Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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<Snipped quote by Skepic>

Do you atleast like it? I like how much he is hated by the show

So! I just finally binged watched RE:Zero to catch myself up now.

Holy crap, this show REALLY hates its protagonist. And I kind of too....
Heya, sorry about the radio silence. Shall be posting tomorrow!
so how is everyone's weeks going?

mine is stressful as heck rn, like damn

Sad to hear that. Mine has been pretty average. Boring and tiring, but not much else.

Will probably post tomorrow.

"Uh huh..." Was all Addison said when Hamaguchi flat out denied her adorable speech impairment. However what she had said earlier had sparked Addison's interest. If herbalist were almost like jewelers, where their clients are mostly those of the upper class, Addison could quickly make a profit for herself with the amount of knowledge she knew. Certainly would have an advantage over others in this world, considering the apparent technological level this world was at. "Hell, I could even become this world's own Mary Seacole or something!" She thought to herself with some excitement. Addison immediatly began to scheme how she could use the money she gained from the rich clientele to cover any losses she could recieve from servicing the poorer class. However, her schemes of the future were suddenly halted when they stopped abrubtly in front of a food stall.

It was adorne with many colorful and ripe fruits, all arranged in such a way to show off to a potential customer. To Addison, they almost appeared fake due to how seemingly vibrant their appearance is.

"Chose whichever you like nyha, nyha, nyha." Hamaguchi said with an almost proud tone.

Addison gave a small laugh. "That was three in a row this time!" she thought to herself with a smile. Addison was, though taken back by the charitable nature of Hamaguchi. "Erm... Thanks! I really appreciate you helping out like this. I'll definitely return the favor as soon as I can." Looking over the stall, Addison suddenly felt fairly hungry. For some reason, traveling across dimensions to a fantasy world of magic and cat girls could work up an appetite.

Addison decided to restrain the urge to get whatever, as she was on Hamaguchi's charity, and simply picked out two apple looking fruits and an orange.. or at least she thinks it's an orange. "I'll take these then." She said to the stall keep. But then she leaned in and quickly whispered, "Hey uh, these aren't expensive, right? Sort of don't want to take advantage of the young lady's hospitality, you know?"
hey guys, favorite Re:Zero episode?

mines 15

Literally only watched to like.... episode 7 or something. Whatever episode it was when best car Subaru makes a complete ass of himself at that event in the capital when it is revealed that the midget is the 5th waifu or whatever.

Sort of put the show down for a bit, since Subaru's character really started to rub thin on me. Probably gonna start watching again.

At least it didn't COMPLETELY tank early in a series... UNLIKE SOME SEASONAL ANIME! *Cries in corner over Taboo Tattoo becoming terrible episode 5, onward*
Brains do tend to need at least 1.5 hours of sleep, and 420 gallons of mountain dew.

.... Will post tomorrow.
*Craps out small post then walks away*

"I have no need for your fancy spacing, character image title, or colored text! I am truly refined gentleman!"

A genuine smile crossed the combat medic's face when the cat girl pestered her to try on her helmet. It reminded Addison of the various villages she had gone visit to provide humanitarian aid. "Of course, I probably won't be seeing any of them for awhile...." she thought as she held up her hands against the cat girl. "Alright alright, maybe later." she said laughing.

"Uhh, I don't know really, you can try to ask for work but what do you enjoy or what are you good at?"

Addison paused for a moment. What was she good at? Well she had her military training, but with a lack of serious firearms and limited knowledge of anything even remotely related to sword play, she decided to rule any mercenary type work. Wait, of course! Her medical background. "I have extensive knowledge in medicine. You know, actual medicine, and not magical powers that make all the injuries go away." she told the cat girl. Addison still could barely believe what had transpired only a few moments earlier. The medic side of her wondered how much of her body was actually healed, and how much of it was simply killing the pain.

"Thank you very much for thinking of my magic as great miss! My name is Hamaguchi Kura it is very nice to meet you. Please follow me for a second nya!"

With that, Hamaguchi grabbed Addison's hand and began to lead her, only to stop suddenly, as if she had made some sort of mistake. Addison had noticed a few times something similar happening during her conversion, but only just now made the connection. "Sure lead the way Hamaguchi, but umm.... I got to ask, have you been trying not to say... "nya"?" Addison asked as they walked.
Hey, drunk streaming is best streaming, Or so I've been told.
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