Avatar of SirBeowulf
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


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**Name:** Aurellius Bellum. Bell-end. Goldie. Guy with a Big Gun. **Age: ** Twenty-Juan. **Gender:** Manly. **Race:** Regular Human 4 Lyfe. **Weapon:** [Ascalon](http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/131/0/0/ascalon_by_claudiuskuo-d7i2088.png) Aurellius' weapon is a little bit... over the top, some might say. His weapon, Ascalon, has two functions. One, is a piercing lance form, deadly against single targets. Its other form is a rapid fire mini-gun that fires off Dust-infused bullets. Of course, since his weapon is so large, Aurellius has a hard time carrying around the damn thing. Couldn't development had made it a little more light weight? To compensate for his rather slow speed while firing and charging, Aurellius bears a large burden over his shoulders. The backpack is a bit of a mix between an ammo cache and a jet-pack, and is roughly the size of an Army pack. Of course, he can't fly or anything. That would just go against the laws of physics. No, his jet-pack is for maneuverability. Jets placed all over the pack allow him to use the thrusters to dodge out of the way of an attack, or thrust forwards in his lance form for an attack. His weapon is developed by the grand and marvelous Bellum Manufacturer Co. Don't yell at the name, that wasn't his idea. Anyway, the weapon is focused less on speed and maneuverability than other weapons, but easily makes up for it in sheer power. His backpack can hold up to two thousand infused rounds, so he really has to stock up soon or he'll run out of ammo. His boosters also use Dust, and so have limited uses. Still, don't bash the Lance, it's made from a specially designed alloy that allows it to pierce even the thickest of shells. And hey, lances don't run out of ammo. His mini-gun also has to take time spinning up. **Specialty: ** Getting in close and fucking the shit out of everything. Well, that's only the gist of it. Really, the idea is to soften his enemies up with lead, and then getting in close to bash things around with his lance. In terms of class, he'd be a hybrid between Warrior and Gunslinger, with a tad of tank splashed in even though he doesn't use much armor. Oh, and tactical rolls. **Semblance: ** _Boy, I Love The Color Red_. Aurellius' ability is more of a support ability than others. His weapon rips things to shreds, causing his enemies to pump out their glorious colored life juices. Any target that Aurellius successfully manages to hit will bleed quickly, splattering the grand color everywhere and allowing him to easily locate wounded targets in battle through their very visible juices. Don't try to escape, because he WILL find you. Of course, the ability doesn't do much else other than help him track the enemy. Pretty boring as most Semblance's go, though. **Personality: ** Aurellius' personality is a bit skewed. He never really got much contact with other kids growing up, seeing as he had a private teacher ready for him when he was just a wee lad. Still, that doesn't mean he's a messed up loner. Aurellius is, well... slick. Businessmen have this chivalrous and charismatic sense of personality about them. Still, Aurellius is ruthless, and isn't afraid to leave behind anyone slowing the group down. He isn't fond of Faunus either. They're just a bunch of sub-human weirdos, with god damn rabbit ears and cat tails. Its weird, and most don't look good in suits. Still, Aurellius is a little... compassionate of his friends, if you're lucky enough to become one. You're either a friend or just another person. That, or you're family. **Color: ** Stark blood red. **Emblem: ** His sigil makes its appearance on the guard of his weapon. A simple red and white dragon is his family crest and it fits quite well. **Appearance: ** [Aurellius](https://thanmoreseries.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/baccano-24.jpg) is a rather handsome young man. With blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tall stature with broad shoulders, he would make a father proud just to look at him. Of course, not to mention his attire. Suits. Always suits. If you choose not to wear a suit, you're not doing it right. A good tie and a good suit make any appearance just that much better. Don't expect to see Aurellius wearing much other than a suit, even in combat. Armor, even though the golds and reds might look nice, are just too bulky for Aurellius' already weighed down load. Other than that, Aurellius is best known for his wicked grin.
Assuming that this whole thing still has room for people to join even though it has around like twenty people, I think I might throw my dice into the pot. I'll be playing one of my old characters known as Aurellius Bellum. Neat chap who wears a suit and has a lance minigun. Pretty cool guy. Lucius over there probably should remember who he is. If there's still room, of course.
Hm... This whole adsense business is rather complicated. Nobody knows the intricacies behind it and what triggers it or not. I wish it would go away so we could get back to our apocalyptic world where there are no standards. But really, I think as long as we don't go into super uber detail we should be reasonably okay. I'll try to not be as graphic as I have been in my writing from now on, though. Still, expect more chicken shit. Edit: Oi, Zeph. What is your avatar from? I don't know why, but I may have seen the character before but can't remember the name.
f̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶p̶i̶s̶s̶ ̶c̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶v̶a̶g̶o̶o̶ ̶w̶i̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶p̶a̶n̶t̶s̶u̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶u̶ ̶ Got it about the raunchiness. Its Jum's fault really, he's corrupting my innocence! I usually try and use less dirty words and be creative with my cursing. As for being Co of GMus. I wouldn't mind taking up that mantle. I'm on 95% of the time since I don't ever do real life. PLUS YOU CAN TRUST ME. I TOTALLY WON'T KILL OFF EVERYONE WITH MY NEW POWERS OF GODHOOD. Its really fine if you're not available all the time. This is an advanced rp so we don't have to move sanic speed.
Wah. She's just still disgusted about hearing the canned chicken comment. By the way, I've been thinking of setting up something for Jones' caravan with a list of all the people in it from Ron to Nova to even the worst sentry Jim. I might work on that if Zeph wants me to. By the way, Thess. We're pretty damn close to Townhill if you wanna make your way over. Just sayin'.
> > Meanwhile, Wes sits alone and bored at having nobody to join him on adventurific journeys. > > It's better than being hit in the back with throwing knives and losing all your money. _Naaaaaah._
Meanwhile, Wes sits alone and bored at having nobody to join him on adventurific journeys.
![enter image description here](http://i.gyazo.com/fb8744004ab598cbff7dfd9b89332722.png "nobs got ownt")
So basically Mythrilite is [this right here.](http://www.shadowedblade.net/wp-content/gallery/sao/sao_invincible.jpg)
> Actually, that does remind me. I should have said it sooner but I'm really impressed by the standard of posts I've been seeing from everyone :D B-baka... N-no, your posts are quality!~ And a new post is made.
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