Avatar of SirBeowulf
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 1012 (0.25 / day)
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


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Whelp. Here ya go, TEAM MODA. https://titanpad.com/RWBYModeration Save this on yer' favorites, laddies.
Well, if you are going to accept the offer, just go on steam and search 'Jum' and his should be the first one you find. From there, go to his friends list and add 'Donk'. His'll be listed as Jum Bucket if you don't see it.
Also, I vote we pop out some sort of Titanpad/Piratepad/Whatever they call it. Either that or a set of google docs, but not everyone has a gmail account. Having a few of these, especially one per team would help out a lot in collaboration between people, which I personally prefer. Better dialogue, more interaction, etc.
Ah, well, that's not what I really was asking for. Me and Jum just use steam to chat and what not. I can't remember the last time we played a video game together. ;__; also yay plotte
Wah. I'm gonna go with what the post says and dump this here.
Is it just me or does the link to chapter one not work? Plus, you should probably link the google doc with all the stuff on it, so we can chat and shit. ALSO YEAH. OOC. LET'S PUT ANOTHER 500 POSTS ON HERE NOW.
obv dav shuld di. he big meene. I don't really mind either way it goes. It'll be a neat experience either way it goes. Oi, Kyle, when are you up for our next collaboboboboration post? I was thinking we'd be talking for quite a bit while Catherine goes off to SCAVENGE AND DIE. Oh, and Zeph. Do you happen to have a steam account? This goes for everyone else as well.
DID SOMEBODY SAY FOOD WAR?! HEROES OF BACON: THE NEXT CROISSANT! oh and I guess I'll toss in someone dancing.
These rules are unacceptable! I refu- *dies instantly*
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