Avatar of SirBeowulf
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


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Lugu, I've changed Aurellius' semblance into one that actually works for him. Like I said earlier, its basically Guttsu's berserker armor, in that it gives the wearer intense strength and speed, but at the cost of destroying their body.
I've changed it to Ferdinando. ;___ Ferdinand is best name.
@SirBeowulf I thought you were going to do something about Tazanno's last name. At first, I thought it would be okay, but I reread your sheet and realized that the whole "Famous Ferdinand family of South Nepharie" is going to get uber confusing considering that the king of Talbor is named Draco of Ferdinand.
Yeah. Still no clue what to do with it. Would adding an E to the end change anything?
The man wielding the megaphone spoke up again, "I repeat, throw down your weapons or we will fire upon you!" Jones was the first to respond, automatically standing up and putting himself in the line of fire if anything went wrong. His hands were held up and he kept a calm face. "Do what he says, people. I'd prefer if this went down without us receiving a supplement of lead to our faces." He sighed, sending a quick glance back to Arthur, "We're not resisting, we're gonna come out slowly and unarmed." Arthur glanced at Jones and nodded his approval, not that he had any weapons to put down. Just to be safe, he place the binoculars down on the top of the car and limped out from behind the car before speaking, "I need my cane, gentlemen! It's not a weapon. See," he said as he lifted his pant leg to show the mechanical leg that was clearly old tech from long before the Fall. Catherine groaned, feeling cheated. She didn't have anything against DERB, except that they were all assholes. Regardless, she holstered her revolver, not quite willing to drop it, and slowly peaked her head over the car. "Try not to shoot me next time!" She shouted back, pulling her hood back up. Jeremy looked up at his leader, obviously a bit conflicted about tossing his rifle away. A nod from Jones got him to relieve himself of the weapon, as well as Hans and Mico. The megaphone man spoke up again as the group walked towards the derb men. "Keep your movements slow and don't try any hero business. You especially, Lost Bitch." "Yeah, fuck you too," Catherine replied deadpan, keeping her arms crossed. Jones ignored her as he walked to the front of the group, eventually coming to a stop ten feet away from the soldiers. Like most jockeys for DERB, the men all looked healthy and well fed. For the apocalypse, at least. Their equipment, while still effective, looked passed down and held together by duct tape and string. Most of them were equipped with a motley collection of rifles, and their badges identified them as 'Seekers'. Tasked with the elimination of Lost, most Seekers are extremely hostile against Burdened, and their ways of taking out the unfortunate mindless munchers had many rumors behind them. The one with the megaphone thankfully decided on not using it to burst the caravan's eardrums. "State your business in sector F-11c. Take out your identification too," He laughed, a wide grin forming on his face. "And maybe you could perhaps make a contribution to DERB business by donating to our cause?" "I could donate bullets to your face, if you really want it," Catherine remarked, toeing the line of common sense by taunting the much more well-armed squad of DERB. "Cath," Jones replied, smiling nervously, "You do realise that there are currently twelve rifles aimed at us right now, yeah?" Catherine shrugged. "Been shot at before." The one in charge laughed again. "Some how I doubt we would miss at this range. Make a 'donation', or he gets a bullet to the knee," the man said, pointing straight at Jeremy, who just about started pissing his pants in fear. "Now, what the hell'd he do to you?" Catherine replied, staring the man down. The man stared back with a hardened face roughened with scars by the apocalypse. "I don't like his fucking face. He's got nerdy glasses too, those piss me off. And now you're starting to piss me off as well. Drop that iron on your hip, too. Did you think I wouldn't see it?" "Nah, I just thought it complimented my eyes." Catherine grabbed the gun by the holster and quickly undid it from her hip, letting it drop to the floor. Jones sighed at Catherine's rebukes directed at the DERB man. When it came to your life on the line, it was much easier to grovel at the feet of some asshole instead of trying to provoke him. "I'm reaching for my documents, now. I think you really should reconsider this. I'm running official DERB goods on a caravan. They wouldn't appreciate one of their men deciding to ransack it." Suddenly, one of the men in the DERB group spoke up, "Sir, shouldn't we be evacuating the area? Protocol says we shouldn't stick to one place too long after firing more than twenty roun-" "Shut the hell up, Private, I know what the damn protocol is. Do