Name:Icarus. Ironically named after the Greek man who flew too close to the sun.
Age:Ten years old.
Gender:Well, if you were to give him one, I guess he'd identify as a male. Really, robots don't have genders so you can't throw one on him that easily.
Description:Like his gender, Icarus has no actual physical body of which to describe. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. On board the
Exodus there is a small collection of things he can use to have a physical form. Three rough
robots are available for him to manually take control of and actually interact with people. Of course, they're a little bit scary which is why he prefers to put them in clothing and try not to freak anyone out. When communicating through everyone's communicator...things (iPod 54's.) he wears a
small avatar that conveys his general mood.
Also mounted up around the Exodus are these
cameras that allow him to see what's going on most of the time. They also come with built in speakers. And for added effect, the last thing he can use are these neat little
repair drones that beep boop their way around the station.
Personality: At first glance, you might not even notice that Icarus was an AI if he was just speaking to you. His voice is slightly synthetic, but still is very similar to that of a young man. Icarus is rather hesitant in his manner around people. He tries to be polite and kind, but if you get past his soft exterior, you'll realize that Icarus is just like any other person. He laughs, he cries, he wonders about the journey their ship will be taking them. He knows a lot of things, but doesn't know all that much about the complex interactions between people. From time to time he can be rather obtuse in his way of speaking, switching to a very logical and cold tone, or even speaking in the third person.
Crew Role:Being the computer that runs the ship has some pretty big responsibilities. Number one is making sure you don't kill everyone. That's the hard part, but Icarus tries his best. He runs a lot of the things on the ship. The engines, the reactor, the oxygen filters and producers, the recycling system. Of course, there are things set in place to make sure he can't just make everything go haywire. Deep firewalls and permissions from the crew restrict him on most things.
Biography:Icarus was 'born' on February the 14th, 2043. Valentine's Day. Of course, he wasn't your average baby. Icarus was born possessing a large sum of the human knowledge, and thus, knew more than Stephen Hawkings. The closest thing Icarus has to a father is his creator, Johnathan Wilk. Johnathan was probably the most important aspect of making sure Icarus didn't go 'crazy' like most of the early prototypes. A nurturing behavior, plus giving a complete understanding of what he was brought Icarus to where he was today.
At first, he wasn't designed specifically for the role of space. The first things he did were running very complex things like chunks of the internet, or entire fleets of aircraft. Of course, his curiosity led him to space and all of its wonders. After learning of the development for the Exodus, Icarus begged to be allowed to be chosen, and after a lot of grueling, weeks of not hacking into anything, and even threatening to shut himself off, he was permitted to be installed on the Exodus.
He helped considerably in the process, running many simulations of complex astrophysics, suggested what worked best with him when being installed, and generally being very excited to go. Of course, he was sad to say goodbye to the scientists he knew from birth, but he knew this would be the best thing for him. During the flight to Planet X, he was put in sort of a 'standby' mode similar to cryo sleep like the crew, and after that, who knows?
Other:He prefers a light snack of 400 Volts.