He Who Walks Behind said
I must confess I laughed rather heartily at Wes' personality.
Yeah, he'll do that to you. And then
he'll fukkin punch yer gudern ey ut. bitsch. By the way, what do you mean by working on our sheets? Are you personally making up the stats for all of our skills and coming up with perks and shit? If so, keep at it. I've got a bit of a suggestion to make for H.O.W.A.R.D. to give him at least a small makeup of stats. Probably just the main six, but that's up to you. If I were to choose, I'd probably set his stats at this.
STR 2 - Built for roving, and not for weight lifting, the little bot can carry a bit, but put too much on him and he'll get overburdened.
DEX 5 - His receptical eyes are keen and take into the aspect a lot of what's going on around him. His accuracy is pretty damn good, seeing as his targeting computers are top of the line.
CON 4 - As long as he's got power, he can run for as long as you want him to. Of course, some of his parts might break down, but only once the critical ones go will he stop.
WIS 5 - Built in programs allow him to safely identify friendlies and foes, and loads of programs are set in place to make sure he doesn't go psycho and mow down teammates.
INT 1 - Pretty much has the intelligence of a small child, but that doesn't stop him from
viciously murdering neutralizing his enemies!
CHA 2 - He's pretty good to get along with. He won't argue or complain, and he's just so damn cute. Not much of a conversation starter, though. Can't talk.