made it hard to identify his kidnapper.

Yet, who would steal him from the Night Elves?

Admittedly, it was not the first time in the day that he had been snatched from one enemy by another. The first one being from his ex-employer Sherpa, by the Night Elves. But who would risk life and limb to snatch him from the Night Elves?
Was this the day all his enemies had decided to go at him simultaneously, but halfway through got into an argument about who was going to have the right to kill him? Was that why he seemed to be going from one pair of hands to another?

"Look," Donald called out from the stockings.
"I don't know who you are or for what you're pissed off for, but if you intend to kill me, why not do it now and make it quick? Being constantly kidnapped is getting real tedious!"
Up above in Sharon's study, Richard and Sharon became quiet as they listened to the ruckus downstairs.

"Do they ever sleep?" Greymoon asked while taking a sip from his glass.

Sharon sat in his chair, and merely rolled his eyes across the roof as the High Elf let out a sigh.

"I believe they sleep on rotation. That would be the best and most efficient way to torture me and my neighbors... "

"So you do care about your neighbors then, heh?"

" ... only when they file complaints to the city guard."
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