Pilsky Yakovitch.
According to the ruling class of Tirna-Sorset,
Pilsky is nothing more than another rat clogging up their sewers, and at first glance that might be true. Like any other slum dweller, appearance is not one of the main things one tries to improve. Usually food and shelter are of more importance. Still, beneath the dirt and grime, one might think of Pilsky as a rather handsome man of twenty years. He's a rather short fellow, just barely topping at an average height of five feet, ten inches. Sloppy brown hair in need of a good wash, but a surprising set of hazel eyes that get all of the ladies. Not much body weight on him though. Hunger tends to do that a lot. Of course, being used to going hungry all his life gave him the better edge once winter came around. That and a hidden stash of stolen food tends to help.
When given a chance to throw it all behind him, Pilsky jumped on the chance faster than you could call Aenda a bad ruler. Who wouldn't? The benefits given to him were certainly worth it all. Free land as far as the eye could see, extremely fertile soil, and a bunch of natives who would gladly give up their women. That and a free ticket out of the prisons was a big plus. To a man who had lived all of his life in the cramped slums of the capital, throwing a chance like that away would have been suicide.
Or a surefire way to not die of starvation and exposure to the elements. Instead of tight, cramped slums where you at least had a few feet to breath, now he had been subjected boat ride over with no bed and the only solace being that he had already thrown up his meal hours earlier. It was a helluva few weeks, that.
Growing up in those slums, sure it was hard, but it was the only thing he knew. Mother was a whore, father was a drunkard emigrated from an country named Gornska to the East looking for work. Stealing came easy to him at least. With no craftsman or metal smith to apprentice under, all he knew was self taught or learned from a father in his few sober moments. His work consisted of shining shoes or being hired for barely anything at textiles or workshops. His only experience with anything in the water were sitting at the docks, watching the boats enter and leave the ports. That and chopping fish.
His other job was being in a roving band of young men. Your average gang that played at being big, but never did anything than getting in scuffles and territory disputes. It was there he learned how to fight and how to use a knife. Hell, he even had a girl he liked. Pretty lass who was in a work house. Probably only liked him for his money.
Then he made the mistake of trying to steal from the rich. A lower noble, but a noble none the less should have been a good target for his gang. It turns out well trained, well fed guards who wielded swords were more than a match for a bunch of rats with chipped daggers and thin stomachs. Turns out said noble was being rather generous, and gave them a choice. Either be locked away in the prisons or take his place on a ship sent to start a colony.
It turned out to be pretty stupid of Pilsky to say yes. After gathering up the measly sums he had saved over the years, saying goodbye to his friends, and giving a kiss to that pretty lass, he was given a set of papers he couldn't read, thrown onto a boat, and sent off to new lands.
Pilsky quickly realized how different it was to the slums. Having never held a hoe or a shovel, no hammer or nail, nor even owned a chicken or a goat, it was difficult. His hands bled from the blisters, his skin cracked and peeled from the sun, and his bones ached from the work. His first 'shelter' broke down within' a week. Hell, he even managed to get the effects of poison ivy down his breeches whilst doing the you know what. It wasn't a pretty sight at all.
And while the winters back home were something, it was even worse in Uponhill. Like most, his living conditions weren't the greatest. Combining poor construction and little idea of how much fire wood needed led to a miserable and hungry season.