you want to make extra money or do you want to let these burdened scum go,” he growled as he reached forwards to take the papers from Jones. The leader scowled as he read the contents of the documentation. “Well, well, well, Mister Abrams. It’s your lu-” he said, before being caught off guard by a sudden ear wrenching screech. As if on cue, they began tearing themselves out of the woodwork, Lost started emerging from the buildings all around them, attracted by the rapid gunfire that had occurred. “Shit, fuck, open fire god damn it!” called the head honcho as he pulled out a battered revolver. The soldiers almost began panicking at the sheer amount that were converging on their position, but some drilled reflex forced them to take up their arms, the staccato sound of guns filling the air. Catherine decided to take advantage of this distraction and reacquired her handgun. Deftly, she also darted forward while the leader was looking the other way, firing at Lost, and grabbed Jones’ ID papers and stuck them into her pockets, assuming they’d be useful, and started running the other way, past Jones and back to the caravan, waving for Jones and co. to follow. “Start running,” Jones whispered to Arthur as he reached down at his side for the lead pipe, only to find nothing there. With a nod, Arthur started limping his way back toward the cars they had left behind, only to stop short in his tracks as a Lost sprinted forward from Jones’s back. Arthur swung back around, hitting the Lost square in what was left of their face with his brand new cane; the head of the poor creature caved in and it fell away, rolling around dazed as it collapsed. Jones, taking the cue, grabbed for his left behind pipe as the Lost recovered. A loud thud was heard as he brought the pipe down on the Lost’s skull, putting it out of action as bits of gore spilled out. “Keep together, Hans, get closer to us!” Jones said as Hans fell behind slightly. Only to grab ahold of a Lost coming straight at him and suplex the damn thing. “Or not, you could do that,” Jones said as he stumbled back towards and grabbed Jeremy’s rifle, tossing it to him. Catherine , while running, managed to get football tackled from the side by a rather fast Lost. She landed rather painfully on her right shoulder and just barely turned herself to face her aggressor before the force of its fist collided with her jaw. She felt a tooth get knocked loose as her gun, still in its holster, went flying. She threw her hand up to block the next fist and started to shove it off when the sound of her revolver rang out. Arthur was seen a few feet away holding the gun awkwardly as Cather kicked the now dead Lost off of herself. “H-Holy shit... “ Jeremy said as he pointed back towards the group of DERB soldiers. Dozens of Lost bodies lay around them, filled with holes, but even more had arrived to the party. What had to be fifty of the damn things were in the process of ripping the soldiers apart, limbs being torn out of their sockets as they fought desperately to survive. “We need to leave,” Jones said, a little sick at their escape being mostly in part due to the main force. “Jesus,” he said as one of the soldiers held up something. An actual damn grenade, with three more hanging on his webbing. The pin was pulled and he was swallowed up by the monsters. The explosion was incredibly loud, ringing through ears like a thousand guns had been fired at once. Jones covered his eyes as he watched the small crowd of Lost get ripped into pieces along with the military men, body parts littering the area and a load of gore and viscera covering everything. “Fuck me... “ Jones said, out of words. In the aftermath of the explosion, Arthur limped up to Catherine, holding her gun and holster out to her. She grabbed the gun and spat out some blood and her tooth as she stood, looking at the site of the explosion. “Well, can’t say I feel bad…” “Is everyone alright,” Arthur asked the group as a whole, looking around to examine what he could of their well being. “We can deal with any injuries later, we need to grab those supplies and get the hell out… I’m not even gonna suggest searching those poor bastards. All that’s left is meaty bits and charred steel.” “I will, however, suggest searching them,” Catherine replied, rubbing her jaw. “Except maybe not right now, as that explosion will probably bring any Lost that didn’t already come.” “You know, that might’ve been all the Lost in this sector. I guess we just did their job for them,” Jones said, grinning widely.
I persuaded Maxx with my
Uh... You persuaded him with your stone and rooster? I don't get it.
I see. I will work on some CSs and pick one out of them. If you all do not mind, I'd like to receive help on deciding what to go with once I finish them.
Go for a guy with a dildo launcher. It'll be fun.
I'll just be here. Watching. Judging.
Dude, Gutts was the Tankiest bastard to ever be in a Manga. You can't be like Gutts, Gutts deus est.
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