Avatar of Skepic
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  • Posts: 1094 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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<Snipped quote by Lexicon>
Actually I have a plan for once we get in the air

Enjoying breakfast at the coffee shop I live over, picking up all the hipster chicks. You?
*puts down the image I was going to post every so slowly*

Why not? I suppose we have moved it over to the next page now XD
It's safe to come out now [@Skeptic]!
Also you REALLY want Vesta to kill Zin don't you? XD
Also will post when I get home from work. I'm about a quarter of the way through it and been called in early.

We'll see how long this lasts
@Spriggs27 @Lunarlors34

It's because of you guys I can't check this thread while at work..... All this groping going around.
Bump bump bump
"Aye sir, I'm sure a few thousand feet will give you enough room to keep the place quiet." Krauss said, joking along. He made his way back across the ship, entering the hangar once again. The aircraft had already been pushed out onto the helipad and the crew were running around it, giving it one final look over and fueling the rest of the tanks up. The crew chief approached Krauss with a clipboard.

"Alright sir, we gave another look over. Her rudder was a bit stiff, so we drained a bit of the hydraulic fluid to make it a bit looser. We also added a bit more oil to engine one. Seems a small crack in the cables was causing a bit of a leak, so we patched that up. I guess over all, she's held up surprisingly well for being such a complicated aircraft." Krauss took the clipboard and began to examine the checklist itself. Nodding, he handed it back to the crew chief.

"Well, it's not like she was designed as a luxury craft. Since its an exploration vehicle, redundancy and durability were definitely top priorities in her design process. That's why we get so many secondary cables and control surfaces. Anyway, thanks for the check up, Chief. The captain's given us the a-okay for the flight, so you'll see her fly just yet." he said with a smile.

Krauss began his own quick pre-flight check, testing the controls and the flaps, turning the electronics off and on again to make sure everything was in working order.

"Uh, hi." Someone said, trying to get Krauss's attention. "I was told to come here for a ride? Are we going up in that bird?"

Well, it seemed that one of the guests of honor had arrived. Low and behold the reporter was revealed to be the man Krauss had helped put out the fire with on the ship. Smiling, Krauss hopped out the cockpit and walked over the reporter.

"Beauty, ain't she? State of the art aviation technology, the pinnacle of VTOL aircraft my country had been researching. And you, my good sir, get see the world from above in it!" Krauss gave a short laugh after is intentionally overly dramatic introduction. "The name's Krauss, Krauss Helfer. And I will be your pilot day. I've flown a thousand flights and a thousand crashes. A perfect record." he jokingly finished, holding out a hand.
Spat out a post before I'm gone for a bit tonight. Sort of hurried things along, just so we can get moving.
The man quickly explained his situation and his apparent.... proposition to Ava. The townsfolk relaxed a bit, but still were not trusting. Though the invitation to join this group made Ava's eyes light up. It was her chance! A chance to finally escape this infuriatingly boring and monotonous life of hers! No more paper routes, no more practicing magic in secret, and she gets to stick it to the bastards that forced her into this life anyway. However, before Ava could answer, the village leader once again stepped between the two. "I believe that question is best for her father, stranger. Follow me."

The group consisting of the stranger, Ava, and the village leader made there way a bit to the outskirts of the town, closer to mountains. There was a definite tense silence among them. Ava's mind was racing with all the possibilities this opportunity could provide, but she was anxious, worried even. She knew her father, and knew he would not agree to such a thing. Her only hope was her mother, potentially....

They arrived at a small cottage at the edge of a field. A simple home, with a middle aged woman outside, doing laundry. Her eyes widened at the site of the approaching group and she quickly ran up to them. "Ava! What did you do?!" She yelled before anyone could speak up. The village leader held up his hand. "Please, Mary, your daughter isn't in trouble. But this stranger here has an odd request of her that you as her parent should here.

They were led inside the house and sat around a kitchen table. Ava sat across from her mother and father next to the village leader, who kept a wary eye on the stranger. In the den near by, dozed her grandfather, seemingly uninterested in the situation. The stranger once again explain his position.

At first, it was silent, when suddenly the father slammed his fist against the table, shaking. "You.... I don't care if your enemy are those bastards in the church, I will NOT have you take our only child away on some crazed, half ass adventure! So what if you captured one these so called "Paragons"? What does that have to do with my daughter? Why come here, of all places, for her?! Our family has suffered enough through the generations, and I won't just send my daughter on some wild magical goose chase across the world, risking her life for some group that I've never heard of till now!" He finished loudly. Ava was taken back by her father's reaction. He always such a quiet, level headed man.

She stared at the table, dreams crushed. He was right... what was she thinking? Magical adventures? Powerful, ancient artifacts? Why would some group like that call upon some isolated freak of magic high up in the Alps? Her father was about to dismiss the man, when suddenly her grandfather spoke up.

"David. Your heart, as ever, is in the right place." The old man rose from his chair. His wings were tattered and grey, obviously had seen great use in his once youthful past. Slowly, he approached the table, placing a hand on Ava's shoulder. "You know it David, I know it, and this stranger here knows it. Ava possess an immense amount of power, just below the surface." Ava looked up at her grandfather, confused. This was the first she was hearing this. "A power that her ancestor, the one who cursed our bloodline, carried. The same curse that made me abandon my own mother and siblings, fleeing to this wonderful place. She has a power that could influence much more than a mere gust of wind. I understand your place, David, and like I said, its healthy and natural to not want to let go of your precious daughter, my granddaughter. But look at her. Like it or not, she has grown up. Every day that power within her awakens a bit more, and it is only a matter of time before you can contain it. Then the church will come for us all, and we could never fight them."

The Grandfather paced around the room, now resting a hand on Ava's father, David, with a tired smile. "You will worry, but you shouldn't, she's a Kurier! And if there's one thing we've proven, its that we're damn hard to snuff out. Now its time to prove we do not just flee." his eyes now finally rested on Ava. "Ava, my sweet granddaughter. You ultimately have the choice. " Ava's father sighed, face in his hands. Her mother gave her a pained smile, but nodded. For the first time in her life Ava had a freedom of choice. Something that may influence her life forever.

Turning to the stranger, eyes radiating stern confidence, she nodded. "I'll go with you. I want to get back a the church for what they did to me and my family. If it means keeping them from getting these Paragons, then I'll do it!"
<Snipped quote by Skepic>

You're up buddy, sorry it took so long. Just moved into a dorm and have a new full load of classes, so it's been a bit hectic for me, I know. It's pretty much the same for everyone else. So thank you for being patient.

No problem. I just hope Felix can convice a bunch of angry villagers that he ain't from the church. :D
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